
Best Afrikaans eBooks

Paaiboelie (Afrikaans Edition)
Terwyl Jojo ontrafel wat die waarheid agter skatryk Eduard Swiegelaar se moord is, dobber die geheime wat al ʼn eeu op Crystal Crags verswyg is boontoe en Zaan, Eduard se weduwee, staan in die brandpunt.
"Die sleg: Ek weet nie wat het my die meeste gepla nie, die veels te vinnige karakter oogpunt veranderinge, wat juis spanning breek, of dat die romanse my aandag afgetrek het van die storie nie. Ek lees glad nie meer romanse nie, en hou nie van 'n boek wat hoofsaaklik oor romanse gaan nie, hierdie boek het vir my te veel daaraan gegrens. Dis nie in dieselfde spanningsverhaal liga as bv gone girl of girl on the train nie of selfs Deon Meyer se speurverhale nie, maar die sterk vroue in haar verhale is altyd vir my 'n plus punt al is die karakters nie vreeslik 3D nie."
"Baie goed, soos al Chanette se boeke, jy moet dit klaar lees voor jy dit kan neersit!"
"I enjoyed the story."
"I had the best time reading this page turner with its over abundance of mystery, suspense, romance, humour and memorable characters."
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Die vrou in die blou mantel (Afrikaans Edition)
Sy is heeltemal kaal, uitgestrek by die groot uitkykpunt, haar kop na die noorde, haar voete na die suide. Orion, Proteus en Infanta is met die ATKV-prosaprys bekroon.
"En Bennie Griessel en Vaughn Cupido terug is met hulle streke het die book mens getrek en die verbeelding opgevuur."
"Short and sweet but still packed with typical DM intrigue, humor and believable story telling."
"Interessante storielyn deurvleg met die lief en leed van die Valke speuder- Bennie Griesel en n naakte vrou met n blou mantel."
"Ek verkies wel die langer formaat."
"To expensive for a short story."
"A classic Deon Meyer with Bennie Griesel back in the saddle."
"All the loose ends did not come together."
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Mentje - Kind van die Pas-Opkamp (Afrikaans) (Afrikaans Edition)
Sy is so verskriklik eensaam.
"Die beste wat ek in ‘n lang tyd gelees het."
"Based on a solid historical background, yet painting the personal circumstances of a child lost in a war vividly and with great feeling."
"Was net ‘n aandoenlike boek."
"Very interesting in fact gripping."
"Irma Joubert op haar beste!"
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Best Afrikaans Language Fiction

Mentje - Kind van die Pas-Opkamp (Afrikaans) (Afrikaans Edition)
Sy is so verskriklik eensaam.
"Die beste wat ek in ‘n lang tyd gelees het."
"Based on a solid historical background, yet painting the personal circumstances of a child lost in a war vividly and with great feeling."
"Was net ‘n aandoenlike boek."
"Very interesting in fact gripping."
"Irma Joubert op haar beste!"
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Best Alsatian eBooks

Best Albanian eBooks

Shënime kuzhine: Kuzhina italo-shqiptare (Albanian Edition)
Normalisht shqiptarët që jetojnë në Itali, gatuajnë duke u bazuar në recetat e dy kuzhinave, shqiptare dhe italiane... Nga njëra anë preferohet tradita e nga ana tjetër janë kërkesat e përditshme që ndikojnë në mënyrën e të ushqyerit dhe si rrjedhim në përdorimin e shumë recetave italiane. Në sajë të kujtesës së këtyre pajisjeve, që mund të mbahen në xhep osenë çantë, mund të marrim me vete një bibliotekë të tërë, kur p.sh. shkojmë mepushime... Nuk ka nevojë të shkojmë në njëlibrari ose bibliotekë për të porositur një libër; mund ta porosisim atëmenjëherë nga PC-ja (iPhone, etj), në çdo kohë dhe mund të fillojmë ta lexojmë kurdoherë.Kostoja e një libri elektronik "ebook" është shpesh herë rreth 2-3 herë më evogël se ajo e një libri të shtypur në letër. Ky lloj libri është menduar edhepër t'u përdorur nga njerëz të cilët mund të kenë nevojë për të zmadhuargermat, për ta bërë më të lehtë dhe më pak të mundimshëm leximin; mund tëpërdoren fjalorë të integruar e përveç kësaj ekziston edhe mundësia që të bëjmëkërkime tekstuale, duke përdorur fjalë kyçe, gjë që është shumë e vështirë tëbëhet në një libër të shtypur në letër. Ky soj libri është i pajisur edhe meshënjues-faqesh për të mbajtur shenjin e faqes dhe për të filluar edhe një herëatje ku kemi ndërprerë leximin, dhe gjithashtu ofron mundësinë që të nënvizojmëfjali ose paragrafë dhe t'i postojmë ato direkt në profilin tonë në Facebookose në Twitter. Në Firence shtohetsallam dhe proshutë, të prerë në feta të holla, dhe rriskore (krostini,brusketa, sipas rasti pjepër me proshutë) e pastaj gjellë të para në vend të pjataveunike shqiptare, gjellë kryesore (të dyta) dhe garnitura të ndryshme. Pas viteve 90-të, kuzhina italo-shqiptare paraqitetme një ndikim më të madh në familjet e emigrantëve shqiptarë në Itali, në njëformë tjetër: të ndryshuar për shkak të ndikimit të kulturave lokale dhe përshkak të përdorimit të produkteve të ndryshme midis Italisë dhe Shqipërisë.Dallimi kryesor i kuzhinës italo-shqiptare në krahasim me kuzhinën italianeështë përdorimi i shumtë i erëzave që i japin asaj një "aromë" orientale.Kulturat e ndryshme, ndërmjet Lindjes dhePerëndimit, në Shqipëri janë ndërthurur dhe mbivendosur për shekuj me radhë,duke dhënë si rezultat shumëllojshmërinë e kësajkuzhine, e cila qëndron ndërmjet kulturësmesdhetare të ushqimit dhe asaj lindore: një miks i kuzhinave italiane, turke,sllave dhe greke.Specialitetet shqiptarelokale janë integruar me ato të rajoneve të ndryshme italiane, sipas venditpritës të emigrantëve shqiptarë: rezultati ka qenë një numër nërritje, pothuajse pafund i variacioneve dhe i specialiteteve të kësajkuzhine.
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Best Irish eBooks

My First Words in Irish: Basic vocabulary for beginners (Learn Irish Book 1) (Irish Edition)
Learn your first words in Irish Gaelic in this colorful book for children.
"These are funny words!!!"
"It has easily identifiable pictures with the Irish words underneath and the pronunciation beneath the words. The pronunciation guide gives "ah" for á. I was under the impression á has an aw sound like in saw or paw."
"This is by far the best Irish book for beginners out there."
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Best Scots eBooks

Geordie's Mingin Medicine: George's Marvellous Medicine in Scots (Scots Edition)
"I purchased it for my husband, as he grew up on Roald Dahl books and has always been deeply interested in his Scottish heritage."
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Best Manx eBooks

San Diego - 2032 (Manx Edition)
A fö szál a szerelemé, amely egy bomladozó házasság romjain kezd bimbózni a San Diegói tudományos elit egyik vezetö alakja és egy pályakezdö fiatal lány között. Megismerkedhetünk a tudomány belsö világával, a professzorok, a tudományos kutatók, az egyetemi hallgatók és a titkárnök rejtett gondolataival, érzelmeivel és motivációival, amelyek egyébként nem különböznek alapvetöen más emberekétöl. A regényben bemutatkoznak egy önmarcangoló házasság sztereotip technikái a másik fél gyötrését illetöen, valamint a barátság és a rokoni kötelékek összetartó ereje.
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Best Latin eBooks

Deeds of the Romans (Gesta Romanorum) (Latin Edition)
Simple Latin stories from the medieval era, useful for intermediate and advanced Latin students, medievalists, and literary historians.
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Best Danish eBooks

Olive Kitteridge (Danish Edition)
Som hendes mand på et tidspunkt siger til hende: “I alle de år vi har været gift, i alle disse år, tror jeg ikke at du så meget som én eneste gang har sagt undskyld for noget som helst.” Og hun bærer på en stor sorg: forholdet til hendes søn er ikke blevet som hun havde forestillet sig og bevidstheden om at det nok er hendes egen skyld er ubehagelig. UDDRAG AF ANMELDELSER. PERFEKT TIL LÆSEKREDSEEn gribende, skarp og vedkommende roman ... velskrevet, begavet og i høj grad anbefalelsesværdig ... Alt er rørende og genkedeligt, men serveres så overbevisende og begavet, at man bliver ramt effektivt både i intellektet og hjertet ... Pulitzerpris-vindende roman, som vil blive elsket og nydt af et stort publikum. The opening Pharmacy focuses on terse, dry junior high-school teacher Olive Kitteridge and her gregarious pharmacist husband, Henry, both of whom have survived the loss of a psychologically damaged parent, and both of whom suffer painful attractions to co-workers. Their son, Christopher, takes center stage in A Little Burst, which describes his wedding in humorous, somewhat disturbing detail, and in Security, where Olive, in her 70s, visits Christopher and his family in New York. But appalling though Olive can be, Strout manages to make her deeply human and even sympathetic, as are all of the characters in this “novel in stories.” Covering a period of 30-odd years, most of the stories (several of which were previously published in the New Yorker and other magazines) feature Olive as their focus, but in some she is bit player or even a footnote while other characters take center stage to sort through their own fears and insecurities. People are sustained by the rhythms of ordinary life and the natural wonders of coastal Maine, and even Olive is sometimes caught off guard by life’s baffling beauty.
"Stout tells small stories about small people, in a small town, but none of this is small, because Stout reveals that all of our stories--and yes this is an every person type of book, are beautiful."
"Even though I liked her grumpiness some of the time, it was irritating near the end of the book."
"Olive is a well developed character and the author brings her to life through her interaction with others and her own thoughts and actions."
"But I didn't like the fragmented nature of this book and I have no idea what the last chapter. entitled Burgess Boys-was about- who were those people?"
"There are many stories within the overall story."
"Each story told of one persons perception on her life was an interesting concept."
"This book was unusual...... disjoint, insightful, and bittersweet."
"The film version was a far more coherent and interesting story than the book."
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Best Galician eBooks

Pothe Pothe: On the way (Galician Edition)
Saín do metro de Patel Chowk e vimos a unha policía de Delhi. Non hai mellor fonte que a policía para pedir a estrada.Eliminar pola forza e medo para a cabeza e foi para a van e pediu Tom humilde, "Vaishab, como está na casa da Casa de Kerala?" Miña auto-confianza creceu moito coa policía, eu desistín o orgullo de Kerala House. Comecei a camiñar cun sorriso, ollando para arcismanera cincocentas jardas de distancia, camiñan ao longo da calzada ao lado oposto, chegaron a comprender algúns deles penso que vin los rir, riron na cara de kanaphiujada, a maioría pensou tolo, condución pés rápidos.
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Best Catalan eBooks

Plutó (Catalan Edition)
I és que Plutó ens ho explica des del punt de vista del Christopher, l’amic de tota la vida de l’Auggie. VERDICT As it does such an effective job of addressing social issues such as friendship and bullying, this audiobook is a recommended purchase for any library serving elementary-age students.—Tara Hixon, Piedmont High School, OK R. J. Palacio is a graphic designer by day and a writer by night.
"This book is a really good read. The characters have a lot of emotion, the situations all tie in together for an overall key theme, and the simplicity of the story sorts everything out to a simple yet very compelling and very easy to understand story."
"J. Palacio writes amazing stories."
"When a 35 year old mom enjoys the book as much as her 11 year old niece, you know the author is on to something!"
"Although I don't remember too much of Christopher in the Wonder book, this was a nice companion to Auggie's story."
"Our 11 year is nearly obsessed with Wonder and The Julian Chapter and has the books and audiobooks."
"Even though Chris is growing up and facing the same type changes and pressures that kids his age do, he manages to get the lessons that his life circumstances brings him and it gives you a feeling of hope and goodness."
"What i loved about this story is we got to learn more about chris and there is a great message dont take life and people for granted ."
"This book is the story of Auggie's best friend, Christopher."
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Best Greek eBooks

Beginner's Greek (Hippocrene Beginner's Series) (Greek Edition)
Logically laid out chapters build upon one another and allow the student to gain confidence and mastery over the language. She lives in Queens, New York.
"I bought this book to brush up my Greek, so am not a complete beginner."
"You would listen to the 2 CDs to learn pronunciation, with the book open, with Greek left and English right. It is a good book, with fresh dialog, interesting asides about the language and country, and a great price."
"It is unbelievably hard to find a decent beginner's book to learn Modern Greek (at least I have found it difficult), and I'm so happy to have found this book! Obviously this isn't anything special just an obvious way of reinforcing the material, but I am surprised how many people on Amazon slam a language-learning book before even trying to create their own method of learning! I have confidence in this book, and recommend you to check it out if you are struggling to find a serious introduction to this beautiful language."
"When I decided to study Greek I was disappointed that there was not a great deal of material, however this book has really made up for the lack of others."
"Just a note to buyers of the Kindle edition of this title: No CDs are included, nor are MP3 files or any other downloadable audio files."
"I purchased the paperback because the Kindle edition is marked as not including the audio CD's but the paperback I received did not come with any CD's either."
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Best Norwegian eBooks

Sosiale verden (Norwegian Edition)
Inspektør De Cock av gamle Amsterdam politiet står på Varmusstraat resten av trikken på forgård og gikk raskt til Damrak med brede fortau.
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Best Hindi eBooks

Godan (Hindi)
This ebook is from Rajpal and Sons, a 103 year-old publishing house headquartered in Delhi. "In this last novel of Premchand is present every personage that has lent its character to traditional rural India."
"The book is perfect description of rural life in India."
"If you want to understand how the poor(most of India in Earlier 20th century) lived, this is the book."
"Great book by a great author, book-font seemed a bit small."
"This novel is juice of an experience of writer's entire life..... Shree MUNSHI PREMCHAND has noted down the struggle of farmers against their unending problem on paper....."
"Product and picture description is a bit different."
"Well, i havent recieved this item yet!!"
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Best Finnish eBooks

Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal (La colección de Harry Potter) (Spanish Edition)
Harry vive con sus horribles tíos y el insoportable primo Dudley, hasta que su ingreso en el Colegio Hogwarts de Magia y Hechicería cambia su vida para siempre.
"SPECIAL NOTE: For U.S. customers purchasing the illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, you will notice the text has NOT been converted to the "Americanized" version of the original U.S. releases (with the exception of changing all "Philosopher's Stone" mentions to "Sorcerer's Stone"). Good or bad is naturally for each reader to decide--just know, if you plan to read the books while listening to Jim Dale's audiobooks, you'll notice a few superficial differences. The quality of this new illustrated edition is phenomenal. All chapter intros are illustrated."
"IMPORTANT: For U.S. customers purchasing the illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, you will notice the text has NOT been converted to the "Americanized" version of the original U.S. releases. This difference isn't as prominent or noticeable as it was with Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone, but still something to keep in mind. Also, to answer a question that has come up quite a bit, this is the FULL BOOK and not an abridged or shortened version. Underneath the book jacket, the novel is bound in a sturdy orange hardback with green lettering on the spine."
"I was ravenous to get my hands on my copy as soon as it was delivered this morning, but was quickly disappointed. But when I took a close look at my dust jacket, I was extremely upset to find that the gold foil lettering for "Harry Potter" had been rubbed away and destroyed completely in some places leaving ugly, black matte in its place-- pock marking the otherwise handsome gold lettering. Needless to say I'm in awe how Bloomsbury has managed to put together such an incredible project, with JK Rowling's remarkable literature and Jim Kay's otherworldly illustrations-- and allowed it to be put together in a low quality binding! Not all alone in a box... Update (October 9th): I have finally received my new book and it was in much, much better condition. The cover and spine were tight, intact and falling apart from the binding like my original copy."
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Best Romanian eBooks

Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal (La colección de Harry Potter) (Spanish Edition)
Harry vive con sus horribles tíos y el insoportable primo Dudley, hasta que su ingreso en el Colegio Hogwarts de Magia y Hechicería cambia su vida para siempre.
"SPECIAL NOTE: For U.S. customers purchasing the illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, you will notice the text has NOT been converted to the "Americanized" version of the original U.S. releases (with the exception of changing all "Philosopher's Stone" mentions to "Sorcerer's Stone"). Good or bad is naturally for each reader to decide--just know, if you plan to read the books while listening to Jim Dale's audiobooks, you'll notice a few superficial differences. The quality of this new illustrated edition is phenomenal. All chapter intros are illustrated."
"IMPORTANT: For U.S. customers purchasing the illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, you will notice the text has NOT been converted to the "Americanized" version of the original U.S. releases. This difference isn't as prominent or noticeable as it was with Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone, but still something to keep in mind. Also, to answer a question that has come up quite a bit, this is the FULL BOOK and not an abridged or shortened version. Underneath the book jacket, the novel is bound in a sturdy orange hardback with green lettering on the spine."
"I was ravenous to get my hands on my copy as soon as it was delivered this morning, but was quickly disappointed. But when I took a close look at my dust jacket, I was extremely upset to find that the gold foil lettering for "Harry Potter" had been rubbed away and destroyed completely in some places leaving ugly, black matte in its place-- pock marking the otherwise handsome gold lettering. Needless to say I'm in awe how Bloomsbury has managed to put together such an incredible project, with JK Rowling's remarkable literature and Jim Kay's otherworldly illustrations-- and allowed it to be put together in a low quality binding! Not all alone in a box... Update (October 9th): I have finally received my new book and it was in much, much better condition. The cover and spine were tight, intact and falling apart from the binding like my original copy."
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Best Marathi eBooks

Angels_and_Demons (Marathi Edition)
World -renowned Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon is summoned to a Swiss research facility to analyze a cryptic symbol seared into the chest of a murdered physicist.
"Anyone with an interest in history coupled with a riveting tale...you can't top Angels and Demons."
"It's so hard to review a book that rocks your reading world."
"I also had never seen any of the movies."
"Brown explores unique themes/topics, whether it be the mysteries of the Holy Grail and secrets of the Knights Templar, NASA politics, or discovering life on other planets, that add tremendous depth to his storylines. I have read both "The DaVinci Code" and "Deception Point" and found them to be super suspenseful and filled with fascinating new ideas. Robert Langdon, (also a character in "The DaVinci Code"), a renowned Harvard symbologist, is summoned to a Swiss research facility to analyze an obscure symbol branded into the chest of a murdered physicist. Robert Langdon, and Vittoria Vetra, the dead scientist's daughter, begin an exhausting search, with an impossible deadline, through the streets, churches and catacombs of Rome to prevent the disaster, find the Illuminati leadership and the murderer(s)."
"The plot twists were foreshadowed yet unexpected at the same time."
"As usual Dan Brown displays superb knowledge of art and the Catholic church."
"I still think Dan Brown is full of it...But everything he offers is fully factual...Get ready to weed out a lot of preconceptions."
"This was a well written and mesmerizing book."
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Best Hungarian eBooks

Tiffany 293-294. (Hungarian Edition)
Ám a nászéjszakán felfedezi apjának, a sok millió dollárt érő szállodalánc tulajdonosának és újdonsült férjének levelezését, melyből egyértelműen kiderül, apja ezt a házasságot szabta meg cégeik egyesülésének feltételéül.
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Best Polish eBooks

UML 2.0. Wprowadzenie (Polish Edition)
Najtrudniejszym etapem ka?dego procesu tworzenia systemu informatycznego jest wykonanie odpowiedniego projektu. u?ytkowników i osób finansuj?cych system z mo?liwo?ciami oferowanymi przez technologi? Takim narz?dziem jest notacja UML -- zestaw ikon tworz?cych diagramy opisuj?ce system i jego elementy. Wprowadzenie" w praktyczny sposób przedstawia techniki modelowania systemów informatycznych za pomoc? otoczenie systemu, wymagania stawiane przez u?ytkowników i metody ich implementacji w systemie. przypadków u?ycia Diagramy czynno?ci i sekwencji Modelowanie klas i powi?za?
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Best Tamil eBooks

Ponniyin Selvan Anaithu Pagangal (Tamil Edition)
Kalki was the pen name of R. Krishnamurthy (September 9, 1899 to December 5, 1954), a noted Tamil writer, film & music critic, Indian independence activist and journalist from Tamil Nadu, India.
"Though it was daunting to imagine reading a book of this scale, I finally decided to give Ponniyin Selvan a try."
"This is an amazing novel."
"I am not writing about the story-I am sure anyone who knows tamil has either read the book or at least heard of this classic."
"This is the absolute marvel of tamil history novels."
"Fantastic book."
"However I bought this specifically to read from my Kindle device bought from Amazon UK."
"This was a very disappointment, for people who read and speak Tamil this is an epic."
"i will give five stars for ponniyin selvan , but the amazon edition is worst."
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Best Basque eBooks

Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal (La colección de Harry Potter) (Spanish Edition)
Harry vive con sus horribles tíos y el insoportable primo Dudley, hasta que su ingreso en el Colegio Hogwarts de Magia y Hechicería cambia su vida para siempre.
"SPECIAL NOTE: For U.S. customers purchasing the illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, you will notice the text has NOT been converted to the "Americanized" version of the original U.S. releases (with the exception of changing all "Philosopher's Stone" mentions to "Sorcerer's Stone"). Good or bad is naturally for each reader to decide--just know, if you plan to read the books while listening to Jim Dale's audiobooks, you'll notice a few superficial differences. The quality of this new illustrated edition is phenomenal. All chapter intros are illustrated."
"IMPORTANT: For U.S. customers purchasing the illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, you will notice the text has NOT been converted to the "Americanized" version of the original U.S. releases. This difference isn't as prominent or noticeable as it was with Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone, but still something to keep in mind. Also, to answer a question that has come up quite a bit, this is the FULL BOOK and not an abridged or shortened version. Underneath the book jacket, the novel is bound in a sturdy orange hardback with green lettering on the spine."
"I was ravenous to get my hands on my copy as soon as it was delivered this morning, but was quickly disappointed. But when I took a close look at my dust jacket, I was extremely upset to find that the gold foil lettering for "Harry Potter" had been rubbed away and destroyed completely in some places leaving ugly, black matte in its place-- pock marking the otherwise handsome gold lettering. Needless to say I'm in awe how Bloomsbury has managed to put together such an incredible project, with JK Rowling's remarkable literature and Jim Kay's otherworldly illustrations-- and allowed it to be put together in a low quality binding! Not all alone in a box... Update (October 9th): I have finally received my new book and it was in much, much better condition. The cover and spine were tight, intact and falling apart from the binding like my original copy."
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Best Welsh eBooks

Cysgodion y gorffennol (Welsh Edition)
Roedd pobl yn rhuthro yma ac acw - fel sy'n wir bob amser, hyd yn oed yn y corneli mwyaf anghysbell.
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Best Gujarati eBooks

One Indian Girl (Gujarati) (Gujarati Edition)
One, I make a lot of money. But since I am a girl, these three things I mentioned don’t really make me too likeable, do they? These include seven novels— Five Point Someone (2004), One Night @ the Call Center (2005), The 3 Mistakes of My Life (2008), 2 States (2009), Revolution 2020 (2011), Half Girlfriend (2014), One Indian Girl (2016)—and the non-fiction titles What Young India Wants (2012) and Making India Awesome (2015). Time magazine named him amongst the ‘100 most influential people in the world’, and Fast Company, USA, listed him as one of the world’s ‘100 most creative people in business’.
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Best Vietnamese eBooks

Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary: Vietnamese-English English-Vietnamese (Vietnamese Edition)
Intended for use by tourists, students, and business people traveling to Vietnam Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary is an essential tool to learn Vietnamese and start communicating effectively. Other books from this bestselling series you might enjoy include: Pocket Cambodian Dictionary, Pocket Thai Dictionary, Pocket Indonesian Dictionary, and Pocket Malay Dictionary. Professor Phan is the author of many textbooks: Vietnamese for Beginners (1-4) , Functional Vietnamese , Modern Vietnamese (1 - 4) , Vietnamese for Foreign Travellers , Vietnamese Interactive Books and a series of Pocket , Concise and Compact Vietnamese-English dictionaries.
"I used this Dictionary on my trip to Vietnam and it proved to be very helpful with translating numbers, ordering food, things like that."
"Uh..do not buy it."
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Best Swedish eBooks

Solnedgång gränsen (Swedish Edition)
Det finns hemliga fjädrar begär, som när den är inställd i rörelse, eller hur synliga föremål eller föremål, även om osynliga, men livlig i våra sinnen kraften i fantasin, fängsla själen av ämnet från en sådan våldsam kraft att hans frånvaro är outhärdlig.
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Best Malayalam eBooks

Corporate Chanakya (Malayalam) (Malayalam Edition)
Divided into 3 sections of Leadership, Management and Training Corporate Chanakya includes tips on various topics like – organizing and conducting effective meetings, dealing with tricky situations, managing time, decision making and responsibilities and powers of a leader.
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Best Icelandic eBooks

Vígroði (Icelandic Edition)
Þá ræðst Dyflinnarkonungur inn í Péttland, öllum að óvörum, og leiðir þeirra Auðar liggja saman að nýju … Vígroði er framhald af skáldsögunni Auður sem kom út 2009, naut geysilegra vinsælda og var tilnefnd til Íslensku bókmenntaverðlaunanna.
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Best Provençal eBooks

Òc (Provencal Edition)
Mès tot que cambiarà quan Eetu, eth sòn collaborador, pendent era recèrca complementària enes archius deth Vatican descorbís quauquarren que remet en causa era autenticitat des evangèlis en tot provocar ua revirada inesperada damb ua solucion totauments estonanta.
"This novel opens the door to another west european minority language for me."
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Kaburi Bila Msalaba: Hadithi ya vita vya Mau Mau (Swahili) (Swahili Edition)
Marehemu Munuhe Kareithi alizaliwa kwenye kijiji cha Mbari-ya-Hwai katika Wilaya ya Nyeri na alifariki 1977 katika ajali ya gari.
"Marehemu Kareithi anahadithia yaliyotendeka wakati wa vita ya uhuru kwa lugha nyepesi na yenye msisimuo."
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Dandy (slovak edition) (Slovene Edition)
Nejde však o typický model, ktorý poznáme z amerických filmov, plný intríg, podrážania nôh už v kolenách, štipľavých rečí a ešte viac štípajúcejších klamstiev. "V celej próze je veľa dobrých impresií a asociácií, výborné pozorovania, ale najmä príjemné surrealistické znaky, osobitne podvedomie protagonistky, sny a snová skutočnosť..." (G. Rakúsová, Týždeň).
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