Best Unlocked Cell Phones

Fast 4G LTE speed, up to 2.0 GHz octa-core processor, 4 GB of RAM, and a bright 5.2” full HD (1080p) display ensures videos and games run smoothly and look great.
Find Best Price at Amazon"It was a huge upgrade from the 1st-gen, 2014 Moto G LTE (XT1045) which had served me well for nearly three years, but whose limited memory (8GB flash and a mere 1GB RAM) had become frustrating to deal with, struggling to keep up with today's heavier apps and web pages, no longer even able to follow links from an RSS reader without the reader app having to restart afterwards. I need this for special network requirements (IPv6 tethering, firewall, VPN routing), but also like having full control over my phones, and being rooted allows working around a few G5+ foibles, like the missing notification LED and low speaker volume. Moto's camera app is fast and easy to use, with manual adjustment options for shutter speed, ISO sensitivity, etc. A few things I don't like, and consider regressions from the original Moto G: - lack of a notification LED for texts or missed calls, as earlier Moto G's and even very cheap Moto E's of the 1st and 2nd generations had. I guess the "Moto Display" feature, which dimly lights the screen to show alerts when the phone is picked up or moved was meant as a replacement, and this might work for someone who ALWAYS keeps the phone in a pocket or purse, but it's not an adequate substitute for those of us who often leave it on a desk, nightstand etc. I've done so, and it's certainly better than nothing, but being dimmer than the older G's LED, and recessed inside makes this harder to see, easily missed when the phone's lying flat more than a short distance away. [July update: earlier this month the software was brought up to the May 2017 security patch level, via OTA update NPNS25.137-35-5]. - no longer being able to take the back off the phone, as every previous Moto G allowed, is bad news for repairability, thinking especially of the need for eventual battery replacement. Hoping to never have to do this for the life of the phone, I've avoided fast-charging it except when traveling, or otherwise actually needing a fast charge, and set it to accept USB power but not charge when left plugged into a computer for long periods, for tethering or development purposes (unless the battery's low, in which case it stops at 70%). - Screen brightness, at maximum seems slightly less than the original Moto G. It's plenty bright indoors, but can be a little harder than the older phone to read under direct sun. - The original Moto G was supposedly waterproof (to some degree), but G5 Plus is only splash-resistant. - reversal of the power button & volume rocker, compared to their placement on all previous Moto G's and E's was inconsiderate to loyal Motorola users who are upgrading. I've finally gotten used to the new layout, but still carry an older Moto E as a backup phone on another carrier, which doesn't help. I don't care about these, but others might: - micro-USB rather than USB-C -- I have a pile of other devices still using micro-USB, and it's nice having to carry just one cable type. - lack of NFC - I've no interest in Android Pay, which is a pain on a rooted phone anyway due to CTS/SafetyNet checks. REGARDING ROOT ACCESS: I chose the unsubsidized "Standard" version without Amazon ads, partly because root access is near the top of my requirements in a phone. I don't know if paying the ad-removal fee back to Amazon will also release it for unlocking, but suspect not -- the unlock procedure requires going to a Motorola site and entering a unique hex string that's programmed into each phone at the factory (possibly derived from the IMEI, ADB serial number, etc. ), then getting another unique hex string in return - Moto keeps track of which phones are unlock-eligible and which aren't, and would have to update their records after the fact based on whether Amazon's subsidy has been repaid, which probably doesn't happen. * For control of the charging (ad hoc notification) LED, the magic command is 'su -c "echo 1 >/sys/class/leds/charging/brightness" ' to make this LED blink quickly; echo 0 to turn it off; echo 2 for a slow flashing, 3 for solid-on. I made a simple Tasker script to flash it on new texts or missed calls, and extinguish when the screen transitions off -> on (not counting motion-activated Moto Display wake-ups): pastebin(dot)com(slash)SsUCa3fe. Suggestions for Moto / Lenovo to consider in future software updates: - please improve the One-Button Nav feature with more customization options. - allow the earpiece Charging LED to optionally serve as Notification LED (off by default), without having to root the phone. In future phones (G6? ), please consider improving the LED to be nice and bright/exposed as old early G's, and also making the battery removable, like on the non-Plus Moto G5 sold in other countries, or at least reasonably serviceable as on previous Moto phones with their removable back covers, even if this adds an extra gram or two of mass, or a mm of thickness."
"I usually wait a full week of ownership or more before I write a review. I am a light to moderate cell phone user coming from a Samsung Galaxy S5. I have not received any money, merchandise, discount, or any promise of such for my review. My phone met a watery death and it was time to upgrade. Pros: Camera. No bloatware. Android 7.0. Performance. Screen clarity. Wi-Fi calling. Construction. Cons: Text and call notification. Speaker quality. No removable battery. Screen brightness. Overall, I am very happy with the phone. The phone performance is snappy, camera is fast, screen is decent, and there are few limitations. If you are a low to moderate user that knows how to use the google play store, then this might be the best value for your money of any phone currently on the market. The highlights of the phone that stand out most to me are the camera, screen, and performance. I am a parent of 3 kids, so 10 seconds means a lot of missed photos. I found this to be superior to my brother’s IPhone 7, my friend’s S7, and the T-Mobile store’s S8. A second double twist motion will bring up the selfie camera, which is also of good quality. The stills are not as amazing as an IPhone, but they are comparable to a S7 (getting spanked in low light but close in all others I tried). Again, real world speed from wanting to a taking a picture to picture being taken is fastest I have ever seen on anything short of a top end SLR camera (with obviously inferior quality). If I listen to Amazon Music for 5 hours, watch a video or two, and do some light browsing, I am at 72%. ****08/17/17 UPDATE****. I am not going to comment on what is the best phone currently on the market as things change in a few months. I dropped the phone very hard today and shattered by screen protector. Fortunately, the phone was unharmed, but it was literally launched while running with 2 kids in my arms and hit the floor screen first. The G5 Plus does not hold a candle to these phones in terms of sheer processing power. I still can take a no flash picture from an off screen faster with the G5 Plus than either of these phones. It is on par with the S7, while having a slight bit more image noise and poorer low light performance. I recently pulled a 3 full day with no power off with light phone usage. I had an error message on the phone when loading the camera app, but that has since been resolved after a quick Lenovo website search. I always wear a pocketed shirt to work and my phone always spends time there."
"Pretty much stock Android with a few Moto quirks (twist for camera, flick for flashlight) that don't bog down the phone like Samsung software tends to do (my old Galaxy S6). Basically, the difference between this and the standard version ($60 more) is twofold: mine came with Amazon's apps pre-installed on the phone, all in their own folder and the lock-screen will almost always have an ad."

Default resolution is Full HD+ and can be changed to Quad HD+ (WQHD+) in Settings.
Find Best Price at Amazon"People bought used products or from a private seller and got something not covered by amazon. After owning the phone long enough to be familiar with it, I thought I would leave a decent review outlining some of the pro's and con's, as well as some neutral's. Simply put, the AMOLED allows for some amazing battery life and the 3000mah batter holds up well. As stated in #7, it helps with battery life but other than that, it has plenty of brightness and picture clarity. I also carified in #3 that the screen size and pixel ratio were simply stunning. By far some of the best I have owned, as far as ear buds go, and you don't have to pay for good quality here. The material of them is great and they come with extra different size earbuds. Keep in mind, android has A LOT of settings, and it would be wise to go through them all including the basic options that samsung offers. You can actually adjust the size of every single widget, and fit more apps on the pages as well as the default home row. I personally have a camera and the phone app on the lock screen, and keep all my apps on a single page, in folders, the weather, a google search bar with the mic button, and lastly a control panel for quick access to bluetooth and auto-sync buttons etc etc.. All on one page, with plenty of empty space. Maybe I am just to used to an older, smaller phone, but one handed operations is going to take some getting used to. I do not see this as a negative still, just takes some getting used to and as outlined in the pro's section, the overall screen size is perfect. IMHO, it does look really cool, but SAMSUNG needs to give us more control over it. I feel it can definitely cater to some users who enjoy always being able to look at their phone. I chose the basic setting, but there is even an option to change balance which let's you arrange a set of liked color boxes, whites, and blacks to your liking and all kinds of other options for personal preference. It really is a great setting, however, it is a neutral and not a pro simply because they enable a very rich color by default. The standard one IMHO, is ugly and not aesthetically pleasing to read. I have a search bar and I have turned off all settings both in the phone and google, but for some reason if you say those two naughty words, it still comes up. I think samsung needs to address this before anything else, even the bixby issues some people are not liking or failing to change. This belongs in the negative because most of us are drop prone, and even if you are not, it is very easy to make a mistake. That said, I have NEVER dropped a phone to a point where it broke (fingers crossed, knock on wood). I personally do not use it at all, but if I did and wanted to take a picture, you would be cleaning your lense as soon as you unlocked it. Nobody wants to take an unclear photo because they used the finger print security feature. I like the Google Plus one, but feel that if any, Apple has the best one being in the home button. Please pay attention and buy a new phone from Amazon only. I do not ever recommend getting a refurb on this kind of product, or buying from a private seller regardless of their rating. As for Bixby, all you have to do is not set it up and hold the home screen like you are adding a widget, scroll to the left and hit the button to turn it off. This will not remove it, but will stop it from doind whatever crazy stuff these other reviews are talking about. Also, make sure you go through your settings, including the subsettings imbedded into android like background data usage etc etc and turn it all off. The list of pro's, con's, and neutral's are simply my take and my opinion. At least if you are in a position to think about it and can try it, go to a local store and pick one up on the display to play with it, but it's just not the same as owning it. I was torn between a google pixel xl and this one, but when this dropped in price it made my decision that much easier. I did like the idea of a bigger phone, however, I just kept thinking how big it would be in my pocket. I do a lot of fishing, hiking, and outdoor stuff and 90% of the time, I TRY to keep my phone around me in my pocket in case of an emergency. I think you can get used to this phone and if you are complaining about the things I have outlined here, the only one to blame is you. So give it a try, navigate ALL the settings, get used to android, and don't drop this phone lol!"
"So far the best phone I ever had. I did a comparison with my old phone and you certainly can feel that it's more powerful. I love shooting video and it nails it in video quality and it does slow motion!!"
"I was skeptical about buying this phone off Amazon instead of Verizon because the reviews were half good, half bad as far as activating it on the Verizon network."
"This phone should be a no-brainer. Enter Samsung's software."

Octa-Core processor(16nm) and 3GB RAM, Plus the smart file system allows for gaming, browsing, listening to music or running multiple apps at the same time.
Find Best Price at Amazon"After few more days of use: the 6x clearly outranks the 5x in design (which is growing on me), WiFi and cell reception, performance and battery life. Metal design and fingerprint sensor where rarely seen on any phone with close price tag at that time, are becoming more and more standard now. The performance with the snapdragon was lacking under pressure and the EMUI android skin is not everybody’s cup of tea. That being said the Honor 6x is more round around the edges, has more mate finish on the back (both has aluminum body) and feels more comfortable to hold. This is confirmed by multiple benchmark tests although I will not bore you with the details (easily obtainable by googling both processors). I hated those extra seconds of waiting on 5x when checking traffic in the morning before I head to work – no more with 6x!). One last word: my only concern regarding the 6x is the GPU (which handles the display and 3d part, gaming mostly). The GPU on the 5x is Adreno 405 – no match for much better GPUs in today’s flagships but performs OK and tried in and out. but for practical purposes both did great with a small edge for the 6x, colors seems more accurate. However, for the price range they may be the best you can get and it looks amazing for watching a movie or displaying pictures. This seems odd as the two lens format seems to be a selling point to Honor but the phone has more to offer anyway. It is somewhere in the middle of Android and iPhone and I think it took some nice features from both (I like that you can search for apps simply by swiping the home screen down like you can do on iOS). For what it is worth, I think the EMUI is one of the best android skins to prevent battery drains – it seems well optimized. I am looking for a phone that can give me few hours (3-5 at least of screen on time) to check my emails and browse internet, may be the occasional game or two, and not drain itself to death when I am not using it. My biggest problem that I do not get good reception in my work area where I spend several hours a day and this seems to suck the life out of every battery I tried. It may be the software or the way honor handles the bad reception but that was why I stuck with the 5x for a year. At the price range I really do not care about the extra 30 min it seems to take when compared to, say, Axon 7 which took me around an hour and a half to fully charge. The honor 6x sensor is faster than the 5x. Both are fully compatible with T mobile and AT and T. LTE is excellent: I get around 10-15 mg download speed in a major metro area. After few more days of use the much better battery life, design and performance easily justifies the price difference."
"I'm really surprised what a great phone this is for $250."
"(1) Most apps I had on my iPhone, I can find them in Google Play Store. I spent some time researching an Email app that most resembled the iPhone email app, but eventually decided to use the default Huawei email app. After having used the Honor 6X for a few days, I find it so much more convenient to do things such as closing an app, login to the phone. I used to use the fingerprint reader to login to my bank account apps on my iPhone, but most Android apps don't support login using fingerprint yet. (Correction: I stand corrected: Most apps do support fingerprint login with a few exceptions, one being the Fidelity app)."
Best Unlocked Cell Phones

Fast 4G LTE speed, up to 2.0 GHz octa-core processor, 4 GB of RAM, and a bright 5.2” full HD (1080p) display ensures videos and games run smoothly and look great.
Find Best Price at Amazon"It was a huge upgrade from the 1st-gen, 2014 Moto G LTE (XT1045) which had served me well for nearly three years, but whose limited memory (8GB flash and a mere 1GB RAM) had become frustrating to deal with, struggling to keep up with today's heavier apps and web pages, no longer even able to follow links from an RSS reader without the reader app having to restart afterwards. I need this for special network requirements (IPv6 tethering, firewall, VPN routing), but also like having full control over my phones, and being rooted allows working around a few G5+ foibles, like the missing notification LED and low speaker volume. Moto's camera app is fast and easy to use, with manual adjustment options for shutter speed, ISO sensitivity, etc. A few things I don't like, and consider regressions from the original Moto G: - lack of a notification LED for texts or missed calls, as earlier Moto G's and even very cheap Moto E's of the 1st and 2nd generations had. I guess the "Moto Display" feature, which dimly lights the screen to show alerts when the phone is picked up or moved was meant as a replacement, and this might work for someone who ALWAYS keeps the phone in a pocket or purse, but it's not an adequate substitute for those of us who often leave it on a desk, nightstand etc. I've done so, and it's certainly better than nothing, but being dimmer than the older G's LED, and recessed inside makes this harder to see, easily missed when the phone's lying flat more than a short distance away. [July update: earlier this month the software was brought up to the May 2017 security patch level, via OTA update NPNS25.137-35-5]. - no longer being able to take the back off the phone, as every previous Moto G allowed, is bad news for repairability, thinking especially of the need for eventual battery replacement. Hoping to never have to do this for the life of the phone, I've avoided fast-charging it except when traveling, or otherwise actually needing a fast charge, and set it to accept USB power but not charge when left plugged into a computer for long periods, for tethering or development purposes (unless the battery's low, in which case it stops at 70%). - Screen brightness, at maximum seems slightly less than the original Moto G. It's plenty bright indoors, but can be a little harder than the older phone to read under direct sun. - The original Moto G was supposedly waterproof (to some degree), but G5 Plus is only splash-resistant. - reversal of the power button & volume rocker, compared to their placement on all previous Moto G's and E's was inconsiderate to loyal Motorola users who are upgrading. I've finally gotten used to the new layout, but still carry an older Moto E as a backup phone on another carrier, which doesn't help. I don't care about these, but others might: - micro-USB rather than USB-C -- I have a pile of other devices still using micro-USB, and it's nice having to carry just one cable type. - lack of NFC - I've no interest in Android Pay, which is a pain on a rooted phone anyway due to CTS/SafetyNet checks. REGARDING ROOT ACCESS: I chose the unsubsidized "Standard" version without Amazon ads, partly because root access is near the top of my requirements in a phone. I don't know if paying the ad-removal fee back to Amazon will also release it for unlocking, but suspect not -- the unlock procedure requires going to a Motorola site and entering a unique hex string that's programmed into each phone at the factory (possibly derived from the IMEI, ADB serial number, etc. ), then getting another unique hex string in return - Moto keeps track of which phones are unlock-eligible and which aren't, and would have to update their records after the fact based on whether Amazon's subsidy has been repaid, which probably doesn't happen. * For control of the charging (ad hoc notification) LED, the magic command is 'su -c "echo 1 >/sys/class/leds/charging/brightness" ' to make this LED blink quickly; echo 0 to turn it off; echo 2 for a slow flashing, 3 for solid-on. I made a simple Tasker script to flash it on new texts or missed calls, and extinguish when the screen transitions off -> on (not counting motion-activated Moto Display wake-ups): pastebin(dot)com(slash)SsUCa3fe. Suggestions for Moto / Lenovo to consider in future software updates: - please improve the One-Button Nav feature with more customization options. - allow the earpiece Charging LED to optionally serve as Notification LED (off by default), without having to root the phone. In future phones (G6? ), please consider improving the LED to be nice and bright/exposed as old early G's, and also making the battery removable, like on the non-Plus Moto G5 sold in other countries, or at least reasonably serviceable as on previous Moto phones with their removable back covers, even if this adds an extra gram or two of mass, or a mm of thickness."
"I usually wait a full week of ownership or more before I write a review. I am a light to moderate cell phone user coming from a Samsung Galaxy S5. I have not received any money, merchandise, discount, or any promise of such for my review. My phone met a watery death and it was time to upgrade. Pros: Camera. No bloatware. Android 7.0. Performance. Screen clarity. Wi-Fi calling. Construction. Cons: Text and call notification. Speaker quality. No removable battery. Screen brightness. Overall, I am very happy with the phone. The phone performance is snappy, camera is fast, screen is decent, and there are few limitations. If you are a low to moderate user that knows how to use the google play store, then this might be the best value for your money of any phone currently on the market. The highlights of the phone that stand out most to me are the camera, screen, and performance. I am a parent of 3 kids, so 10 seconds means a lot of missed photos. I found this to be superior to my brother’s IPhone 7, my friend’s S7, and the T-Mobile store’s S8. A second double twist motion will bring up the selfie camera, which is also of good quality. The stills are not as amazing as an IPhone, but they are comparable to a S7 (getting spanked in low light but close in all others I tried). Again, real world speed from wanting to a taking a picture to picture being taken is fastest I have ever seen on anything short of a top end SLR camera (with obviously inferior quality). If I listen to Amazon Music for 5 hours, watch a video or two, and do some light browsing, I am at 72%. ****08/17/17 UPDATE****. I am not going to comment on what is the best phone currently on the market as things change in a few months. I dropped the phone very hard today and shattered by screen protector. Fortunately, the phone was unharmed, but it was literally launched while running with 2 kids in my arms and hit the floor screen first. The G5 Plus does not hold a candle to these phones in terms of sheer processing power. I still can take a no flash picture from an off screen faster with the G5 Plus than either of these phones. It is on par with the S7, while having a slight bit more image noise and poorer low light performance. I recently pulled a 3 full day with no power off with light phone usage. I had an error message on the phone when loading the camera app, but that has since been resolved after a quick Lenovo website search. I always wear a pocketed shirt to work and my phone always spends time there."
"Pretty much stock Android with a few Moto quirks (twist for camera, flick for flashlight) that don't bog down the phone like Samsung software tends to do (my old Galaxy S6). Basically, the difference between this and the standard version ($60 more) is twofold: mine came with Amazon's apps pre-installed on the phone, all in their own folder and the lock-screen will almost always have an ad."
Best Carrier Cell Phones

The new Moto E features a vibrant 5” HD screen designed to fit right in your hand. Fast 4G LTE speed, 1.4 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 425 quad-core processor, 2 GB RAM with 16 GB internal memory and support for up to 128 GB microSD card.
Find Best Price at Amazon"The new Moto E4 looks like it had a Moto G5 Plus as a father and a Moto G Play as a mother. Verizon beat out Amazon, introducing the Moto E4 a week ago, but that model can only work on the Verizon's CDMA network and only has 4 LTE bands. This phone gives you the flexibility to drop AT&T and go to Verizon or T-mobile. This Moto model has a micro USB input for charging, not the USB-C type which is on newer, more expensive phones, so you can re-use your older cords and chargers. Here are the available bands: GSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz. WCDMA B1 (2100)/ B2 (1900)/ B4 (1700/2100)/ B5 (850)/ B8 (900)MHz. CDMA BC0 (850) BC1 (1900) BC10 (850+). LTE TDD 38/41. FDD Band 1/2/4/5/7/8/12(lower 700 1bc)/13 (upper 700)/17 (lower 700 bc)/25/26/66. The fingerprint sensor works very well and is a great feature at this price point!! It's a better buy than the older Moto G Play, which sells for the same price. For a case, I purchased the Moto E4 Case, LONTECT [Heavy Duty] [Shock-Absorption] [Kickstand Feature] Hybrid Dual Layer Armor Defender Case Cover for Moto E4 - Grey I like this style of case as it offers good protection and has a nice stand to use your E4 as a TV or for watching your Amazon Prime and YouTube content. Update: 08/01/2017 Last night I was in Walmart, and saw they are selling the Verizon Prepaid version of the Moto E4 for $39.95! But please be aware that it’s a locked phone, that only has Verizon’s LTE bands 2,4 and 13, so you can’t use it on AT&T or T-Mobile or smaller MVNOs that buy minutes from them."
"Check out my YouTube Channel for follow up videos, and reviews of some accessories for this device. The fingerprint sensor on this phone works great, and I love the one button nav. The screen also gets fairly bright, and is pretty easily visible on the brightest of days. Performance: 4.5/5 - The Snapdragon 425 processor and 2gb of RAM is a relatively common setup in many budget friendly phones. So far gaming has been very smooth, and it's able to handle all the common daily tasks like scrolling through social media, watching YouTube, listening to music, etc... Software: 4/5 - Moto is known for there mostly stock software, and the slight tweaks they offer are generally quite useful. They certainly won't compete with the flagships phones in clarity, but you shouldn't expect that at this price point."
"I am a long time Nexus owner with the exception of the 2014 Moto x so I am used to having an upper middle tier phone with stock or near stock versions of Android on them. Also I miss usb-c but at this price point it is ok. Back to the good I love the look of the phone, the software is mostly stock and clean even with all the Amazon stuff, the micro-sd card slot helps over the only 16gb storage, the fingerprint scanner works great as well as the gestures built into it to replace the on screen buttons."
Best Cell Phone Accessories

Crystal Clear Distortion-Free Sound Surprisingly Loud Volume Rain Proof- Splash Proof - Shower Proof Ultra-Portable, Ultra-Lightweight Stylish Design plays horizontally and stands to play vertically Hands Free Personal Speaker Phone Connects quickly over Bluetooth to your iPhone, Smartphone, and Tablet Listen to music, videos, movies, apps, and games. Connect in just a few seconds over Bluetooth to your iPhone, Smartphone, and Tablet Play from Chromebooks, Windows 7-8 systems, TVs and non-Bluetooth devices using the included 3.5mm audio cable connected to the OontZ Angle 3 AUX-IN jack Play wirelessly over Bluetooth up to 30 unobstructed feet away from your phone or tablet Rechargeable battery charges using the included Micro USB cable, connected to a USB wall charger (not included) or from your PC or laptop. *. Battery play time varies and may be less than 12 hours for a number of reasons including the listening volume (the louder the volume, the shorter the play time), the device, Bluetooth connection, and music genre and music source. CONNECT OVER BLUETOOTH IN SECONDS to: iPhone, iPad, iPod, Mac, Smartphones, Tablets, Laptops, Computers, Chromebooks ---- To play from TVs and non-Bluetooth devices use the included 3.5mm audio cable connected to the AUX-IN jack --- BUILT-IN MIC for handsfree speakerphone calls from Smartphones and iPhones --- includes Micro-USB charging cable and 3.5mm audio cable -- Official OontZ Angle 3 Carry Case available sold separately on Amazon.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I did a lot of research before choosing this speaker. He ordered the 3 PLUS and says it is a better speaker than his Jawbone Bluetooth Speaker for less than half the cost. I use the smaller speaker, which sets on a high shelf in my shower, as it is water resistant & splash proof. I would go for the Angle 3 PLUS as the price difference is only about $7 unless a smaller speaker is your goal. I have referred several people to this powerful little speaker and all are very happy with their purchase."
"Best speaker I've ever purchased."
"I bought three Bluetooth speakers hoping ONE would be usable. I bought the Cambridge SoundWorks Oontz Angle 3, the Anker Classic Portable, and the Boombotix REX. If you want to nitpick, the Boombotix is the smallest, the Anker is next, and the Cambridge is the largest. The Boombotix is sturdy and easy to use, the buttons are a little close together, but they work well. The Cambridge Angle 3 is sturdy and I love the shape. The rubber end caps are a mixed blessing. I recommend standing it up if you put a lot of volume through it because once the bass starts to thump it will bounce and wiggle it's way all over the place. But standing up the passive radiator on the bottom doesn't propel it all over. None of them are on par with the large Sound Dock or Klipsch type speakers, but they could hardly be expected to compete with those at this size and price.The Cambridge is my favorite because it has more bass than the other two. There's an audio out jack, which you can use to run a second speaker (of any make). I chose the Angle 3, it fits my needs best with the best imitation of bass, but the others are good enough that I've decided to keep them and use them too."
Best Cell Phone Cases, Holsters & Clips

Offer Type: Frustration Free Packaging |. Color: BLACK |. Product Packaging: Frustration Free Packaging. Compatible with iPhone 8 & iPhone 7 (NOT Plus).
Find Best Price at Amazon"The older Otter Box and Life Proof cases were very slippery on the sides making it had to pull the phone out of a holster or pocket."
"A Commuter user with iphone 4s, 5s, 6s and now 8."
"I got this as a warehouse deal!"
"This case is very good quality and I will definitely be buying another one when we get our next phone or tablet."
"This case works great on iPhone 6/7/8."
"Big fan of otterbox cases."
"I like this case it’s pretty durable."
"Three months later, the hard plastic portion of my case is cracked along he entire bottom and is about to break apart."
Best Cell Phone SIM Cards & Prepaid Minutes

Brand New T-Mobile Triple Cut Sim-card 2017 Version 2017 Version - Expiration Date: 2/22/2019 Sim-card Only - Brand New Unactivated Work with Prepaid and Postpaid No activation code included Free Shipping. Punch out the ready-to-use Nano SIM, slip it into your phone or tablet, and you’re ready to go.
Find Best Price at Amazon"When we need to recharge, go online and use debit or credit card for payment (here you can choose "auto payment" by saving your credit/debit or bank details or "uncheck" save card or bank details online for manual payment. Check your 15-digit serial number (IMEI) on the inside of your device’s battery compartment or by dialing *#06# from your phone. 4. If you choose "pay as you go plan" then recharge for $10 for 3 months validity. You can see that $3 is deducted for the current month and balance $7 will be shown in your account."
"They're made of a black durable plastic that resembles the highly rated Sadapter Three Adapter Pack - Retail Packaging - Black found here: I was currently using a micro sized SIM in my iPhone 4s and wanted to change it to a nano size SIM since I like switching phones every few days. I used the included nano to micro SIM adapter and the fitment was perfect in my iPhone 4s! UPDATE 4/9/15: Was able to try the nano SIM along with the adapters in several more phones/tablets (some of which I own, some from friends/family) and they worked/fit well: - iPhone 3G. - iPhone 5. - iPhone 6 Plus. - Amazon Fire Phone. - OnePlus One (both nano and micro SIM trays). - Nexus 5. - Nexus 6. - Nexus 7 tablet (for fitment). - iPad 3rd generation tablet (for fitment). UPDATE 8/11/15: Nano SIM and adapters are still working perfectly!"
"It's $30 prepaid and gives you unlimited texting, 5GB of 4G/LTE data (with reduced speeds after), and 100 talk minutes. You find the plan online and you have to have your T-Mobile capable phone already (this plan doesn't work with phone payment plans), then you get this sim card, activate the sim card using this pack online, you set up your automatic payments, and you now have a $30 unlimited text and data with 100 minutes talk plan. T-Mobile doesn't sell these cards, they'll try to sell you a plan to get the sim card for $50 a month, then let you switch your plan."
"When I was with this company, my sim went bad.They told me just buy another, so I did..I called to activate it and they changed my phone number!!"
Best Mobile Broadband
![GlocalMe G3 4G LTE Mobile Hotspot, [Upgraded Version] Worldwide High Speed WIFI Hotspot with 1GB Global Initial Data, No SIM Card Roaming Charges International Pocket WIFI Hotspot MIFI Device (Black)](
GlocalMe has covered over 100 countries and regions and trying to cover a wider area with free roaming. WORLDWIDE SIM FREE CONNECTION - Powered by innovative Cloud SIM technology, GlocalMe G3 hotspot allows travelers to access the Internet at any point of their travels without any local SIM card or roaming charge in 100+ countries and regions. 4G LTE HIGH SPEED NETWORK – 50Mbps max upload speed and 150Mbps max download speed allow you to enjoy movies music and reading everywhere.
Find Best Price at Amazon"It takes about a minute to turn on and log in, so I just let my car warm up, Meanwhile, the reason I wanted this mobile wifi is because I have an ipod touch with live radio. I have a newer car that has bluetooth and like to play either my own music, or the live radio from the ipod through the car speakers. The ipod was a little tricky because it always started playing my music instead of the live radio so it takes a minute longer to make it stop playing my music and start playing the live radio app."
"The most important thing is that it offers 1GB initial global data for free to help to learn the usage before paying any fee thus you can use it without any difficulty."
"I purchased this last year for some trips around Southeast Asia and East Asia to have a WiFi hotspot instead of paying daily to extend each of our family members' plans to include international data during our trip."
"I wait to write a review until I use it for a long trip across Europe and Morocco... it works perfectly fine, I used for work and emergency’s because the data seems to be consumed faster while you travel... it was only one time that it didn’t work but I will add to that comment that I was in a place around the higiest mountains on Morocco (so it can be acceptable)."
"Worked well on a trip across the US southwest, only a few deadspots (canyons, mountains always a problem) Pleased with the ease of setup, using and cost."
"Like to see how much data was left on what I bought."
"It is so easy to use once installed."
"The data is a little expensive but it worked perfectly in Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay."