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Outliers: The Story of Success
In this stunning new book, Malcolm Gladwell takes us on an intellectual journey through the world of "outliers"--the best and the brightest, the most famous and the most successful. "In the vast world of nonfiction writing, Malcolm Gladwell is as close to a singular talent as exists today... Outliers is a pleasure to read and leaves you mulling over its inventive theories for days afterward.
"If the tale of the self made man is one extreme, then outliers is the other extreme as it basically attempts to discredit the successful and say it was all due to luck. He also mentions that there were only a handful of school at the time to have such a computer. You are correct that now I'd have a harder time creating my own operating system, that ship has sailed, I agree, but that is looking at success with a very narrow lense. The true story of success is that successful people will not let their story be changed by adding or removing a variable from their path, they will keep fighting and find something to replace that variable. That's why some of the most successful people have been declined or faced defeat (be it investors, agents, etc.). This is NOT personal development, or anything of the sort in case you think this is a book I read and learn to be successful... quite contrary the message appears to comfort those that don't have success and blame society, and poke those with success implying that whatever they have was not earned."
"BIG Fan of Malcolm Gladwell -and 1984- and this is a great read for anyone that wants a mind-blowing book."
"“No matter how talented you are, how hard you work and how much you practice, you can be successful only if you also have the right backing and luck.” This is a statement I have had heard from elders a thousand times over and this book statistically validates the point."
"I must call the reader to question the assertion that 10,000 hours or more will make you an expert and the inference that much of what brings about success is the sheer amount of time invested in learning a skill. It is important to realize we often stop short in learning something; yet, it is also important to realize that while you could spend tons of hours learning something that there may be a particular thing you simply enjoy doing more than another or that you're simply better at."
"It contained a lot of factual information that with a grain of salt, made a social theory on how and why people are successful/the way they are."
"Not only does this detail some methods of thinking that are outside of the box and beneficial to the reader, but it also going a long way to help inspire you to overcome difficulties in your own life."
"There is a reason behind any trend and phenomenon."
"Gladwell has once again used his unique writing style, his meticulous research and his ability to tell a story to produce an eye opening and thought provoking book."
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