Best Nuclear Chemistry

The astonishing biography of a mineral that can sustain our world- or destroy it Uranium occurs naturally in the earth's crust-yet holds the power to end all life on the planet. In this fine piece of journalism, Zoellnerdoes for uranium what he did for diamonds in The Heartless Stone —he delves into the complex science, politics and history of this radioactive mineral, which presents the best and worst of mankind: the capacity for scientific progress and political genius; the capacity for nihilism, exploitation, and terror.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Deep background on what really is 'the rock that shaped the world.'."
"The effects of this mineral on the world, in ways other than the obvious bomb, are presented."
"Uranium: War, Energy, and the Rock That Shaped the World. I purchased this book because I want to learn more about the element Uranium."
"Since the book is with no pictures, while reading it, it gave the reader to imagine the sites, places and people who where involved in the Uranium Industry."
"first let me say i am a science geek and a history buff."
"This is an interesting book covering a mix of geopolitics and mining."
"An informative and entertaining read, as much so as any non-fiction I've ever encountered."
"Wow- interesting read on the history and modern uses of Uranium- makes one realize what an International Atomic Agency is needed."

Written by established experts in the field, this book features in-depth discussions of proven scientific principles, current trends, and applications of nuclear chemistry to the sciences and engineering. There are also updated chapters on nuclear structure; α-, β-, and γ-decay; nuclear reactions; fission; astrophysics; and nuclear reactor chemistry.
Find Best Price at Amazon"The three authors of this book, one of which (Glenn T. Seaborg, 1912-1999) is a Nobel prize winner (Chemistry, 1951), have crafted a well balanced and comprehensive text (19 chapters, 670 pages) of modern nuclear chemistry."
"I recommend it to all undergraduate chemistry students, professional chemists in other branches of chemistry, and chemical and nuclear engineers who wish to understand just what constitutes nuclear chemistry."
"I almost applied to be a Ph.D student in nuclear chemistry in the university in Oregon that the author works in."
"The book Modern Nuclear Chemistry was delivered in good conditions and in time, which is the most important thing for a student."
"The text and the examples are clear."
"The book is fine but it CANNOT DESERVE FIVE STARS given the known errors it contains and the failure of the publisher to update this book."
"The book arrived very quickly and is exactly what I needed for my class, thanks!"

Jorgensen introduces key figures in the story of radiation―from Wilhelm Roentgen, the discoverer of x-rays, and pioneering radioactivity researchers Marie and Pierre Curie, to Thomas Edison and the victims of the recent Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident. Jorgensen empowers us to make informed choices while offering a clearer understanding of broader societal issues. Winner of the 2017 AIP Science Writing Award for Books, American Institute of Physics. Winner of the 2017 PROSE Award in History of Science, Medicine & Technology, Association of American Publishers. "Jorgensen walks readers through the history of humanity's interaction with radiation. [ Strange Glow ] is a solid, accessible work, but perhaps its most beneficial aspect is that Jorgensen equips readers with enough knowledge to make their own risk assessments, whether it is of a potential medical diagnostic test or a particular consumer decision." a propulsive story, each piece building on the next in a series of progressive revelations. A seismic piece of scientific inquiry, top shelf in narrative style and illumination." "The only antidote to irrational fear is knowledge, and Strange Glow imparts this in spades." " Strange Glow isn't about lessening what is largely a sensible fear, but about removing some of the mystery and misunderstanding. This is a long overdue and successful attempt to rationalise an emotional subject by telling its story in very human terms." integrates detailed science and carefully illuminated medical statistics with the personal lives of scientists. The book's goal--‘to present the facts about radiation as objectively and even-handedly as possible, leaving you to decide which aspects to fear'--is achieved with authority and style." "This book can be enjoyed as a sort of scientific QI --a string of interesting facts you can't wait to share with anyone who can be persuaded to listen. the story of human interaction with radiation--beginning with the one type that we can see (light) and continuing through radio waves, atomic blasts, cellphones, radon, microwave ovens, luggage scanners, the Fukushima accident, and on and on. Jorgensen avoids graphs and numbers, instead relying largely on entertaining--if alarming--anecdotes."
Find Best Price at Amazon"Strange Glow is a good read for the average person. If you are decent at understanding the basics (or at least willing to reread the paragraphs that are a bit technical), you will begin to understand radiation a bit more."
"Anyone who reads this book carefully will be better able to understand the uses, benefits, and risks of radiation."
"Thorough, detailed discussion of the subject; sometimes a bit complicated, but interesting and (apparently) well-documented vignettes about the subject."
"Absolutely delightful read."
"Nice overall review of radiation."
"The story line keeps you want to read."
"A great read for people that like science but arent technical enough for science books!"
""Strange Glow" is a delightful, informative book, not patronizing the radiation experts while, in a very pleasant, absorbing style, enlightening the layperson."
Best Molecular Chemistry

Find Best Price at Amazon"My texts were rather boring, less colorful and you certainly needed a professor to assist with mis-perceptions from the old dry texts as well as the unfamiliar student's approach. I can't speak to the unfamiliar student any longer, perhaps Prof. Tro has overthought the material and made assumptions on the newbie's analytical understanding of the text but from the first two chapters the new student could teach themselves much of the chemistry without a professor guiding them."
"This is a comprehensive intro to chemistry."
"Brand new, great book."
"Fast Shipping."
"Fantastic deal!"
"I love saving money by renting books."
"Its a good book, and you can clarify the lecture notes with it."
"I have just bought this brand new 3rd edition and compared it with my 1st edition."
Best General Chemistry

Organized in order of appearance on the periodic table, each element is represented by a spread that includes a stunning, full-page, full-color photograph that most closely represents it in its purest form. The element's position on the periodic table is pinpointed on a mini rendering of the table and an illustrated scale of the element's boiling and/or melting points appears on each page along with a density scale that runs along the bottom. Gray, an element collector and Popular Science columnist, has created a visual homage to the periodic table of the elements. The left-hand side of the spread features a large color image of the element in its true form, when possible.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I was so impressed with this book that I bought it for several kids and then bought one for myself."
"The best part is this book is very easy to read."
"Beautiful book!"
"Jam-packed full of cool and pristine pictures and information!"
"This is a beautiful book with pictures and information about each element."
"We bought this as a gift for our son for Christmas and can't put it down myself."
"My 9 year old adores this book, and it is super interesting and fun for adults as well."
"Since we homeschool, I thought that this would be a welcome addition to "Science Class" as it gives very detailed information to the chemical makeup, atomic structure and information, melting/boiling points, etc as well as a wealth of important (and gee whiz) info about each element. Theodore Gray's "The Elements" book, on the other hand, is hands down LIGHT YEARS better than that book I had growing up."
Best Organic Chemistry

Readers continue to turn to Klein's Organic Chemistry as a Second Language: First Semester Topics, 4th Edition because it enables them to better understand fundamental principles, solve problems, and focus on what they need to know to succeed.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Klein phrases things in a way that makes sense, gives steps and practice problems for each concept, and it’s a small book so it’s not a burden to bring to class."
"I bought both volumes, and while they came to me dog-eared (which annoyed me, because I bought them "new", and dog-eared books don't have the same value), but the content is great."
"The book is in the form of a workbook, so you get lots of practice, which really helps master the concept."
"If you read this, make an effort to understand the material, and do the practice problems at least once a day - you will get at least a B in the class, minimum."
"Shipping was extremely quick, and the book offers a really basic understanding of organic chemistry for people coming in with no knowledge of the subject!"
"From configurations to the 3 main reactions (Substitution, Elimination, and Addition), I felt like this book was able to fill in the "gaps" from my class lectures."
"This is vital for passing organic chemistry."
"This definitely didn't cover all of the topics that my class went over in the first semester, but I went through a couple chapters before the start of the term and it gave me a REALLY solid foundation in terms of identifying the relationship between molecules, finding chirality centres (and determining configuration), finding atoms with partial positive or negative charge (due to resonance), etc."
Best Clinical Chemistry

The bestselling author of Hold Me Tight presents a revolutionary new understanding of why and how we love, based on cutting-edge research. We need no longer wander around in the darkness, stumbling from one disastrous relationship to another. In an entertaining way, she gives us practical, down-to-earth examples and exercises to help us develop our 'love sense.'. "In Love Sense , Dr. Sue Johnson creates fascinating and enlightening connections between cutting-edge research, professional applications of research in marital therapy, and scores of apt case examples and engaging exercises for people who struggle with relationship difficulties. With genuine enthusiasm and admirable clarity, she shows how emotion-focused therapy, guided by attachment theory and research, can heal troubled relationships while benefiting society more generally. -- Phillip R. Shaver, PhD , Distinguished Professor of Psychology, University of California, Davis; Past President, International Association for Relationship Research.
Find Best Price at Amazon"A help to anyone who has thought they were in love and wondering why everyone is not like everyone else."
"A wonderful book for all the reasons people here have mentioned."
"Finally we can understand what is happening in our relationships and actually fix the complex problems we have."
"This book is amazing!!!"
"Included in the book are some practice exercises couples can use to create stronger connections and maintain their love for a lifetime."
"Very interesting book."
"Secure attachment versus avoidant (I don't need anyone) or anxious (I'm terrified of not being loved) attachment is key to getting on well in our lives and in the world; or as author Sue Johnson writes, "the quality of our relationships with others is the bedrock on which we build our existence.""
"The best book about understanding couples and love that I have ever read."
Best Analytic Chemistry

The gold standard in analytical chemistry, Dan Harris’ Quantitative Chemical Analysis provides a sound physical understanding of the principles of analytical chemistry and their applications in the disciplines. After teaching at the University of California at Davis from 1975-1980 and at Franklin and Marshall College from 1980-1983, he moved to the Naval Air Systems Command at China Lake, California, where he is now a Senior Scientist and Esteemed Fellow. While teaching analytical chemistry at Davis, he wrote his lectures in bound form for his students.
Find Best Price at Amazon"The spine where the pages meet the cover was almost completely unglued, but besides that the book is okay."
"Very helpful and beautiful."
"Book was in good condition, and I was exactly what I wanted."
"Great book help a lot to rent not to buy."
"Very helpful and beautiful."
"Hard read."
Best Alkaloids Chemistry

Internationally acclaimed for more than forty years, The Alkaloids: Chemistry and Biology , founded by the late Professor R. H. F. Manske, continues to provide outstanding coverage of this rapidly expanding field. The later are seen through the perspectives of isolation, structure determination and synthesis and additonally reviewed in terms of their involvement in the formation of the natural and semi-synthetic bisindole alkaloids from Catharanthus . Praise for the serial. "Authoritative, precise, thorough, and above all, permeated with enthusiasm."
Find Best Price at Amazon"Product with perfect conditions!"
Best Inorganic Chemistry

From New York Times bestselling author Sam Kean comes incredible stories of science, history, finance, mythology, the arts, medicine, and more, as told by the Periodic Table. These fascinating tales follow every element on the table as they play out their parts in human history, and in the lives of the (frequently) mad scientists who discovered them. The soft sell about proton numbers and electron shells thus closes the deal for Kean’s anecdotes about elements of war, elements of health, and elements of wealth, plus the title’s practical joke of a spoon (made from gallium).
Find Best Price at Amazon"Basically the history of the development of the periodic table, with specific tales of the scientists who discovered the proper placement of elements in the periodic table."
"History as viewed through this paper and ink chemical filter becomes exciting and eye opening in this book as much as chemistry becomes interesting and compelling in a historical light."
"I love reading about science having previously read several physics books (Elegant Universe, Universe in a nut Shell) i figured it would be fun to move to a more chemistry oriented book."
"Some of the comments made (Dr. Ritter, etc...) are valid factual points, but most seem to be a word choice or syntactical preference issue. A physician myself who also teaches middle school and high school science, I had my chemistry students read this book this year as an example of how science writing can be accessible and enjoyable."
"This book covers a great expanse, not just that of the periodic table - & it's utterly fascinating history - but that of the origin of the universe, of the world wars, of the cold war, & tales of rivalries, madness, love. But then the author does a few acrobatic stunts with themes shifting to wars, physics & biology, to human traits of avarice, art & nuttiness & finally to rather esoteric stuff about states of matter, bubbles, scientific tools & what not. There are stories of remarkable scientific rigor, as there are tales of tall, & rather foolish, claims. Kean does a great job of bringing oodles of mirth to his writing, & displays the ability throughout of presenting a balanced picture."
"Ok, I am biased, because I do like chemistry, but the book is not about atoms, molecule structure and hydrogen bonds."
"Mr. Kean uses stories to explain science and in so doing makes learning about the elements much more interesting than those high school chemistry classes we all attended. The spies were especially tickled that the poison would cause all his hair, including his famous beard, to fall out, which they hoped would emasculate Castro in front of his comrades before killing him."
Best Photochemistry Chemistry

The same paradigm is readily adapted to incorporate the photon and a reactant molecular structure to photophysics. Exceptionally thorough and well written, Principles of Molecular Photochemistry will be useful to every active researcher in the field.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Simply the best in photochemistry and photophysics textbooks like its precedent "Modern molecular photochemistry"."
"Simply the best in photochemistry and photophysics textbooks, like its precedent "Modern molecular photochemistry"."
"Useful book, has a few typos and errors."
"Very clear description of concepts."
"This is an excellent book of a team of prominent scientists."
"Let me proudly recall my tryst with Turro's writings with my discovery of his first book on photochemistry (Molecular Photochemistry, Benjamin, New York, 1965) in the summer of 1976 at the sumptuous library of the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre in Mumbai (where I spent most of my non-experimental hours in that institution during my best youthful days), when I had to initiate my Ph.D. program in the organic photochemistry of laser dyes. Eversince, I have been following his later improvements on this topic including the 1978 book [Modern Molecular Photochemistry, University Science Press]. The evolutionary transformations of this topic have been clearly reflected in this book, which is not merely a revision of his old books, but is marked by a novel and superior reorganization skill and definite improvement of the topics. I have gone through, at various stages of my career, at least seven introductory books on photochemistry, of which Turro's book stands out owing to its positive attributes as a clear representation of photochemistry, as a supplementary source of information for chemists in general, as a structurally significant intellectual product, and as complementary resources for high energy radiation chemistry workers. Inevitably, a book with a high concentration on basic principles should be followed by a sequel elaborating on the application aspects, which, in the context of photochemistry, I guess, should be an admixture of organic reactions, molecular recognition, nanochemistry , photobiology inclusive of chemical biological aspects of inorganic chemistry, and, of course, frontiers of material science."
"This book is literally the most useless book I have ever purchased. He was a Turro student and admitted to being a reviewer of this book, so it was obvious that he had some financial stake in us purchasing the book and wanted to increase his own prestige by trying to increase the popularity of Turro."
Best Geochemistry

The non-traditional approach of Chemistry in Context reflects today's technological issues and the chemistry principles within them.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Bought to have a hard-copy of my textbook for a college class."
"A good buy."
"As chemistry textbooks go, this one is so-so."
"When it comes to understanding a chemistry class online with little to no teacher helping, simplicity is a must."
"This is a great book for your 'less than advanced' chem student you can use as a reference."
"bought it for ok."
"Great product, fast delivery."
Best Electrochemistry

Significant additions include ultramicroelectrodes, modified electrodes, and scanning probe methods. " excellent textbook...and a highly recommended addition to one's personal library."
Find Best Price at Amazon"I am a graduate student in Chemistry that studies Electrochemistry."
"Full of very useful information."
"This is a must own for any chemist who does more than just dabbling in electrochemistry."
"This book is a summary of all electrochemist topics that you have to know."
"Classical textbook."
"As with all texts, it is best supplemented by a good professor's course, but it is readable even without such."
"Good quality and brand new."
Best Chemistry Safety

Clear, user-friendly, and direct, this lab manual provides you with the tools you need to successfully complete lab experiments and lab reports. He taught at Swarthmore College, 1949-1952; the University of Connecticut, 1952-1964; and Macalester College, 1964-1988.
Find Best Price at Amazon"This book was instrumental in helping me through my Chem 1B class."
"It's a textbook."
"Book arrived early and exactly as promised."
"The pages that are required for classwork are missing therefore I'm not able to use the book in the classroom."
"Don't buy used, it is made so you can easily rip out the pages."
"I came to find out that entire labs were missing which if i wasn't able to find a friend in the class to borrow the labs from would've caused me to fail."
"The labs that were completed were also done wrong."
"I rented this book and planned to buy it but as I was looking through it for my next experiment in my chem lab I noticed multiple pages are ripped out."
Best Chromatography Chemistry

This revision brings the reader completely up to date on the evolving methods associated with increasingly more complex sample types analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography, or HPLC. Thoroughly revised and greatly expanded, the Second Edition of this landmark work brings scientists completely up to date on method development for HPLC, one of the main analytical techniques in use today.
Find Best Price at Amazon"If you are limited to an HPLC without MS detection or any of the other bells and whistles, this book is a great resources."
"It can solve my most practical problems."
"Like the title, it's a detailed practical guide for HPLC."
"This is the best book of which I know, on the development of HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatographic) separations."
"It covers all aspects of method development, form deciding where to start and figuring out what's going wrong, to finishing the method and validating it, although the validation chapter is just an overview."
"Which means - if you are looking for a solution to a problem and you want to research separation theory - a great book."
Best Crystallography Chemistry

The work must be done rapidly in extreme cold, for even body heat can melt a rare specimen that has been painstakingly mounted. For almost half a century, Bentley caught and photographed thousands of snowflakes in his workshop at Jericho, Vermont, and made available to scientists and art instructors samples of his remarkable work. In 1931, the American Meteorological Society gathered together the best of these photomicrographs, plus some slides of frost, glaze, dew on vegetation and spider webs, sleet, and soft hail, and a text by W. J. Humphreys, and had them published.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Love this book."
"Considering how far back in time and equipment available to do these photos it's an amazing work."
"Very nice pictures and great work done with very limited technical equipment compared to today's possibilities."
"The condition of the book was even a little better than we had expected."
"A must have if you enjoy the glories of nature."
"As a kid I would always try to see the shape of them when they would land on things but you rarely get to see them individually."
"This book contains beautiful pictures of snow crystals and gives an interesting history of how W. A. Bentley caught and photographed thousands of snowflakes in his workship for almost half a century."
"Incredible photography by the man who started it all."
Best Industrial & Technical Chemistry

Known as Monsanto’s Roundup by consumers, and as glyphosate by scientists, the world’s most popular weed killer is used everywhere from backyard gardens to golf courses to millions of acres of farmland. Gillam introduces readers to farm families devastated by cancers which they believe are caused by the chemical, and to scientists whose reputations have been smeared for publishing research that contradicted business interests. Readers learn about the arm-twisting of regulators who signed off on the chemical, echoing company assurances of safety even as they permitted higher residues of the herbicide in food and skipped compliance tests. "Journalist Gillam exposes a plethora of scientific research, legal materials, and documentary evidence recovered from corporate and government resources to paint a damning picture of the peddling of glyphosate by Monsanto and other agribusinesses...Gillam expertly covers a contentious front where corporate malfeasance intersects with issues of public health and ecology." ( Publishers Weekly ). "As veteran investigative journalist Gillam points out in this unsettling report on [glyphosate] and its drawbacks, most of the positive press comes from the herbicide's manufacturer, Monsanto, who, as the title suggests, 'whitewashed' the scientific data to validate its safety...This is a must-read for everyone concerned about the increasing burden of toxic chemicals in water and food, the health and environmental consequences thereof, and corporate influence on government agencies." ( Environment Guru ). "'Outrage' is the only word that captures the experience of reading Carey Gillam's Whitewash ...Her exhaustive examination of the history of glyphosate—the main ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup—reveals that a herbicide as common as laundry detergent is the health and environmental calamity of modern agriculture ...This is a story about what happens to public health and the environment when capitalism overthrows the social contract and the fever for profit poisons the heart against all morality."
Find Best Price at Amazon"White Wash is a difficult book to read. Reading Carey Gillam's book is like being the frog in boiling water. I like books like White Wash because they challenge me to be more aware. By contrast, anyone who is giving her book a 1-star rating, and also claims to have actually read the book, is simply lying."
"Whitewash: The Story of a Weed Killer, Cancer, and the Corruption of Science by Carey Gillam is an expose' of how Monsanto's pesticide glyphosate came to dominate the farming industry--and its product Roundup in suburban back yards--even when evidence of its threat to human health and environmental degradation arose. As her research led Gillam to become concerned with GMOs, not accepting the 'desired narrative,' Monsanto-funded organizations pressured her editors to remove her! As Gillam tells it, "What I've learned, what I know with certainty, is that when powerful corporations control the narrative, the truth often get lost and it's up to journalists to find it and bring it home." This was a hard book to read--not just because of the density of information, but because it taught me that business runs more of government than we are aware of. It's in the research they pay for and tweak and offer to the EPA as unbiased studies when decisions are to be made about public safety. So when in the book I read about 'chemical drift', how the pesticides sprayed on the soil before planting or on the GMO crops before harvest are carried on the wind, I shuddered. --from White Wash. I was taught in environmental biology that pesticides are poison, and not just harmful to the pests it was developed to kill. Gillam shows how glyphosate, which is combined with harmful chemicals to make it 'stick' to crops, impacts more than weeds."
"This book scared me out of using glysophate anymore and scared me enough that now I have begun to buy more "organic" foods!"
Best Physical & Theoretical Chemistry

Find Best Price at Amazon"An unfamiliar student may not be able to read this text and teach themselves - and perhaps Prof. Tro has overthought the material and made assumptions on a newbie's analytical understanding of the text - but from the first two chapters any new student could teach themselves chemistry without a professor guiding them."
"This is a used rental book, but the quality is okay isn’t the greatest."
"This is a comprehensive intro to chemistry."
"Brand new, great book."
"Fast Shipping."
"Fantastic deal!"
"I love saving money by renting books."
"I have just bought this brand new 3rd edition and compared it with my 1st edition."
Best Chemical Physics

This much-enlarged third edition includes new findings on the central role of biological water in organizing living processes; it also completes the author's novel theory of the organism and its applications in ecology, physiology and brain science. "The layman may not understand half of this book, but he will understand more than he expects to or may feel he has any right to.
Find Best Price at Amazon"If you're a "hide-bound", hard-core scientist (one who believes phenomena shouldn't be discussed unless they can be mathematically quantifiable ((a socially constructed bias (((the bias part is solidly confirmed by current neuroscience)))), you'll "pho-pho" this book."
"I found this to be is an engaging and thought-provoking book, extremely dense with information and ideas running from accepted science through increasingly speculative extrapolations and concluding with some free-form philosophizing. I was broadly familiar with the idea that life utilizes energy flow to build and maintain high levels of structural organization far from equilibrium. In several steps, and citing work of other scientists, she builds a case that explaining life in detail strains the traditional thermodynamic picture (which assumes microscopic homogeneity). Ho uses the example of a solid state laser where energy flow induces a quantum phase transition which can take place very rapidly. Then she tries to convey why the ideas and arguments of the preceding chapters lead her to conclude it is indeed quantum coherence (superposition of states, non-local entanglement) which prevails in the organism."
"Biophotons transmit cellular communication within the ordered crystalline structure and she talks about the research of Albert Popp."
"The book is written by a prominent scientist to find the answer to: what is life? The self is not doomed to fight others for survival as some people interpret Darwinism. "Reality is thus a shimmering presence of infinite planes, a luminous labyrinth of the active now connecting "past" and "future", "real" with "ideal", where potential unfolds into actual and actual enfolds further potential through the free action and intention of the organism"."
"I would like to see a second version of this book which summarizes the concepts and writes in a different color, i.e. less technical, more personable, more down to earth and overall more accessible to the common reader."
Best Polymers & Macromolecules in Chemistry

This is also the first introductory polymer text to fully explain computational polymer science, including molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo methods. Polymer synthesis: step- and chain-growth; bulk, solution, suspension, emulsion, solid-state, and plasma; ionic liquids, and macromers; and genetic engineering Amorphous and crystalline states, transitions, mechanical properties, and solid-state characterization Polymers and the environment: degradation, stability, and more Additives, blends, block copolymers, and composites–including interpenetrating networks, nanocomposites, buckyballs, carbon nanotubes, graphene, and POSS Biopolymers, natural polymers, fibers, thermoplastics, elastomers, and thermosets Engineering and specialty polymers, from polycarbonates to ionic polymers and high-performance fibers Polymer rheology, processing, and modeling Correlations and simulations: group contribution, topological indices, artificial neural networks, molecular dynamics, and Monte Carlo simulations. Dr. Joel R. Fried is professor and chair of the department of chemical and biomedical engineering at Florida State University.
Find Best Price at Amazon"It nicely complements the Intro to Polymers book by Young and Lovell (also another nice intro book)."
"A great text for Materials Chemistry subjects at University."
"Good book."
"Never used it for class, but the cover is sturdy enough!"
"The book assumes minimal prior knowledge of polymers, and begins with a simple intro to properties such as glass transition temperature, molecular weight, thermoplastic versus thermoset. Electrical, mechanical, and chemical properties of polymers are discussed and related to the structure and composition of the material."
"Nice review of polymer families, polymerization processes, polymer degradation and manufacturing tecniques."
"For what it lacks in actually enhancing the understanding of the reader, it allows you to search google for more comprehensive explanations."
"No examples in text, poor editing."