Best Baby Keepsake Products

Bright Starts Grab and Spin Rattle. Colorful spinning rattle develops hand/eye coordination.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I originally got this in a gift set at Target last fall before my baby was even born, it was on super clearance.Now he's finally here and this is the only toy that soothes him to sleep when we're in the car. The gift set only came with one rattle and I never saw that set again, not, Amazon, where! I saw it as an add on item on Amazon and immediately added it to a qualifying purchase."
"Which spin around the outer rattle ring main ring is oval. shaped for easy gripping by baby ."
"I ended up buying another one since my dog thought it was his chew toy and was able to chew through the plastic and get the little beads out."
"This spin rattle is easy to hold and makes a good rattle sound without being really loud and obnoxious to the point where you, the parent, goes nuts."
"She hasn't really played with it yet, because she's still a bit too young, but she'll hold it and smile when she makes it shake."
"He is now nearly 5 months."
"The bright colors keep his attention, and the noise pulls him out of a crying spell...We had to buy extras to keep in the diaper bag, and at grandmas!"
"My son loves the crunchy ones."

The non-toxic clay is safe and easy to use to capture those precious little hands, feet or paws. Kit Includes: One bag of air-drying clay (makes 2 keepsakes of 4" diameter, or 1 larger keepsake), Plastic cutting ring, 4" diameter, glaze finish, plastic easel, wooden rolling pin, plastic straw hole punch, Four pieces of satin ribbon in pink, blue, red & green and Easy-to-follow instructions. To prevent cracking, be sure the clay is rolled out evenly (not thinner on the edges, etc) and is as smooth on the surface as possible before making the print. DELUXE VERSION INCLUDES Standard Items Plus: Glaze Finish, Black Easel and Red & Green Ribbon.
Find Best Price at Amazon"So my advice would be to glaze the front and leave the back unglazed or to glaze the back very very carefully ensuring none drips to the front."
"Would recommend allowing to dry in a dry area not on counter tops or tile as they make it cold and hold water longer."
"Good product."
"Easy to use."
"I also don't know what could be done to fix it, but we had to push really hard to get any kind of print, but whenever we would pull our baby's hand away the movement would smear the print."
"This is my 3rd time doing an ornament like this."
"After letting it dry for the first 24 hours, I picked up the prints to move it to another area to dry and the underside had black moldy spots!!"
"You can add a little bit of water and repeat the impression if your first attempt doesn't turn out well, however beware that the material becomes increasingly more difficult to work with each time you wet and/or re-shape it."

Welcome your adorable new bundle of joy and celebrate all of baby boy’s moments with Pearhead’s chevron babybook. This modern, chevron style baby book includes 50 fill-in pages providing a great and easy guideline to create a keepsake memory book for generations to enjoy. The chevron pattern on the front adds a cool touch to this baby book. The book is bound in a rich, blue and white cloth adding an adorable touch for your baby’s nursery or any bookshelf. Easily create your baby's precious print with our clean-touch ink pad ensuring baby's piggies never touch the ink.
Find Best Price at Amazon"-home sweet home (when baby was brought home, how mom and dad felt, new home address was, I slept in, the color of the room baby slept was, and has a space to attach photo). -the world baby came into (major current events, world leaders, famous celebrities, popular music, at the movies, tv shows, popular websites, fashion trends. Also, prices for: Postage stamps, bottle of water, gallon of milk, gallon of gas, movie ticket, pack of diapers, cup of coffee. -baby's first foods. -first bath. -first birthdays from 1 year to 5 years old (with space for photos). -first friends (space for picture). -favorite activities (space for photos). -first day of preschool (space for photo). -first day of kindergarten(space for photo). -blank pages for art made in school. -first holiday (space for photo). -Finally blank pages for memories. Adorable little book!"
"The content is more rigid than I assumed. Questions include: Mommy's/Daddy's full name. She/He was born on. She/He grew up in. She/He went to school at. Mommy's/Daddy's favorite things. How we met. Our first date was. When we got engaged. Our wedding day was (which is blank for this mommy and daddy, because it isn't the 1950s). My Family tree. When we found out mommy was pregnant. We felt. First we told. We celebrated by. My doctor's name. Mommy and Daddy first heard my heartbeat. Mommy felt me kick for the first time. They found out if I was a boy or girl. When mommy was pregnant... She liked eating. She felt. She and Daddy prepared for my arrival by. My baby shower... Date/Location. Hosts. Games played. Guest/Gift. Here I come..."
"Got if for the wife which she loved the design and sections you can fill out to mark those moments in you baby's life."
"The détails re the Inside are awesome, when reading this in the future it is sure to warm the heart."
"The book has a lot of pages to fill the child story."
"This was a shower gift that was well liked."
"This book seems to be great way to keep a ton of information for the first few years of my child's life."
Best Christening Gifts & Gowns

Whether you are the godparent looking for the ideal gift for your godson or goddaughter or a friend of the family, your custom blanket gift will make this special occasion even more memorable. CHRISTENING GIFT made of 200 gsm FLEECE with a WIDE SATIN BORDER - for your goddaughter or other special baby.
Find Best Price at Amazon"With large families it is hard to find a gift that won't be duplicated."
"Loved it!"
"I contacted the company directly to ensure arrival date and the company actually contacted me 1st by email to verify the spelling of name, date,"
"It arrived within just a few days even though it was customized, it is so well done, so soft, good quality, and a perfect baptism gift."
"I work in a Catholic school and church and will continue to order these blankets whenever I need a Baptism gift."
"What a beautiful blanket."
"I was so excited to purchase this, rather than just going to a chain store for something generic."
"I purchased this as a gift for my Goddaughter's baptism and it's nice, shipped quickly, and the printing was accurate."
Best Baby Hand & Footprint Makers

Capture Your Precious Imprint For a perfect, wiggle free print you may like to wait until baby is sleeping peacefully. The photo slots are 2.75” x 2.75”, but cut your pictures slightly larger (approx ¼ inch around) so they don’t slip. Place the protective acrylic, then the white insert, and finally the clay imprint backboard, and secure. LOWEST PRICE ON AMAZON!⚡ MEMORIES SHOULD BE FUN, NEVER A STRUGGLE: Now, more than ever people are falling in love with Little Hippo prints. Or maybe it’s because they were finally fed up with other kits and their cracked clay, messy plaster, moldy prints, and flimsy plastic covers. TAKE A LOOK INSIDE YOUR DELUXE KIT: Notice the fine crafted solid wood frame (4 colors available), completely sealed with special Anti-Mold paint and the 100% glass cover. You’ll see there are 3 packs of non-toxic white (alpine) clay, a mini roller, simple instructions, and double sided tape.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Now I'll have his tiny had and foot print in clay forever."
"I even watched the video twice, added olive oil, tried to get all the little cracks out, and waited til my 4 month old was asleep."
"Ordered this for my mother, who just became a grandma a couple of months ago."
"What a great keepsake that they can enjoy now and can give their son when he is an adult maybe with his own children."
"I ordered one for myself and it was so easy to do that I ordered 5 more for Christmas presents!"
"This handprint kit is so sweet and is the perfect gift for a baby shower or Mother’s Day present."
"Got it for my first grandchild due in Feb, and I had planned on giving it to my daughter in law, but just might keep it for myself to do with him!"
"My first order came with a chipped crack on the corner, I returned it and got another one."
Best Baby Keepsake Boxes & Tins

We have designed and patented the world’s first baby tooth keepsake/organizer that fits in family photo albums. We did so because we think baby teeth are truly precious souvenirs of our children’s growing years and they need a home in our family memories. The beautifully illustrated cover imagines a young girl in search of the tooth fairy as she makes her way through the magical Tooth Fairy Land, only to find her after she falls into deep sleep under a welcoming tree. Baby Tooth Chart to keep track of your child's changing smile and write special notes and dates. Painted by a master artist, our cover depicts a whimsical tooth fairy land with adorable characters.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I basically just wanted to find something to keep my daughter's teeth in and keep them organized."
"We don't do the tooth fairy thing, we have a homemade milkshake party to celebrate these milestones... but then what to do with the tooth?"
"The middle tooth holder spins so you can place the tooth in the proper hole and then you spin it back to close it."
"He loves this book and has managed to lose 3 teeth within 3 wks so he takes it to school to show his friends every time."
"So, so far I love the look, the quality, the spaces to write - not too much not too little, the fact it folds up and I just feel so darned organized!"
"I made the mistake of not buying this before my child lost her first tooth, which I promptly misplaced."
"It also gives me a way to hide her teeth so she doesn't discover that the "tooth fairy" does not actually take the teeth!"
"A few of the compartments are shallow, so the teeth fit in there tightly, but it works."
Best Baby Keepsake Frames

Step 2: Press your baby’s hand and foot into the clay to make a hand and footprint. Place the acrylic glass on top of the white frame silhouette, and place the frame together. CAPTURE THEIR PERFECT LITTLE HANDS AND FEET FOREVER - We can't stop your little angel from growing up but we can help you create a masterpiece of their adorable handprint and footprint to cherish for a lifetime.
Find Best Price at Amazon"So we waited for him to fall asleep, but the clay had started to dry a bit so it didn't work as well with his hand prints. The clay does take a long time to completely dry out, but it does start to dry out a bit on the surface and then starts to look a bit dry when you do the print if you don't work quickly enough. Third, use your dry fingertips to lightly brush the surface before putting the hand or foot print on the clay."
"Everything arrived as advertised, the clay was perfectly soft (none of the optional softening instructions or YouTube videos needed), and the frame and all components were in great condition."
"Pros: Easy. Fun. Looks great. Made to last. Cons: Not great directions (still pretty easy to figure out). Wish they offered different sizes."
"I expected a glass frame not plastic...Also the clay hardens too fast."
"Great compliment to the ink print ones out there."
"I usually don't go for these kind of gifts because they are always hard to work with or it doesn't dry etc etc but I have to admit that I loved doing this little frame."
"I ordered 2 of these for Christmas gifts to our daughter, for each of the grandbabies."
"Easy to use and turned out very cute."
Best Baby Keepsake Rattles

Bright Starts Grab and Spin Rattle. Colorful spinning rattle develops hand/eye coordination.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I originally got this in a gift set at Target last fall before my baby was even born, it was on super clearance.Now he's finally here and this is the only toy that soothes him to sleep when we're in the car. The gift set only came with one rattle and I never saw that set again, not, Amazon, where! I saw it as an add on item on Amazon and immediately added it to a qualifying purchase."
"Which spin around the outer rattle ring main ring is oval. shaped for easy gripping by baby ."
"I ended up buying another one since my dog thought it was his chew toy and was able to chew through the plastic and get the little beads out."
"This spin rattle is easy to hold and makes a good rattle sound without being really loud and obnoxious to the point where you, the parent, goes nuts."
"She hasn't really played with it yet, because she's still a bit too young, but she'll hold it and smile when she makes it shake."
"He is now nearly 5 months."
"The bright colors keep his attention, and the noise pulls him out of a crying spell...We had to buy extras to keep in the diaper bag, and at grandmas!"
"My son loves the crunchy ones."
Best Silver Baby Spoons

All this is thanks for the Baltic Amber Natural immune system boost, anti-inflammatory & analgesic capabilities. By the time the baby or toddler start using the necklace you will start noticing the differences on their behavior & mood, thanks to the effectiveness of the succinic acid contained naturally on the amber and without suffering the secondary effects behind synthetic medicine like teething tablets or scrapings left by the teething toys on their mouth. • Recover full energy, fussiness & avoid fever from teething. • Highest Standard Quality used for making our amber teething jewelry. Safety knotted (Amber Bead), Hand Crafted with the Highest Quality Standard on the Market.
Find Best Price at Amazon"My Niece used one of these for her daughter and swore that it worked wonders while baby was teething. I was told to check each bead to ensure they were not broken or chipped; check that it was securely knotted between each bead; check the clasp to confirm it was easily opened and closed, but still secure. Since this is a gift for my granddaughter, I really liked the knotting between each bead assuring that there won't be loose beads to be swallowed should anything happen."
"The clasp on the necklace broke not long after and I was literally panicked dealing with a fussy teething baby again until I got this replacement in. My boy is a chunky guy with a thick neck and this was perfect, a little looser than the one we had initially been given."
"It says not to put it on at night but I feel like that’s the time her molars bother her the most. But it has decreased her night waking to just once a night for two nights since she’s been wearing it."
"It is sometimes best to double it over and put on ankle so baby can't get it in their mouth."
"I love that they are getting more colors out!"
"Perfect safety features including tying a not in between each individual bead, and a screw closure, as opposed to a clasp. And the raw milky is now in the running to be my all time favorite teething necklace."
"My daughter is now 2 and has been wearing them pretty much full time since she started teething as an infant."
"This is my second Baltic Amber Teething Necklace."
Best Photo Background Posing Props

1) This form has a 2nd hole under the form, this 2nd hole is used when the need for displaying slacks arises, not all forms have this 2nd hole, but this 2nd hole was first designed by. only mannequins in 2004, it comes in handy when displaying slacks, but you will need to make the slacks are not too heavy, and lower the form so it is closer to the base and the center of gravity, for certain slacks you may need a heavier base. Features a thin foam layer to allow pinning by the side into the material around the form.
Find Best Price at Amazon"My only con would be that the top piece of my dress form fell off and broke.."
"This is NOT a detrimental thing that reduces the overall quality of the product enough for me to care, hence why I still gave Only Mannequins a 5 star review."
"A bit hard to get jackets on her but would highly recommend purchasing this mannequin if you are in the market for one."
"This was very easy to assemble and only required one screwdriver."
"The stand was easy to put together and appears to be made from sturdy wood."
"I am pretty pleased with the dress form, except for a spot of bright yellow glue right on the front of the white fabric- which is what I will be using most of the time."
"You can't can't pin directly into the dress form so you need to go in at an angle."
"Like a VERY strong/fresh paint smell."