Best Astronomy

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER. A landmark volume in science writing by one of the great minds of our time, Stephen Hawking’s book explores such profound questions as: How did the universe begin—and what made its start possible? Among the topics gracefully covered are gravity, black holes, the Big Bang, the nature of time, and physicists' search for a grand unifying theory. This is deep science; these concepts are so vast (or so tiny) as to cause vertigo while reading, and one can't help but marvel at Hawking's ability to synthesize this difficult subject for people not used to thinking about things like alternate dimensions. The journey is certainly worth taking, for, as Hawking says, the reward of understanding the universe may be a glimpse of "the mind of God." --Therese Littleton [Hawking] can explain the complexities of cosmological physics with an engaging combination of clarity and wit. Mr. Hawking clearly possesses a natural teacher's gifts -- easy, good-natured humor and an ability to illustrate highly complex propositions with analogies plucked from daily life.
Find Best Price at Amazon"As someone who went blind into relativity/quantum mechanics, Hawking explains it that "normal" people can understand."
"Has led to interesting discussions at family get together times and has led to others borrowing the book."
"Great book."
"Written in an easy to understand style, Hawking explores the universe with clarity and a touch of humor."
"Not enough info."
"There were times when reading that I felt incredibly small and I was sure my molecular structure was becoming unstable and soon to dissolve into the cosmos."
"Easy to read, very understandable, and very informative as to how we think we got to this place in time."
"Great book honestly a great read."

Kelly's humanity, compassion, humor, and determination resonate throughout, as he recalls his rough-and-tumble New Jersey childhood and the youthful inspiration that sparked his astounding career, and as he makes clear his belief that Mars will be the next, ultimately challenging, step in spaceflight. This hopeful enthusiasm wanes when their son or daughter starts bringing notes home from the teacher, complaining that they have the attention span of gnat, and need to stop parkouring on school property. This description isn’t far off from a young Scott Kelly, not the bookish type either, and yet it was a book he happened upon that dramatically changed the trajectory of his life: Tom Wolfe’s The Right Stuff . Kelly was so inspired by this examination of the courageous test pilots who made high speed flight and space exploration possible that he was able to channel all of his frenetic energy into achieving the goal of becoming one. Endurance traces this journey, and chronicles the year Kelly spent on the International Space Station, as well as the effects it had on his body (information NASA needs as they plan a mission to Mars). Kelly answers many of the questions we have about life in space, from the profound to the mundane (turns out astronauts give bad haircuts and unclog toilets like the rest of us earthbound peeps). Chief among them, and especially apropos given the increasingly divisive world we live in: “Putting this space station into orbit…is the hardest thing that humans have ever done, and it stands as proof that when we set our minds to something hard, when we work together, we can do anything, including solving our problems here on Earth.” Endurance is a fascinating, moving, uplifting read. “Scott Kelly’s saga is a deeply absorbing and vivid look at a year in space and the many trials and rigors of living weightless inside a football field-sized machine traveling at 17,000 miles per hour. But Endurance satisfies far more than the reader’s technological curiosities; it is replete with humor, thrills, surreal details, and recurring moments of ordinary humanity that turn Kelly’s tale into a loving tribute to the pioneering individuals who risk all to shepherd man’s exploration of the vast beyond.” —Khaled Hosseini, author of And the Mountains Echoed.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I received an ARC of this book from a giveaway...I originally thought my husband would read it (since he is a space aficionado, follows launches and SpaceX, etc) but when I received the book I was intrigued and decided to read it. This was told in alternating chapters: the time on the International Space Station was written in present tense while his autobiographical part was past tense. Learning about the difficulties of space station life, from the everyday actions of eating and dressing and sleeping to the challenging duties required of the astronauts, was enlightening and made me appreciate my easy life a whole lot more. And I viewed the crude stuff as okay because I realized that it's a part of the everyday challenges in space."
"As a space enthusiast, I was incredibly excited to read Scott Kelly's book. This book is essentially a memoir of Kelly's entire life (which is both appropriate and interesting in many ways)."
"This is an easy recommendation for someone looking for an inspirational reading, and to help them understand the importance of the space program for humanity."
"Fascinating read."
"Mark tells of personal, professional and technical experiences that force the reader to measure him or herself against his performance."
"I truly enjoyed this book from start to finish and learned so much."
"Mr. Kelly is a wonderful writer, enthusiastic and wide eyed and aware."
"Scott Kelly makes an interesting experience even more interesting with his comments on his thoughts and descriptions of what he saw and did."

Could the universe exist without space and time? Assuming an audience of non-specialists, Greene has set himself a daunting task: to explain non-intuitive, mathematical concepts like String Theory, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, and Inflationary Cosmology with analogies drawn from common experience. When explaining, for example, the inability to see the higher dimensions inherent in string theory, Greene writes: "We don't see them because of the way we see like an ant walking along a lily pad we could be floating within a grand, expansive, higher-dimensional space." In 1999, Greene, one of the world's leading physicists, published The Elegant Universe (Norton), a popular presentation of string theory that became a major bestseller and, last fall, a highly rated PBS/Nova series. To do this, Greene takes a roughly chronological approach, beginning with Newton, moving through Einstein and quantum physics, and on to string theory and its hypotheses (that there are 11 dimensions, ten of space and one of time; that there may be an abundance of parallel universes; that time travel may be possible, and so on) and imminent experiments that may test some of its tenets. Eighty-five line drawings ease the task, however, as does Greene's felicitous narration; most importantly, though, Greene not only makes concepts clear but explains why they matter.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I would recommend watching the video and read the book if you have no knowledge of the Space and time."
"Topics include (but are limited to) relativity, quantum, cosmology, etc.. More generally it deals with what the universe is, where it comes from and how it works. The only cons I find to this book are the numerous end-notes that take you all the way to end of the book (at almost every single page!)."
"Still reading the book, but so far I am really enjoying it."
"I didn't exactly find this book to be an easy read, even with its abundant analogies, but it has been well worth the effort I put into it."
"What you do want to buy this book for is the amazing way in which even the most difficult concepts are explained in a concise and clear manner. Brian Greene is a true master at explaining the intricacies of modern scientific theories to common folk such as me."
"My introduction to physics before reading this book was a few high school physics classes, two introductory classical physics classes in college, and many readings of "A Brief History of Time" and "The Universe in a Nutshell" by Stephen Hawking."
"He had a logic error in his discussion of entanglement when he attempted to explain the wave function collapse could not be a random programmed event."
"Love the corresponding show with the same title."
Best Astrophysics & Space Science

How do we fit within the universe? “Neil deGrasse Tyson makes a big bang with Astrophysics for People in a Hurry .”. - Sloane Crosley, Vanity Fair “Tyson is a master of streamlining and simplification....taking mind-bogglingly complex ideas, stripping them down to their nuts and bolts, padding them with colorful allegories and dorky jokes, and making them accessible to the layperson”. - Salon. “Infectiously enthusiastic, humorous and, above all, accessible....reading Astrophysics for People in a Hurry is both a humbling and exhilarating experience.”. - BookPage.
Find Best Price at Amazon"My issue with this book is that I read it directly after reading his book "Death by Black Hole"...and A LOT of the content from that book is inserted into this one...word for word. I will always read his books but I don't like that there is very little original content in this one."
"I have read Origins, Death By Back Hole, and Space Chronicles before this one."
"The subject is not presented especially deep but it is useful for anyone wanting to get a better layman's understanding of the Big Bang (weird stuff), dark matter (weirder stuff), and dark energy (way weirder stuff)."
"This book is made out to be an "astrophysics for dummies" but it's far more difficult to grasp than I'd imagined."
"Still hard but rewarding."
"Neil Tyson, director of the Hayden Planetarium, has received considerable acclaim for his outstanding ability to relate scientific ideas to the general public, on television programs such as Cosmos and on social media."
"Beautiful book."
Best Weather

Isaac Cline was one of the era's new men, a scientist who believed he knew all there was to know about the motion of clouds and the behavior of storms. That August, a strange, prolonged heat wave gripped the nation and killed scores of people in New York and Chicago. As the bureau's forecasters assured the nation that all was calm in the Caribbean, Cuba's own weathermen fretted about ominous signs in the sky. Hundreds of people gathered at the beach to marvel at the fantastically tall waves and gorgeous pink sky, until the surf began ripping the city's beloved beachfront apart. In Galveston alone at least 6,000 people, possibly as many as 10,000, would lose their lives, a number far greater than the combined death toll of the Johnstown Flood and 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. As barometers plummet and wind gauges are plucked from their moorings, Larson (Lethal Passage) cuts cinematically from the eerie "eyewall" of the hurricane to the mundane hubbub of a lunchroom moments before it capitulates to the arriving winds, from the neat pirouette of Cline's house amid rising waters to the bridge of the steamship Pensacola, tossed like flotsam on the roiling seas. Major ad/promo; author tour; simultaneous Random House audio; foreign rights sold in Germany, Holland, Italy, Japan and the U.K. (Sept.). Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I enjoyed reading about the story about the terrible hurricane that hit Galveston Texas in 1900. If you have an interest in learning about the history of weather forecasting, then this is the book for you. If you have an interest in the social history of the United States around 1900, then this is a good book to read."
"Extensive notes and references give sources for every word the people say or write, and for every fact stated--but there's nothing dry about this history; even if you already know about the Galveston Storm, this book is a page-turner."
"I live a short distance from Galveston and wanted to know more about the great storm."
"I would recommend this and his other books--Devil in the White City, Dead Wake, In the Garden of Beasts--whole heartedly."
"I was totally caught up in this section and "felt" the hurricane and "felt" the agony and "felt" the despair."
"Larson's ability to place the reader in the midst of a place and time is amazing, and his ability to translate the experience of being in the midst of a storm that happened before any of us were alive makes the terror, sadness and desperation come alive in a way that even today's movies can't equal."
"Isaac Cline was head of the Galveston Meteorological Bureau, nationally part of a behemoth bureaucracy tipping into corruption, hellbent on never mentioning the word "hurricane" as a threat to the great wheel of commerce."
"If one has been to Galveston they find a beautiful coastal city full of mansions and lovely Victorian houses and cottages."
Best 45-Minute Science & Math Short Reads

The theory of relativity usually encompasses two theories by Albert Einstein: special relativity and general relativity. Hendrik Antoon Lorentz (1853-1928) was a Dutch physicist who shared the 1902 Nobel Prize in Physics with Pieter Zeeman for the discovery and theoretical explanation of the Zeeman effect.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Pretty easy read and informative at a high level if you want to try to grasp the Theory."
"Einstein said that at the speed of light time stands still so from the light's view, it would take zero time to get here!"
"It is good to find that Lorentz, given the fact that he formulated the equations of special relativity before Einstein, appreciated the momentousness of Einstein's achievement and harbored no resentment."
"An excellent accounting of Professor Einstein's theory."
"Worth reading as a "classic" in the field, but the explanations in it are not as clear as they could be."
"A hundred years after having been written, I find the explanation easier to understand than when it was written."
"Though I've only read the first five pages thus far (I'm a college student), this book starts out very intuitively, and really grasps the attention of the reader."
"Great Read...even an engineer can begin to grasp relativity!"
Best Astronomy of the Universe

According to this theory, the Big Bang was not the beginning of time but the bridge to a past filled with endlessly repeating cycles of evolution, each accompanied by the creation of new matter and the formation of new galaxies, stars, and planets. Steinhardt and Turok, cosmologists at Princeton and Cambridge, respectively, present their case that string theory gives a more complete account of our origins; in this account, the big bang came about through the collision of two membrane-thick strings called "branes." According to the authors, this solves certain problems with the standard big bang theory, such as inflation, dark matter and dark energy. Their new theory has little chance of being confirmed experimentally in the foreseeable future, but many who eventually embraced the big bang will doubtless find the notion of cyclic universes and parallel worlds attractive. Moreover, while the regnant theory of the big bang predicts the eventual extinction of the universe, the dynamics of ekpyrosis promise a new beginning, a new cosmos--a trillion years from now.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I have read numerous books on particle cosmology, and this is the book I consider to be the core of my collection."
"This book gives the history and details, in everyday language, of what may turn out to be the two leading theories of the universe."
"By providing their experiences and backgrounds, you feel the passion of the authors and understand why they can make cosmology interesting."
"Excellent book on cosmology including a proposal to resolve the singularity at the big bang."
"For those who might be suspicious about the results of this book, I quote what Stephan Hawking - an inflationary model leader- said about it: "a challenging alternative to the picture of the big bang and the future of the universe"."
"Swinging back and forth (in a bit of chaotic and repetitive manner ) authors drill voraciously in systematic fashion all possible holes in the Guth/Linde's Inflationary as well as in Susskind's Landscape and Vilenkin's Multiverses models. Though certain fragments are truly exhausting (for example: how colliding branes convert one type of energy to another), numerous repetitions and attempts to emphasize how things happen, are actually often helpful. What has been planted in my head is that: extra "D" + branes + dark energy + potential energy related "spring-like" force between the branes = ekpyrosis. It is very important to cosmology to have competing models and unanswered lingering questions about their validity."
"Excellent book, gives a great look at an alternate view of the cosmos without being fantastical."
Best Aeronautics & Astronautics

In this “enjoyable, fast-paced tale” ( The Economist ), master historian David McCullough “shows as never before how two Ohio boys from a remarkable family taught the world to fly” ( The Washington Post) and “captures the marvel of what the Wrights accomplished” ( The Wall Street Journal ). Essential reading, this is “a story of timeless importance, told with uncommon empathy and fluency…about what might be the most astonishing feat mankind has ever accomplished… The Wright Brothers soars” ( The New York Times Book Review ). An Amazon Best Book of May 2015: Most people recognize the famous black-and-white photo of the Wright brothers on a winter day in 1903, in a remote spot called Kitty Hawk, when they secured their place in history as the first to fly a motor-powered airplane. That brilliant moment is the cornerstone of the new masterful book by Pulitzer Prize-winning historian David McCullough, who brings his deft touch with language and his eye for humanizing details to the unusually close relationship between a pair of brothers from Dayton, Ohio, who changed aviation history. Bicycle shop owners by day, Wilbur and Orville taught themselves flight theory through correspondence with the Smithsonian and other experts. But the brothers soon realized that theory was no match for practical testing, and they repeatedly risked life and limb in pursuit of their goal—including when Orville fractured a leg and four ribs in a 75-foot plunge to the ground. McCullough’s narration of ventures such as this—their famous first flight at Kitty Hawk; the flight in Le Mans, France that propelled the brothers to international fame; the protracted patent battles back at home; and the early death of elder brother Wilbur—will immerse readers in the lives of the Wright family. The Wright Brothers soars.” (Daniel Okrent The New York Times Book Review). “David McCullough has etched a brisk, admiring portrait of the modest, hardworking Ohioans who designed an airplane in their bicycle shop and solved the mystery of flight on the sands of Kitty Hawk, N.C. Mr. McCullough is in his element writing about seemingly ordinary folk steeped in the cardinal American virtues—self-reliance and can-do resourcefulness.” (Roger Lowenstein The Wall Street Journal). Mr. McCullough presents all this with dignified panache, and with detail so granular you may wonder how it was all collected.” (Janet Maslin The New York Times). "McCullough’s magical account of [the Wright Brothers'] early adventures — enhanced by volumes of family correspondence, written records, and his own deep understanding of the country and the era — shows as never before how two Ohio boys from a remarkable family taught the world to fly." But it’s also a story that resonates with anyone who believes deeply in the power of technology to change lives – and the resistance some have to new innovations.” (Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google ). With his ear for dialect and eye for detail, McCullough puts the Wrights in historical context, flushed out by vivid portraits of their loyal father and sister. "McCullough's usual warm, evocative prose makes for an absorbing narrative; he conveys both the drama of the birth of flight and the homespun genius of America's golden age of innovation." "McCullough shows the Wright brothers (snubbed by the British as mere bicycle mechanics) for the important technoscientists they were. The United States honors David McCullough for his lifelong efforts to document the people, places, and events that have shaped America.” (From The Presidential Medal of Freedom Citation).
Find Best Price at Amazon"David McCullough is one of the preeminent American historians of our times, the deft biographer of John Adams and Harry Truman, and in this book he brings his wonderful historical exposition and storytelling skills to the lives of the Wright brothers. If I have some minor reservations they are only in the lack of technical detail which could have informed descriptions of some of the Wrights' experiments and the slightly hagiographical tint that McCullough is known to bring to his subjects. Firstly McCullough who is quite certainly one of the best storytellers among all historians does a great job of giving us the details of the Wrights' upbringing and family. The Wrights' sister Katharine also played an integral part in their lives; they were very close to her and McCullough's account is filled with copious examples of the affectionate, sometimes scolding, always encouraging letters that the siblings wrote to each other. Lastly, McCullough does a fine job describing how the Wrights rose to world fame after their flight. McCullough's account of the Wright brothers, as warm and fast-paced as it is, was most interesting to me for the lessons it holds for the future. But perhaps what the Wright brothers' story exemplifies the most is the importance of simple traits like devotion to family, hard work, intense intellectual curiosity and most importantly, the frontier, can-do attitude that has defined the American dream since its inception."
"McCullough has written a serious and riveting review of the lives of Wilbur and Orville. FAMILY. McCullough makes it clear that the Wilbur and Orville were a product of their family environment. McCullough writes — “He was an unyielding abstainer, which was rare on the frontier, a man of rectitude and purpose— all of which could have served as a description of Milton himself and Wilbur and Orville as well.”. His strict values molded and focused the views of the three younger Wrights (Katherine, Wilbur, and Orville). I am sure that Orville and myself will do nothing that will disgrace the training we received from you and Mother.”. McCullough writes — “Years later, a friend told Orville that he and his brother would always stand as an example of how far Americans with no special advantages could advance in the world. the greatest thing in our favor was growing up in a family where there was always much encouragement to intellectual curiosity.’ ”. BUSINESS. McCullough records Wilbur’s thoughts on being in business in a letter to his brother Lorin in 1894: “In business it is the aggressive man, who continually has his eye on his own interest, who succeeds. … We ought not to have been businessmen.”. In 1911, Wilbur wrote: “When we think what we might have accomplished if we had been able to devote this time [fighting patent infringement suits] to experiments, we feel very sad, but it is always easier to deal with things than with men, and no one can direct his life entirely as he would choose.”. The Wrights never built, or even tried to build, an industrial empire as Ford or Edison or their Dayton neighbors John and Frank Patterson (National Cash Register) had done. Wilbur and Orville were superb engineers, though neither went beyond high school. For example, the wind tunnel had been invented thirty years before, but Wilbur and Orville developed it into a precise quantitative instrument. For example, McCullough writes — “In early 1889, while still in high school, Orville started his own print shop in the carriage shed behind the house, and apparently with no objections from the Bishop. To reinforce that point requires some expansion of that event or similar other defining events in the lives of Wilbur and Orville. One source of knowledge about the Wrights’ approach to aeronautics is the Air Force Museum at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton."
"Of particular interest are the Wright's struggles to actually fly at Kitty Hawk and how primitive a place that part of North Carolina was at the start of the 20th century. McCullough does spend a bit of time talking about Charles Taylor who was the Wright's mechanic and without whom they would not have flown. If you want to know more about the Wright's then this is a great place to start but a fuller biography/history might have been more fulfilling."
Best Cosmology

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER. A landmark volume in science writing by one of the great minds of our time, Stephen Hawking’s book explores such profound questions as: How did the universe begin—and what made its start possible? Among the topics gracefully covered are gravity, black holes, the Big Bang, the nature of time, and physicists' search for a grand unifying theory. This is deep science; these concepts are so vast (or so tiny) as to cause vertigo while reading, and one can't help but marvel at Hawking's ability to synthesize this difficult subject for people not used to thinking about things like alternate dimensions. The journey is certainly worth taking, for, as Hawking says, the reward of understanding the universe may be a glimpse of "the mind of God." --Therese Littleton [Hawking] can explain the complexities of cosmological physics with an engaging combination of clarity and wit. Mr. Hawking clearly possesses a natural teacher's gifts -- easy, good-natured humor and an ability to illustrate highly complex propositions with analogies plucked from daily life.
Find Best Price at Amazon"If you want to know how the world and the universe works then this book is certainly the one to read. Three key takeaways from the book: 1."
"I will admit that his dissertations on Quantum Mechanics left me a little dizzy at times, but all in all, this is one of the most enlightening books i have ever read."
"Having read and understood all of the words in this book, I just do not have a firm grasp on much of what Mr. Hawking presents."
"I really enjoyed this film."
"However, 2 friends of mine that don't have ANY interest in physics, borrowed my book to check out, and they actually liked some of it They told me that they were actually able to understand a lot more than they thought they would because they have no interest in physics, let along understand it much."
"Stephen Hawking takes a fascinating but incredibly complicated subject and breaks it down."
"Brief, History, and Time. The thoughts are interesting enough for me to go back and read the work once more, maybe even more than once, to grasp the possibly profound ideas about existence over time and space, and maybe even multiple dimensions of time and space, we might contemplate are there."
Best UFOs

We've been lied to. Now, he and hundreds of military personnel, scientists, and civilians who had top-secret access to Unacknowledged Special Access Projects (USAPs) have come forward with startling revelations about the greatest cover-up in human history in an attempt to prevent a false flag event in the works that if unleashed would make 9/11 look like a fender bender.Holding nothing back, Dr. Greer and his witnesses provide startling details about this unacknowledged chapter in history, energy and anti-gravitic systems, lunar bases, and black shelved technologies (purposely denied patents) that can transform our world...if we force their introduction into the free market.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Before reading this book, read 'Hidden Truth' for a better understanding of the main position of Dr Greer. The book opens a new perspective to our planet showing that our future can be wonderful; our Earth can be transformed into a real paradise where important material causes of stress and suffering are abolished."
""A great challenge of life: Knowing enough to think you are right, but not knowing enough to know you are wrong.""
"The information may be familiar to students of the genre, but his arguments for releasing free energy technologies are the reasonable conclusion to a lifetime of effort at dispelling ignorance."
"Excellent book."
"He also touches on the consequences of attempting to reveal the truth about the presence of ET's and cites specific cases such as the death of William Colby, who was Director of the CIA when he died; and the death of Marilyn Monroe who was about to reveal some ET secrets told to her by John F. Kennedy."
"A defining moment in starting a new and rewarding experience with this subject."
"Great book on a subject that gets ridiculed a lot by the main stream media."
"A most interesting read on the topic from a most remarkable man."
Best Solar System

In academia, in government agencies, in laboratories around the world, and even in the Oval Office–where an inquisitive President Clinton had received the news in secret– players of all kinds plotted their next moves. Among them: David McKay, the dynamic geologist associated with the first moon landing, who labored to achieve at long last a second success; Bill Schopf of UCLA, a researcher determined to remain at the top of his field and the first to challenge McKay’s claims; Dan Goldin, the boss of NASA; and Dick Morris, the controversial presidential adviser who wanted to use the story for Clinton’s reelection and unfortunately made sure it ended up in the diary of a $200-an-hour call girl. Impeccably researched and thrillingly involving, Kathy Sawyer’s The Rock from Mars is an exemplary work of modern nonfiction, a vivid account of the all-too-human high-stakes drive to learn our true place in the cosmic scheme. When geologist Robbie Score spied the little green rock lying on the bluish-white Antarctic landscape on a December day in 1984, she had no idea it would change her life, provoke fierce controversies among scientists around the world and challenge humankind's view of ourselves. Her discovery was the meteorite from Mars that captured the world's attention in 1996 when NASA scientists claimed that minuscule structures deep within it were the fossilized remains of ancient Martian life. Shipped to NASA's Texas Space Center, the rock's strange carbon compounds eventually inspired a group of fervid scientists working in secret to conclude that they were examining nothing less than fossilized remains of ancient microbial Martian life.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I read to the point it's a sin and this is one of, if not the best book on science and the people involved that I've ever read!"
"This got off to a somewhat slow start, which was necessary to give the background information on how this meteorite was found, and why it subsequently languished, all but forgotten, in a drawer for many years before someone finally thought to more carefully examine it. It turned into such a big deal and subject of intense interest that President Clinton made an announcement about the mind blowing discovery of what "looked like" life forms from another planet. If you have an interest in astronomy and fossels this goes into much detail about the hundreds of scientific tests that were carried out on pieces of this meteorite by scientists all over the world as they tried to figure out what exactly was in this rock and if it was, in fact, biological in nature. Yes, the tests do indeed indicate that everything is present in this amazing meteorite for an average scientist to conclude that there was life forms of microbes housed inside."
"_The Rock from Mars: A Detective Story on Two Planets_ (Random House) by Kathy Sawyer tells how the announcement came about, the science behind it, and the personalities (and the infighting) that made it happen and have kept research in the arena to the current day at various cutting edges at the limits of our understanding. In the ten years since the announcement, the controversy has become less prominent, but among scientists who are looking into the subject, there are still opposing camps on the matter, and vehement disagreements, and hurt feelings. For instance, what was learned about possible earthly contamination of the rock will be used when bits of Mars are brought back by robot spacecraft sometime in the future. With its depiction of all-too-human scientists attempting objectivity when contemplating the great mystery of life elsewhere, Sawyer's account is an appealing picture of a good example of how science works."
Best Star-Gazing

Revised in 2016 and translated into ten languages, 50 Things to See with a Small Telescope explores the planets, stars, galaxies and nebulae observed at stargazing events around the globe. This delightful book covers the 50 things to see and some of them are: 'North Star, Venus, Orion Nebula, Mars, Jupiter, The Milky Way, Comets, the International Space Station, and even birds'.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I have had telescopes over the years from small to large."
"Gave this to my 9 year old daughter, along with a telescope."
"My great grandson (5+) loves it.... set up in their front room... he runs to it as soon as he comes home from school."
"This is very informative for a beginner."
"Nice informative little book for beginners on how to look for things in the sky with a telescope."
"A gift for my Grandsons, they find it a big help."