Best LSAT Test Guides

Teachers, students, and reviewers all agree: The LSAT Trainer is the most advanced and effective LSAT prep product available today. I have spent many years developing LSAT learning products, training LSAT instructors, and, most importantly, working with LSAT students.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I read this book. I got a 171 on my LSAT. I roughly followed the 8-week study schedule from Mike Kim's website."
"Perhaps the best trainer on the market."
"Like most people, I took a full-length practice LSAT, without any preparation, a few months before the scheduled exam to see how much studying I had to do to get into the 170+ range. Still, since the LSAT is such an important factor in law school admissions, it seemed like skipping the class and studying on my own was too big of a risk, whatever the price. I ended up going with Manhattan LSAT, which had better reviews than Kaplan, Blueprint, and Testmasters (the other companies with courses in my area). By sheer luck, Mike Kim (the author of The LSAT Trainer) happened to be teaching my class. While ultimately I was right about the class--it was pricy, across town, and more or less a review of the material in the Manhattan LSAT books--Mike himself was phenomenal. I began going to class early and staying late so that I could pick his brain about the exam. A few are awful, and could cause you to develop habits that actually lower your LSAT score. For instance, one of the biggest problems I had when I was taking practice tests was deciding in the heat of the moment how to categorize the logic game I was facing. This is because I had learned to strictly categorize game types, as essentially all test-prep companies teach you to do. I totally agree with this approach, and think that it's another nice illustration of the book's general theme, which is that you need to have a deep understanding of what LSAC is trying to test in each section if you want to consistently get high scores. However, it didn't really help me to talk to them about their approaches, because the ability to get a great score doesn't entail that you can explain (or even understand) how you're doing it. Reading the Trainer is like being tutored privately by a top scorer who at the same time understands what it feels like to struggle with the exam. From the most basic facts about the number of sections on the actual LSAT, to statistical information about how often each question type has appeared on past exams, to specific (but important) information about how you should time your sections--it's all there. I want to buy one book and then turn all of my attention studying, without any nagging questions about what I'm not being told. (Some companies, for instance, instruct test takers to try to complete only 3 of the 4 logic games.). Presumably they think that a large portion of the LSAT consumer market simply can't achieve a 170+, and believe that the methods 170+ test takers use aren't compatible with the optimal strategies for a mid-160 score. As I think the Trainer brings out nicely, the way to master the LSAT is to come to see what the exam writers are really trying to test with each question--to deconstruct the LSAT into its most fundamental parts--and then to develop the skills necessary to meet the challenges each question poses. But that doesn't mean that you should perform sub-optimally, given your abilities and work ethic, simply because your test prep materials think that you can't handle the real juice. Practicing with made-up LSAT questions is like learning to play basketball with a ball that's not quite the right size, or taking Spanish lessons from someone who speaks a slightly different dialect. (I also felt a little slimy about the fact that I was taking advantage of a resource that many people that I was competing against couldn't afford.). It all worked out in the end, but LSAT classes, at least from my experience, exist more to reassure students that they're not missing something than to provide useful information that's not in the study materials. If you can stick to them, and you don't cut corners, then you'll be an LSAT machine by the time you finish this book. There is simply no reason to shell out for a class when you can pay $50 for this book, which is better than any of the other materials out there anyway--again, so long as you can stick to the regime on your own, and don't need someone to answer to. I always hated standardized tests--I thought that they were all just collections of questions that were, at best, loosely related to certain analytical skills we all have. In the same way that a class on engineering will cause you to stare at the Golden Gate Bridge, in awe that a group of people actually built it, the Trainer highlights the LSAT's simple elegance. The Trainer is always deeply respectful of the LSAT--of how hard it is and what it takes to meet its challenges. These books are usually "print on demand," which means that an author can make small corrections without releasing a whole new edition. However, if you're trying to get the best score you can, and you have the time, I think that, after working through this entire book, you should go back an do as many of the exams from 1 - 30 as you can, particularly the logic games sections. The more practice you have answering these old questions, the more comfortable you'll be when you come across a curveball on the actual LSAT exam and have to adapt a strategy on the fly. While the Trainer talks about these exams, and pulls some questions from them at certain points, I think that it should give at least some of the complete exams a firm place in the study regime as a way of testing your flexibility at the end of your study schedule. To finish the story from above, I ended up with a solid LSAT score, and was very fortunate to get into Yale Law. While I think that I could have done pretty well on the LSAT with other study materials, I do not think that I could have performed as well as I did were it not for Mike's approach."
"I read it cover to cover, completed every exercise, and got in the 94th percentile of the LSAT."
"Directly covers and explains the reasoning behind numerous questions which actually have appeared on previous LSAT's This is the hold-your-hand method of learning which morons like me love."
"I am only a couple of chapters in and I can already say that this is the best self-study book I have ever used."

People with a fixed mindset —those who believe that abilities are fixed—are less likely to flourish than those with a growth mindset —those who believe that abilities can be developed. She introduces a phenomenon she calls false growth mindset and guides people toward adopting a deeper, truer growth mindset. “If you manage people or are a parent (which is a form of managing people), drop everything and read Mindset .” —Guy Kawasaki, author of The Art of the Start 2.0. Dweck proposes that everyone has either a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. In other words, you are who you are, your intelligence and talents are fixed, and your fate is to go through life avoiding challenge and failure.
Find Best Price at Amazon"The book is valuable for its conceit: that there are two types of mind-sets; the growth and the fixed. It's an informational book, but not a great book."
"However, most of the book seems to focus on discussing the difference between "fixed mindset" and "growth mindset" applied to different fields. It is like the author uses the entire book to emphasize how important "growth mindset" is but doesn't really offer much help."
"I was forced to but this book as requirement to read for my Spring semester, my professor that asked for this book believe she has great mindset and can affect us, but in reality she sucks."
"Explaining how to change was well worth the time to read it."
"The book started by effectively comparing competing mindsets and then referenced examples of those mindsets by comparing the specific mindsets of famous people in business and in sports."
"It is a compilation of a century of studying patterns of attitudes that have created champions and happiness in lives from every sector of life."
"The gist of the book is very important and mind blowing BUT the book reiterates the same message time and time again to the point I just skipped ahead entire examples because I already understood where it was going."
"This book had a good message, but it wasted a lot of potential with the topic and the author did not really convey the power of her message very well."

The book features and explains a detailed methodology for attacking all aspects of Logic Reasoning problems, including recognizing question types, identifying common reasoning elements and determining their validity, the methods for efficiently and accurately making inferences, and techniques for quickly eliminating answer choices as you solve the questions. Must Be Must Be True Questions Main Point Questions Weaken Questions Strengthen Questions Justify the Conclusion Questions Assumption Questions Resolve the Paradox Questions Method of Reasoning Questions Flaw in the Reasoning Questions Parallel Reasoning Questions Evaluate the Argument Questions Cannot Be True Questions Point at Issue Questions Principle Questions. In addition, the Logical Reasoning Bible features over 100 real LSAT Logical Reasoning questions that are used to illustrate and reinforce our techniques. The purpose of the Logical Reasoning Bible is to teach you how to attack and solve every type of Logical Reasoning question that appears on the LSAT. The PowerScore LSAT Logical Reasoning Bible is the most comprehensive book available for the Logic Reasoning section of the LSAT. This includes examples for each of the question types referenced above.
Find Best Price at Amazon"If you are struggling even after studying this, I would suggest taking lots of practice tests, and going through your wrong answers and understanding exactly why you made your mistakes."
"The kindle version, however, sometimes cuts off paragraphs prematurely, leaves huge blank spaces, and sometimes skips answer explanations."
"The great thing about this book is that it teaches time saving tricks for the LSAT."
"Perhaps there is some overkill with the categorization and length of this book, but the comprehensive detail gave me confidence that I've studied all I can with regards to strategy for the reasoning section."
"That being said, completing this book is an almost guaranteed way to improve your score in these sections (which make up half the test)."
"i highly recommend to get the all 3 prep books and learn the basics and then start timing yourself with actual LSAT Prep test. Also i dont have the time and money to spend on expensive prep classes when i can learn the simple basics from powerscore books and take it from there."
"I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to save time and money while studying for the LSAT."
"I bought this because the Kaplan book dedicated to the LR section didn't have prime shipping and I needed it fast."
Best Graduate Test Guides

Kaplan's MCAT Complete 7-Book Subject Review 2018-2019 offers an expert study plan, detailed subject review, and hundreds of online and in-book practice questions – all authored by the experts behind the MCAT prep course that has helped more people get into medical school than all other major courses combined. More than 350 questions in each book and access to even more online – more practice than any other MCAT set on the market. Kaplan's expert psychometricians ensure our practice questions and study materials are true to the test. Our prep books and online resources provide the expert guidance that students need at every step of their educational journey – incorporating years of test-specific data and strategies tested by Kaplan students and our own expert psychometricians.
Find Best Price at Amazon"-Buying the books gives you access to an online portion of materials that includes 3 practice exams, and two "mini" passage tests per topic. My biggest issue with EK books were that they did not connect the concepts in a manner that helped me understand or remember the material better. And when I say decipher, I mean that the explanations are so vague I would end up spending countless hours trying to learn the concepts at a "deeper conceptual level", when really my issue was that frankly I just sucked at eliminating wrong answers and making educated guesses. I was able to borrow the new Exam Kracker books from a friend two weeks prior to taking the new MCAT as last minute practice after utilizing all of the Kaplan and Khan materials. I felt well prepared (in combination with Khan Academy) and I had access to 3 practice exams at less cost than other prep companies. Also, please note that the most critical review (thus far) of these books is an MCAT instructor paid to teach from Exam Krackers materials."
"Little side panels with MCAT Expertise, Mnemonics, and Real Life ties in are great in case you're having a tough time understanding the section in question. They also do a really good job of tying things together; they make it a point to tell you "well, your studies of Biochem are not isolated. There are also some interesting ways that they introduce a chapter and relate it to you- I've even cracked up a few times at their scienc-y jokes. Then I went through them all the way again, taking scrupulous notes on all the important stuff that I had highlighted, or that the MCAT Expertise portions had brought up. But, there are only so many tricks to know and when you spend enough time figuring out how to solve them when they appear, you get a very good grasp on the basic material. They were much easier to answer because I had developed a strong understanding of topics in anticipation of harder questions."
"Would recommend to friends."
"Good set of books!"
Best Law School Guides

LSAT Prep Book: Study Guide & Practice Test Questions for the Law School Admission Council's (LSAC) Law School Admission Test Developed for test takers trying to achieve a passing score on the LSAT test, this comprehensive study guide includes: •Quick Overview. •Test-Taking Strategies. •Introduction to the LSAT. •Logical Reasoning. •Analytical Reasoning. •Reading Comprehension. •Practice Questions. •Detailed Answer Explanations.
Find Best Price at Amazon"It is both easy to understand and easy to follow along with, and the format is uncomplicated and helpful. What I did to supplement was I bought a full-length test from last year and a Kaplan answer key that explained all the answers, as well as two other prep books that had practice questions."
"There is also a series of practice test questions (with the answer key, thankfully) at the end. I really felt like these questions were very similar to those on the actual exam and I know that they helped boost my score."
"I would purchase this book based on the fact that I liked that it broke down each question type, but would also buy Kaplan so I could have a few more practice tests."
"I have found it very useful for my pre law journey."
"The "explanations" of each practice question's answer choices aren't adequate for these questions, as I am finding that the justification is often "this is clearly the correct answer choice" or "this is the stronger answer choice" without any explanation of WHY the logic/argument is stronger."
"Doesn't use actual LSAT questions, and some of their questions and explanations for the different choices are poorly written."
"This book is somewhat helpful but it is ridden with typos, many of the questions don't come from previous LSAT exams, and the questions that were written for this book are either too simple or too confusing and leave out information needed to complete the problem."
"Its not an awful book, but there are TON of much better study resources out there for prospective law students."
Best Higher Education Test Preparation

ATI TEAS Secrets Study Guide is the ideal prep solution for anyone who wants ace the Test of Essential Academic Skills, Sixth Edition. Not only does it provide a comprehensive study manual for the TEAS 6 as a whole, it is the only guide that provides three full-length practice tests with detailed explanations of each answer and 74 video tutorials to help you review. A thorough and detailed review of all ATI TEAS test sections Review video tutorials to help you master difficult concepts Comprehensive practice questions with detailed answer explanations Tips and strategies to help you get your best test performance. Our test designers have provided hundreds of test questions that will prepare you for what to expect on the actual ATI TEAS. We have done this by setting high standards for our test preparation guides, and our ATI TEAS Secrets Study Guide is no exception.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I bought this book under my mother's amazon account so I'm posting this as a 22 year old who had to take the ATI TEAS test for entrance into nursing programs. I felt like I got some questions on the test that the science section touched on but didn't delve very deep into (mostly concerning with the endocrine system), but a majority of the science questions could be answered by reading and studying the book. I recently graduated from college with a health related degree, but I do think that without this study guide I wouldn't have done as well, it helped me brush up on topics I had forgotten as well as teach me things I never knew (mostly relating to English grammar section)."
"Yesterday, I took my TEAS test after using this guide for approximately three weeks, and I am pleased to have earned an 88% with a national percentile rank of 97. Since statistics is tested, albeit very slightly, I would recommend you study the regression charts and lessons for positive/negative skew. Some topics I would recommend for students to reassess are: the components and anatomy of eukaryotes / prokaryotes, ionic and covalent bonds, the products of both mitosis and meiosis, and DNA replication. Test yourself with flash cards the most commonly misspelled words, prefixes and suffixes. In conclusion, this is a wonderful guide that will wrack and plumb your brain for all of the information you should have learned up to this point."
"I recommend using the first practice test as a starting point to determine what you need to study, then spend some time studying before taking the second and third practice tests."
Best MAT Test Guides

Students preparing to take this exam need a chance to practice the analogy skills necessary to score well on this test, which MAT For Dummies provides with its six full-length practice tests and plethora of other test preparation suggestions. Intro to the MAT — get general info about the MAT, including how to register for it, analogy content and structure, analogy-solving methods, and analogy categories A word to the wise — get the scoop on the most important concepts tested in words and language, the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and math Practice makes perfect — take six full-length MAT practice exams — complete with answer keys and explanations — that mimic the actual MAT exam Breathe easy — discover tips to keep in mind on test day, along with some ways to help reduce test anxiety. Planning advice, study strategies, and time- management tactics Six sample tests with answer keys A comprehensive appendix of MAT vocabulary Tips for analyzing and solving analogies How to work with words and language What you need to know about natural sciences, math, and the humanities Top ten tips for test day.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Great book."
"I had purchased another study guide and decided to buy this one."
"Very helpful!"
"I purchased this as I was considering going back to school and didn't want to take the gre."
"Used this as my main preparation source."
"This book is what you need if you are going to take the MAT."
"The practice test were great & I passed my test on the first try!"
Best MCAT Test Guides

Kaplan's MCAT Complete 7-Book Subject Review 2018-2019 offers an expert study plan, detailed subject review, and hundreds of online and in-book practice questions – all authored by the experts behind the MCAT prep course that has helped more people get into medical school than all other major courses combined. More than 350 questions in each book and access to even more online – more practice than any other MCAT set on the market. Kaplan's expert psychometricians ensure our practice questions and study materials are true to the test. Our prep books and online resources provide the expert guidance that students need at every step of their educational journey – incorporating years of test-specific data and strategies tested by Kaplan students and our own expert psychometricians.
Find Best Price at Amazon"-Buying the books gives you access to an online portion of materials that includes 3 practice exams, and two "mini" passage tests per topic. My biggest issue with EK books were that they did not connect the concepts in a manner that helped me understand or remember the material better. And when I say decipher, I mean that the explanations are so vague I would end up spending countless hours trying to learn the concepts at a "deeper conceptual level", when really my issue was that frankly I just sucked at eliminating wrong answers and making educated guesses. I was able to borrow the new Exam Kracker books from a friend two weeks prior to taking the new MCAT as last minute practice after utilizing all of the Kaplan and Khan materials. I felt well prepared (in combination with Khan Academy) and I had access to 3 practice exams at less cost than other prep companies. Also, please note that the most critical review (thus far) of these books is an MCAT instructor paid to teach from Exam Krackers materials."
"Little side panels with MCAT Expertise, Mnemonics, and Real Life ties in are great in case you're having a tough time understanding the section in question. They also do a really good job of tying things together; they make it a point to tell you "well, your studies of Biochem are not isolated. There are also some interesting ways that they introduce a chapter and relate it to you- I've even cracked up a few times at their scienc-y jokes. Then I went through them all the way again, taking scrupulous notes on all the important stuff that I had highlighted, or that the MCAT Expertise portions had brought up. But, there are only so many tricks to know and when you spend enough time figuring out how to solve them when they appear, you get a very good grasp on the basic material. They were much easier to answer because I had developed a strong understanding of topics in anticipation of harder questions."
"Would recommend to friends."
"Good set of books!"
Best GRE Test Guides

Book of GRE Practice Problems is an essentialresource for students of any level who are preparing for the GRE revisedGeneral Exam. In 2000, Teach for America alumnus and Yale graduate Zeke Vanderhoek had a radical idea: students learn better from better teachers.
Find Best Price at Amazon"However, I've glossed through other Kaplan/Princeton/Etc GRE books and have to say that this book is one of the best study materials you can get. I scored a 325, and the questions I mostly got wrong were in the vocabulary section and because of timing, because I didn't feel like studying vocab, and because I only timed myself on a practice test once. I would go through at least 1 of each section in this book - READ THROUGH THE EXPLANATIONS OF WHAT YOU GOT WRONG. If you have the time and means, what I suggest to do is to read news editorials and opinionated articles and look up the words you don't know."
"The practice material from PR and Kaplan isn't the same level of rigor as the ETS exam, and ETS's book has a limited number of practice problems. I wish I had known about this book with more time before taking the GRE again, I probably would have also invested in some of Manhattan Prep's other study material for the quantitative section. 500+ pages of just math practice and explanations (nevermind all of the reading and essay practice in this beast of a book). -- 30-50 practice questions for EACH topic. I agree with other reviewers that ETS is still the best practice material, but this is definitely the second best book you can buy to prepare yourself."
"Got my scores back yesterday: 96th percentile for verbal...which is better than I did five years ago while still in college and with months to study."
"This book is great!"
"It will show you all the standard problems of the GRE alongside with its standard solutions; however, if you are looking for a book with challenging problems that will take above the 90th percentile, this is not the book."
Best Graduate School Preparation Test Guides

Comprehensive Manual (Analytical Writing, Verbal Reasoning & Quantitative Reasoning) 7 Full-Length Practice Exams (2 included in the book + 5 online) 20+ hours of Video Lectures Video explanations for each online test question Free Live Support : By visiting you can chat with a tutor and have your questions answered. Our workbook provides you with a comprehensive overview and several full-length practice exams like most workbooks, however, one of the key differences in our workbook is that we have detailed video explanations for all of our practice exams. Not only do we provide video explanations, our workbook grants you life-time access to our online GRE learning platform which includes video lectures, practice tests, practice questions and a live chat feature.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I take the GRE in a few months and have been studying for a few months with other books too."
"It includes very high standard 3 practice tests, the answer key and step-by-step explanation for every question."
"This book is a great practice resource for anyone taking the GRE."
"This time it is even better as I was able to test myself as well as my friends on the online system."
"This book is very useful in preparing for the GRE test."
"This is my first book to study for GRE and hope this works!"
"It was exactly what I was looking for, Helpful to understand my math issues."
"Very helpful book for me, i am taking test next month and was recommended this book."