Best Counseling

Mira Kirshenbaum ( I Love You, But I Don't Trust You ), an international bestselling author and world-renowned therapist, draws on years of counseling experience to lead readers through relationship ambivalence. Those who give certain answers to the diagnostic questions will be faced not only with a realization of how deep the problems may be but also with Kirshenbaum's repeated admonitions that "most people who answered the question the way you did were happy they left and unhappy they stayed." But Kirshenbaum does caution that "nothing in the book overrules what a good therapist...might tell you," and she will help readers sort out ambivalent feelings about relationships.
Find Best Price at Amazon"When I got this book it was my plan to read through it and reaffirm my reasons to stay. To be able to move forward, fully committed and free of fear. Upon reading the beginning of the book, I saw all of the words about staying. Deliberately, trying to make the best of every single memory while remaining truly honest with myself in the process. I let time pass and read it again, trying to make sure it was the mood of the moment."
"A deeply thoughtful book."
"Excellent resource."
"If the Title causes you to think "maybe?""
"This is a very practical and thought provoking book for those who are very much on the fence... Great read, well written."
"Helped me realize i was in an abusive relationship that needed to end."
"good book for answering a tough question."

A New York City therapist examines the paradoxical relationship between domesticity and sexual desire and explains what it takes to bring lust home. Some of the proposals Perel recommends for rekindling eroticism involve cultivating separateness (e.g., autonomy) in a relationship rather than closeness (entrapment); exploring dynamics of power and control (i.e., submission, spanking); and learning to surrender to a "sexual ruthlessness" that liberates us from shame and guilt.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Excellent for lay people or psychotherapists."
"Parts of this book hit so close to home that I have to take a break from it."
"The author approaches the subject without the western biases that have made erotic taboo and sinful."
"I really enjoyed the book in its entirety and will reread it in time."
"This book is a must read for couples in a long term relationship."
"Interesting book, worth the read."
"I found this book very insightful."
"Perel is clearly extremely intelligent and has a very entertaining writing style."

Iconic couples’ therapist and bestselling author of Mating in Captivity Esther Perel returns with a provocative look at relationships through the lens of infidelity. Perel weaves real-life case stories with incisive psychological and cultural analysis in this fast-paced and compelling book. For the past ten years, Perel has traveled the globe and worked with hundreds of couples who have grappled with infidelity. Through examining illicit love from multiple angles, Perel invites readers into an honest, enlightened, and entertaining exploration of modern marriage in its many variations. Their outsized expectations of what marriage can and should provide—perpetual excitement, comfort, sexual bliss, intellectual stimulus, and so on—together with their callow, “consumerist” approach to romantic choices, leave them ill-equipped to cope with the inevitable frustrations and longueurs of the long haul. “Sexologist Perel, a marriage crisis ‘first responder,’ excavates the messy psychology of infidelity, digging into such charged topics as the ‘new shame’ of wives—staying with a cheater—and why even happy partners sometimes stray.” ( O Magazine , 10 Books To Pick Up Now ). “The State of Affairs takes a fresh look at infidelity, broadening the focus from the havoc it wreaks within a committed relationship to consider also why people do it, what it means to them, and why breaking up is the expected response to duplicity — but not necessarily the wisest one.” ( The LA Review of Books ). Her celebrated TED talks have garnered nearly 20 million views and her international bestseller Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence became a global phenomenon translated into 24 languages.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Maybe it was you or your spouse. I keep finding myself looking back at passages and rethinking the relationships I have seen, the people I have counseled, and understandings or judgments I have had about others, rightly or wrongly. But often our preconceived, worst construction on everything the cheater did, stands in the way of ever finding the ability to forgive the person, or see them as human, even when we pay lip service to forgiveness. Esther, brings in real people, real situations, with pseudonyms, and their real thoughts and feelings."
"I started following Esther Perel's work years ago when she did a riveting TEDtalk about infidelity & she authored a fascinating book called MATING IN CAPTIVITY. Both captivated me --not just because it's a titillating topic or because we were finally getting access to the underbelly of relationships that nobody openly discusses-- but because her work is full of human truths. About desire, love, the often inconvenient construct of marriage, egos, the secret longings people hide. Her work lets reality finally breathe.... uncloaked, so we can learn from it vs getting continually stuck in judgment. Without meaning to, she may have written the first guidebook to having healthier relationships (with ourselves and others) in the REAL world, because she tells us the actual state of affairs, not that Face-tuned version."
"I picked up this book after listening to the podcast."
"I can't even begin to give this book the plaudits it deserves."
"Her first book, “Mating in Captivity” was great and this is even better I think."
"Infidelity. In fifteen chapters that progressively work through defining different types of infidelity, the emotions of pain, jealousy, and guilt, processing, rebuilding, and constructing meaning, and the nature and challenges to monogamy in this culture, Perel brings her points home with clinical vignettes that illustrate both the ravaging damage and the potential hope that characterize walking through infidelity."
Best Adolescent Counseling

Taking place in the idyllic town of South Lake Tahoe, CA , Long Blue Line is the coming of age of Elizabeth Jeter. After reading a romance book sensationalizing a young woman's perfect life following the hookup with a wealthy prince charming, Elizabeth set out to create her own fairy tale ending. Her obsession with pregnancy, social issues , independence, and, ultimately drugs is chronicled in brutally honest Prose that will leave you spellbound. " Elizabeth wrote this book in order for teens and the parents of teens to become aware of a harsh reality: many teen girls plan secret pregnancies!" In addition to her roles as freelance writer, blogger, best-selling author and web design specialist, she has helped over one hundred aspiring authors launch and sell ebooks in nearly every genre. Her ultimate passion has always been writing and she candidly recounts her challenging journey in the controversial book, Long Blue Line-which is available on
Find Best Price at Amazon"Between Long Blue Line and the last few books I've read, (including The Girl With No Past: A gripping psychological thriller and Spilled Milk: Based On A True Story) I'm back into reading full-throttle."
"The author takes you on an amazing heartfelt journey into her past, her thoughts and dreams."
"Unprepared for the responsibility of being a parent, the pregnancy triggers a downward spiral involving conflict, drug abuse, and other struggles."
"I absolutely loved reading this incredibly surprising and tragic story."
"It seemed just as I was totally engrossed in the substance of the story another mistake would glaringly hit me in the face and ruin the moment."
"Like the author, I also grew up in a small town in California and I could relate to her story in so many ways."
"Very disappointed in the way this girl blames everyone else for her situation."
"Started out sympathetic to her."
Best Counseling Children

What you need to know about her broken confidence (and how to fix it right away) (For New Dads Only) The truth about fatherhood no one talks about How you can help your daughter gain self-respect starting today How to talk to your daughter so she'll listen every time How to help her persevere when she wants to quit The secret to helping her overcome adversity And much more. This parenting book contains case studies, advice and interviews with real dads to help you encourage your daughter before she becomes a teenager. Imagine having other dads come to you for advice with their kids. Dads - do yourself and your daughters a huge favor - buy this book!" - Megan C. Scott, author, Low Carb Egg Cookbook "For fathers who are raising daughters and are looking for a down-to-earth, practical and inspirational source material, this is the book you want." All fathers should get this book to take home with them from the hospital when their daughter is born." What you need to know about her broken confidence (and how you can fix it right away) How you can help your daughter gain self-respect starting today How to get your daughter to listen to you over and over again (And For New Dads) Discover the truth about fatherhood no one talks about And much, much more.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I want to be a good Uncle and here is a sample of what I learned as a guy with no kids of his own. "Kill negative's not enough to have her just think rainbows and butterflies all day long.""
"I think this book gives fathers new & old some useful tips on how to be a father to their daughters."
"In a generation where grandparents, or babysitters, or teachers, or coaches are raising people's kids, this is a timely book."
"Yet he turns the tables and reminds dads that they should model good behavior and choices in front of their daughter. "Kill negative thoughts, act positively, be kind, stand straight, encourage your daughter, project a proper appearance, watch what you say and how you say it, and RESPECT yourself and others. Notice how those bikini-clad models affect your daughter's behavior and what you will do to help her deal with her feelings."
"This is an excellent book which I recommend all fathers read."
"This is an excellent book for all fathers."
"Best of all, it's crystal clear how much this man values his daughters and wants them to grow up to be strong, confident women."
"Better content can be found in any parenting magazine."
Best Couples & Family Therapy

Mira Kirshenbaum ( I Love You, But I Don't Trust You ), an international bestselling author and world-renowned therapist, draws on years of counseling experience to lead readers through relationship ambivalence. Those who give certain answers to the diagnostic questions will be faced not only with a realization of how deep the problems may be but also with Kirshenbaum's repeated admonitions that "most people who answered the question the way you did were happy they left and unhappy they stayed." But Kirshenbaum does caution that "nothing in the book overrules what a good therapist...might tell you," and she will help readers sort out ambivalent feelings about relationships.
Find Best Price at Amazon"When I got this book it was my plan to read through it and reaffirm my reasons to stay. To be able to move forward, fully committed and free of fear. Upon reading the beginning of the book, I saw all of the words about staying. Deliberately, trying to make the best of every single memory while remaining truly honest with myself in the process. I let time pass and read it again, trying to make sure it was the mood of the moment."
"If you can't decide to leave or stay you 're in relationship ambivalence."
"You know - you think how you feel is the way it should be, but then when you hear it from someone else, so highly qualified, it makes you realize you were correct in thinking the way you did. I highly recommend it if you're on the fence."
"Excellent approach to gaining individual insight into marital issues."
"A deeply thoughtful book."
"Asking the right kind of questions makes all the difference any time you want to make a sound decision."
"This book helped me resolve my own marital ambivalence, and sadly, I've just bought a copy for my little sis ;-\. I highly recommend it for people who can't figure out if they're dealing with normal marital crap or if it's time to move on."
Best Hypnosis

“The Ellipsis Manual is the kind of book that used to be locked away...deep in a vault underground...far away from the prying eyes of those who could misuse its power. With chapter titles like ‘Methods of physically hacking the brain’ and ‘Shutting off human willpower,’ what you’re about to learn could make even the most well-trained CIA operative blush... And that’s what leads me to say that if you’re going to pick up your copy of The Ellipsis Manual today, you’ve got to make a firm commitment not to go to the dark side with this material. -Hijack peoples’ deepest thoughts, feelings, and favorite gestures...and leverage them to your advantage. Implant whatever ideas and beliefs you want into the minds of people you want to persuade, control, or seduce. It shows how to make a real life Manchurian Candidate complete with alternate personalities and amnesia.
Find Best Price at Amazon"The Ellipsis manual brings together diverse information in a systematic way, with good advice for how to learn the material."
"This is a phenomenal read!"
"Lots of info here."
"Amazing Behavior Analysis Manual, everything Down to the twitch Of a facial muscle and if you want more information the website will fulfill your needs."
"I am just reading it."
"Great book."
"Simply the best technology possibly available and well organized and written."
Best Clinical Psychology

As featured on Oprah’s “Super Soul Sunday,” the classic bestseller on a true case of past-life trauma and past-life therapy from author and psychotherapist Dr. Brian Weiss—now featuring a new afterword by the author. Dr. Weiss, who was once firmly entrenched in a clinical approach to psychiatry, finds himself reluctantly drawn into past-life therapy when a hypnotized client suddenly reveals details of her previous lives. However, it is hard to dispute that this well-respected graduate of Columbia University and Yale Medical School has discovered a personal truth that has led him to be an enormously popular speaker, author, and leader in the field of past-life therapy. --Gail Hudson In 1980, Weiss, head of the psychiatry department at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach, began treating Catherine, a 27-year-old woman plagued by anxiety, depression and phobias. When Weiss turned to hypnosis to help Catherine remember repressed childhood traumas, what emerged were the patient's descriptions of a dozen or so of her hitherto unknown 86 past lives, as well as philosophical messages channeled from "Master Spirits."
Find Best Price at Amazon"Very interesting."
"The information in these books reinforces my beliefs, and it certainly was enlightening..I hope to read all of this author's books."
"In depth and heartfelt exploration of reincarnation, the bardo, and the possibility of disincarnate guides."
"Scientific Proof of Reincarnation."
"For anyone ready to dive into life's bigger picture and meaning this book is a perfect introduction."
"Amazing research about past life regressions."
"Each time I get a deeper understanding from the Masters messages."
"Reading this book is like getting an answer sheet to a difficult test you didn't know you had to take."
Best Neuropsychology

“Essential reading for anyone interested in understanding and treating traumatic stress and the scope of its impact on society.” —Alexander McFarlane, Director of the Centre for Traumatic Stress Studies A pioneering researcher transforms our understanding of trauma and offers a bold new paradigm for healing in this New York Times Science bestseller Trauma is a fact of life. Praise for The Body Keeps the Score “In this inspirational work which seamlessly weaves keen clinical observation, neuroscience, historical analysis, the arts, and personal narrative, Dr. van der Kolk has created an authoritative guide to the effects of trauma, and pathways to recovery. A must read for mental health and other health care professionals, trauma survivors, their loved ones, and those who seek clinical, social, or political solutions to the cycle of trauma and violence in our society.” —Rachel Yehuda, Ph.D., professor of psychiatry and neuroscience, director of the Traumatic Stress Studies Division at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY “This is an absolutely fascinating and clearly written book by one of the nation’s most experienced physicians in the field of emotional trauma. “Breathtaking in its scope and breadth, The Body Keeps the Score is a seminal work by one of the preeminent pioneers in trauma research and treatment. Van der Kolk, the eminent impresario of trauma treatment, who has spent a career bringing together diverse trauma scientists and clinicians and their ideas, while making his own pivotal contributions, describes what is arguably the most important series of breakthroughs in mental health in the last thirty years. Here we see not only how psychological trauma also breaks connections within the brain, but also between mind and body, and learn about the exciting new approaches that allow people with the severest forms of trauma to put all the parts back together again.” —Norman Doidge, author of The Brain That Changes Itself. “ The Body Keeps the Score articulates new and better therapies for toxic stress based on a deep understanding of the effects of trauma on brain development and attachment systems. Bessel van der Kolk may focus on the body and trauma, but what a mind he must have to have written this book.”. Its deeply empathic, insightful, and compassionate perspective promises to further humanize the treatment of trauma victims, dramatically expand their repertoire of self-regulatory healing practices and therapeutic options, and also stimulate greater creative thinking and research on trauma and its effective treatment. The body does keep the score, and Van der Kolk’s ability to demonstrate this through compelling descriptions of the work of others, his own pioneering trajectory and experience as the field evolved and him along with it, and above all, his discovery of ways to work skillfully with people by bringing mindfulness to the body (as well as to their thoughts and emotions) through yoga, movement, and theater are a wonderful and welcome breath of fresh air and possibility in the therapy world.”. “In The Body Keeps the Score we share the author’s courageous journey into the parallel dissociative worlds of trauma victims and the medical and psychological disciplines that are meant to provide relief. “Bessel van der Kolk is unequaled in his ability to synthesize the stunning developments in the field of psychological trauma over the past few decades. —Ruth A. Lanius, MD, PhD, Harris-Woodman chair in Psyche and Soma, professor of psychiatry, and director PTSD research at the University of Western Ontario; author of The Impact of Early Life Trauma on Health and Disease. Interspersed with that narrative are clear and understandable descriptions of the neurobiology of trauma; explanations of the ineffectiveness of traditional approaches to treating trauma; and introductions to the approaches that take patients beneath their cognitive minds to heal the parts of them that remained frozen in the past. “When it comes to understanding the impact of trauma and being able to continue to grow despite overwhelming life experiences, Bessel van der Kolk leads the way in his comprehensive knowledge, clinical courage, and creative strategies to help us heal. Dr. Van der Kolk offer a brilliant synthesis of clinical cases, neuroscience, powerful tools and caring humanity, offering a whole new level of healing for the traumas carried by so many.”. Bessel van der Kolk, M.D., is the founder and medical director of the Trauma Center in Brookline, Massachusetts.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Frankly, nothing really worked until I discovered - and applied - the somatic (body) techniques espoused by van der Kolk, and other luminaries such as Peter Levine, Pat Ogden, and Eugene Gendlin. The only way to ‘communicate’ with this pre-verbal system is through the body, which can signal to the brain stem that it is OK to begin the process of unfreezing the emotional paralysis that has plagued us for decades. UPDATE 2018: One of the treatments that Bessel van der Kolk mentions in his book - MDMA (Ecstasy) - was recently granted ‘Breakthrough Therapy’ status by the FDA for phase 3 trials. This is because the phase 1 and 2 trials were so successful, that nearly 70% of participants no longer had PTSD after just 3 MDMA sessions (most of these participants had suffered PTSD for decades)."
"I believed I could gut it out, that the past was the past and that only weak people needed to talk through their problems. I believed only losers behaved badly as adults due to anything in their childhood or past and that claiming you were affected by any past problem was a crutch to allow you to embrace failure. It's very hard to be kind to people, to focus on your work, to love others when all your power is spent trying to pretend you don't feel like s***. When you see everything you have go away and can only occasionally find the strength to take care of yourself and your business and need others in your life to carry you from time to time (much to your embarrassment) and yet you think you're smart and capable and have no understanding of why you are where you are, life becomes a slog. While I can't attribute every part of my success to this book alone as it takes many things to get where you want to go (mostly you), I can absolutely attest to the power of this book. If you've suffered any sort of major and/or persistent trauma in your life, please buy (and read) this book."
Best Group Therapy

Learn to blend theory with practice in group work with GROUPS: PROCESS AND PRACTICE, the respected book that so many helpers (and helpers in training) rely on every day. The Group Counselor. The Working Stage. She received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Mental Health Counselors Association in 2011, and is a member of that organization. She also holds memberships in the American Counseling Association, the American Group Psychotherapy Association, the Association for Specialists in Group Work, the Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development, the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, and the Western Association of Counselor Education and Supervision. In addition to ISSUES AND ETHICS IN THE HELPING PROFESSIONS, Dr. Corey has coauthored the following Cengage books: GROUPS: PROCESS AND PRACTICE, 10th Edition (2018, with Gerald Corey and Cindy Corey); I NEVER KNEW I HAD A CHOICE, 11th Edition (2018, with Gerald Corey and Michelle Muratori); BECOMING A HELPER, 7th Edition (2016, with Gerald Corey); and GROUP TECHNIQUES, 4th Edition (2015, with Gerald Corey, Patrick Callanan, and Michael Russell).
Find Best Price at Amazon"Ok This book has a lot of extra that doesn't need to be there."
"When reading the reviews for this textbook, I found a lot of people received a photocopied version and had a bad experience."
"I find the information very basic and not quite astute when it comes to the cultural diversity that therapists will need to truly be affective in group therapy."
"Great book for group therapy."
"Very well thought out."
"I loved this book in understanding how to run groups."
"I've read a couple other text books of theirs, and they are in rare company in that I read them from cover to cover."
"Book has tons of writing and stains that have me pulling pages carefully to flip the pages."
Best Psychoanalysis

We find ourselves disproportionately frustrated and angry at the selfishness of friends, the laziness of colleagues, the arrogance of siblings. Through the stories and exercises in The Dark Side of the Light Chasers , Debbie Ford shows us not only how to recognize our hidden emotions, but also how to find the gifts they offer us. Everyone possesses the entire range of human traits and emotionsA"the saintly and the cynical, the divine and the diabolical, the courageous and the cowardly"Acontends Ford, a faculty member of California's Chopra Center for Well-Being. The problem, as Ford (and Freud) define it, is that in growing up, people suppress those behaviors, thoughts, feelings and characteristics that are unacceptable within their particular environments. But rather than daily sessions on the couch, Ford advocates re-imagining and reclaiming lost aspects of self, urging readers to "unconceal" and embrace those traits buried in their "shadow," in order to find their "gift." She offers exercises designed to bring such traits to the surface, including directed self-questioning; listing one's characteristics for closer examination of positives and negatives; and "discharging toxic emotions" physically.
Find Best Price at Amazon"This is a fantastic book for recognizing that we all have good and bad (light and dark) within us, and that it is up to us to decide which we will nurture."
"This book is a GREAT TOOL to use towards finding that better and brilliant you!"
"Super, super thought provoking."
"I have a background in this type of work, and her stuff is on a very high level."
"They have loved the exercises as well."
"Deep stuff here."
"By learning to love ALL of yourself, your life will be filled with light and success. This book provides life-changing exercises that enable you to uncover your shadows and learn how to embrace all of who you are."
"This book is amazing!"
Best Ethnopsychology

Hailed for its scientific analysis and poetic grace when it was first published in 1952, the book remains a vital force today from one of the most important theorists of revolutionary struggle, colonialism, and racial difference in history. A strange, haunting mélange of analysis, revolutionary manifesto, metaphysics, prose poetry and literary criticismand yet the nakedest of human cries.” Newsweek A brilliant, vivid and hurt mind, walking the thin line that separates effective outrage from despair... As a writer he demonstrates how insidiously the problem of race, of color, connects with a whole range of words and images. A reasoned, explosive, and important book centered on the identity problem of the black man, by the author of a classic study of racism and colonialism, Wretched of the Earth.” Publishers Weekly.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Great service and product."
"Very revealing thoughts on the processes and consequences of colonization."
"Received in time, loved reading it!"
"Great early vision of African diaspora problems with colonialism."
"This book is somewhat difficult to follow."
"Great book."
Best Forensic Psychology

Presenting a compelling portrait of these dangerous men and women based on 25 years of distinguished scientific research, Dr. Robert D. Hare vividly describes a world of con artists, hustlers, rapists, and other predators who charm, lie, and manipulate their way through life. ( Kirkus Reviews 1999-01-10) A brilliant, in-depth handling of a most complex subject (Hugh Aynesworth, author of Ted Bundy: Conversations with a Killer).
Find Best Price at Amazon"Although many of us will not encounter a criminal psychopath, there are plenty of us who have lived with them and experienced their crazymaking and destructive behavior behind closed doors."
"Great resource for Therapists, Counselors and anyone who needs to know whom they are dealing with in sensitive areas."
"Fabulous book about antisocial personality DO."
"I couldn't put this book down, it was a fantastic read."
"Book came within 2 days through Prime, looks just like the picture, and packed properly with no bends or folds."
"I love this book, because it describes a personal situation I had been dealing with...a real Sociopath."
"I've been doing research on psychopath's for a book I'm writing."
"Since I'm researching Pyschopaths for a story, this book really helped me understand what is going on in their heads...and also to understand that you may not have any idea whats going on in their heads!"
Best Mental Health

At the time of Frankl's death in 1997, Man's Search for Meaning had sold more than 10 million copies in twenty-four languages. The book begins with a lengthy, austere, and deeply moving personal essay about Frankl's imprisonment in Auschwitz and other concentration camps for five years, and his struggle during this time to find reasons to live. The second part of the book, called "Logotherapy in a Nutshell," describes the psychotherapeutic method that Frankl pioneered as a result of his experiences in the concentration camps.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Read this book, read this book."
"Those that had developed purpose and meaning to the harsh conditions got out of bed every morning to face another unbearable day."
"Profound insight."
"A little twist of ideas as to why some people survive the worst and why others don't survive medium bad."
"A nice read about the importance of finding meaning in your life."
"This is a great book from both the personal story aspect as well as for its philosophical aspects."
"A powerful book."
"This is a fantastic book for anyone interested in logotherapy, Positive thinking, or Holocaust survival stories."
Best Grief & Loss

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A gorgeous memoir about a woman overcoming dramatic loss and finding reinvention. “Cheryl Strayed meets a Nora Ephron movie. When Ariel Levy left for a reporting trip to Mongolia in 2012, she was pregnant, married, financially secure, and successful on her own terms. “It’s an act of courage to hunt for meaning within grief, particularly if the search upends your life and shakes out the contents for all the world to sift through. “A thoroughly modern memoir, the elements of The Rules Do Not Apply seem plucked not from the script of Girls, which has also been exploring reproductive issues of late, but Transparent— even Portlandia. A gut-wrenching, emotionally charged work of soul-baring writing in the spirit of Joan Didion, Helen Macdonald, and Elizabeth Gilbert, The Rules Do Not Apply is a must-read for women.” —Bustle. “Unflinching and intimate, wrenching and revelatory, Ariel Levy’s powerful memoir about love, loss, and finding one’s way shimmers with truth and heart on every page.” —Cheryl Strayed. Though it’s the Cliffs Notes to her book/life, it’s written with such clarity that it transcends the searing pain and devastating loss that she’s about to chronicle: “I am thunderstruck by feeling at odd times, and then I find myself gripping the kitchen counter, a subway pole, a friend’s body, so I won’t fall over. My sorrow is so intense it often feels like it will flatten me.” With brawny and disarming candor, Levy weaves together the story of her life exactly as she was determined to live it – becoming a staff writer for the New Yorker , falling in love with her partner (“feeling molten and golden and saved”), writing their own vows (“gay marriage wasn’t even legal—we were making it up!”), becoming pregnant at 37 – and how it all came crashing down. Teeming with vitality and wit, The Rules Do Not Apply is a memoir sparkling with insight on grief and grit. --Al Woodworth, The Amazon Book Review “Ariel Levy’s 2013 essay ‘Thanksgiving in Mongolia’ is one of the best pieces of nonfiction I have ever read. Levy, a staff writer at The New Yorker, has expanded on this essay into a full memoir out in March, The Rules Do Not Apply. You should preorder it immediately so you can fall into her complicated, funny, and finely wrought world as soon as humanly possible.” — “ The Rules Do Not Apply is this year’s must-read memoir.” — W. “A thoroughly modern memoir, the elements of The Rules Do Not Apply seem plucked not from the script of Girls, which has also been exploring reproductive issues of late, but Transparent— even Portlandia. “In reflecting on her own life, Levy’s tone is deeply honest, and at the same time manages to not be defensive or apologetic about her decisions; she’s not judgmental, but remains highly inquisitive. A gut-wrenching, emotionally charged work of soul-baring writing in the spirit of Joan Didion, Helen Macdonald, and Elizabeth Gilbert, The Rules Do Not Apply is a must-read for women.” —Bustle. But ‘greedy’ is how the author characterises herself, so it seemed fine, hopeful even, to read her work in the same way, perhaps absorbing as I went a tiny bit of Levy’s remarkable resilience and appetite for life.” — Financial Times. “It’s an act of courage to hunt for meaning within grief, particularly if the search upends your life and shakes out the contents for all the world to sift through. Unflinching and intimate, wrenching and revelatory, Ariel Levy’s powerful memoir about love, loss, and finding one’s way shimmers with truth and heart on every page.” —Cheryl Strayed. “Ariel Levy is a writer of uncompromising honesty, remarkable clarity, and surprising humor gathered from the wreckage of tragedy. While reinventing work, marriage, family, pregnancy, sex, and divorce for herself from the ground up, Levy experiences devastating loss.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Levy shares a special part of her life with us and seems to hold nothing back."
"It is easy to read this book because you need to know what happens next - it is happy, sad, heartbreaking, and hopeful all at once."
"Beautiful writing."
"Authentic memoir of an accomplished and talented writer, who shares with her readers the intimate details of her life experiences."
"Very relatable in terms of the story and the tone with which it's told."
"Fabulous read of an interesting story."
"Great book, read it and then decided to listen to it aftera live writers talk evening in Stockholm."
"Incredible book."
Best Adolescent Psychology

The bestselling author and psychologist whose books have topped 240,000 copies in print now addresses the trait of “high sensitivity” in children–and offers a breakthrough parenting guidebook for highly sensitive children and their caregivers. Up to 20 percent of the population is born highly sensitive, and now in The Highly Sensitive Child, Aron shifts her focus to highly sensitive children, who share the same characteristics as highly sensitive adults and thus face unique challenges as they grow up. As a highly sensitive person (HSP) herself and a psychotherapist, Aron is in a strong position to provide guidance to parents who are raising highly sensitive children (HSCs), and provides here a wealth of useful suggestions and case studies.
Find Best Price at Amazon"As an HSP myself, reading "The Highly Sensitive Child" offered invigorating insight into the mind and heart of my oldest daughter, who is also highly sensitive. Having read "The Highly Sensitive Person" before "The Highly Sensitive Child," I would "highly" recommend both books, especially if a parent suspects that his/her child may be highly sensitive, as well."
"Pretty good book."
"There are many helpful concepts in this book."
"Amazon book for parents and those who work with children."
"An interesting book that was somewhat helpful for me as the mom of a sensitive child."
"My grandson and I are highly sensitive."
"Such a eye opener."
Best Applied Psychology

People with a fixed mindset —those who believe that abilities are fixed—are less likely to flourish than those with a growth mindset —those who believe that abilities can be developed. She introduces a phenomenon she calls false growth mindset and guides people toward adopting a deeper, truer growth mindset. “One of the most influential books ever about motivation.” —Po Bronson, author of NurtureShock “If you manage people or are a parent (which is a form of managing people), drop everything and read Mindset .” —Guy Kawasaki, author of The Art of the Start 2.0. In other words, you are who you are, your intelligence and talents are fixed, and your fate is to go through life avoiding challenge and failure. Dweck provides a checklist to assess yourself and shows how a particular mindset can affect all areas of your life, from business to sports and love. as well as for those who would like to increase their own feelings of success and fulfillment.” —Library Journal (starred review) “Everyone should read this book.” —Chip Heath and Dan Heath, authors of Made to Stick “One of the most influential books ever about motivation.” —Po Bronson, author of NurtureShock “If you manage people or are a parent (which is a form of managing people), drop everything and read Mindset .” —Guy Kawasaki, author of The Art of the Start 2.0.
Find Best Price at Amazon"The book is valuable for its conceit: that there are two types of mind-sets; the growth and the fixed. It's an informational book, but not a great book."
"However, most of the book seems to focus on discussing the difference between "fixed mindset" and "growth mindset" applied to different fields. It is like the author uses the entire book to emphasize how important "growth mindset" is but doesn't really offer much help."
"A common sense and proven approach, which I recommend to parents, coaches, teachers and business leaders."
"It is a compilation of a century of studying patterns of attitudes that have created champions and happiness in lives from every sector of life."
"its ok, nothing earth shattering in the book, but for those who need the message, read it!"
"Interesting but to Many repetitions and the examples Where not specific enogh. Could be interesting if we were given more precise info on how to keep The mindset if there are obstacles. A positive mindset can be Hard to maintain in a competitive environment or When experiencing personal problems or negative obstructing persons. A positive mindset may not be The cure for every problem in real life."
"The other side views all challenges as a learning experience while exhibiting cooperative strategies and tactics."
"Dweck preaches the power of hard work and it's effectiveness."
Best Psychology Research

The Future of the Mind is an extraordinary, mind-boggling exploration of the frontiers of neuroscience. These seemingly unrelated facts tell us two things: our brains are magnificently complex organisms, and science fiction has a way of becoming reality rather quickly. This deeply fascinating book by theoretical physicist Kaku explores what might be in store for our minds: practical telepathy and telekinesis; artificial memories implanted into our brains; and a pill that will make us smarter. He describes work being done right now on using sensors to read images in the human brain and on downloading artificial memories into the brain to treat victims of strokes and Alzheimer’s. --David Pitt Praise for The Future of the Mind, #1 New York Times Bestseller “Compelling…Kaku thinks with great breadth, and the vistas he presents us are worth the trip” — The New York Times Book Review “Intriguing….extraordinary findings…A fascinating sprint through everything from telepathy research to the 147,456 processors of the Blue Gene computer, which has been used to simulate 4.5% of the brain’s synapses and neurons” —Nature “Fizzes with his characteristic effervescence….Fascinating….. For all his talk of surrogates and intelligent robots, no manufactured being could have a fraction of his charisma.” — The Independent “A mind-bending study of the possibilities of the brain....a clear and readable guide to what is going on at a time of astonishingly rapid change.”. — The Telegraph “ In this expansive, illuminating journey through the mind, theoretical physicist Kaku ( Physics of the Future ) explores fantastical realms of science fiction that may soon become our reality. This deeply fascinating book by theoretical physicist Kaku explores what might be in store for our minds: practical telepathy and telekinesis; artificial memories implanted into our brains; and a pill that will make us smarter. He describes work being done right now on using sensors to read images in the human brain and on downloading artificial memories into the brain to treat victims of strokes and Alzheimer’s.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Nevertheless if you've enjoyed any of those scientific or theoretical physics type shows on the Discovery Channel, Science Channel, and/or History Channel, I'd highly recommend reading this book."
"This encyclopedic snapshot of a wide range of scientific research relates to just two newly revealed mother lodes of source material: the human brain and outer space. Bu Kaki and his colleagues have given rise to a plethora of movies and TV series focused on the misuse or outright evil cooked up by the world's bad guys to take advantage of super or telepathic brains, brain networks and intelligent robots."
"What else can I say about Mr. Kaku excellent writing about a very difficult subject."
"The "Future of mind" is a fascinating science book for general audience (not scientists nor specialists) that describes the latest advances and state of the art in neuroscience, mind, brain, memory, artificial intelligence and other related themes."
"There's just something about this book that is kinda hard to follow along with."
"The book is an interesting read for those who like psychology, neurology, and physics."
"Sadly, the professor does not explore the obvious implications of extending the Brain Computer Interface to an external memory and computational device accessible via miniature WiFi antenna, which of course could be installed on a chip."
Best Practice Management

A time-saving resource, fully revised to meet the changing needs of mental health professionals The Child Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, Fifth Edition provides all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payors, and state and federal agencies. Treatment plan components for 35 behaviorally based presenting problems Over 1,000 prewritten treatment goals, objectives, and interventions—plus space to record your own treatment plan options A step-by-step guide to writing treatment plans that meet the requirements of most accrediting bodies, insurance companies, and third-party payors Includes new Evidence-Based Practice Interventions as required by many public funding sources and private insurers. The Child Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, Fifth Edition provides all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payors, and state and federal agencies. New edition features empirically supported, evidence-based treatment interventions including anxiety, attachment disorder, gender identity disorder, and more Organized around 35 behaviorally based presenting problems including academic problems, blended family problems, children of divorce, ADHD, and more Over 1,000 prewritten treatment goals, objectives, and interventions—plus space to record your own treatment plan options Easy-to-use reference format helps locate treatment plan components by behavioral problem Includes a sample treatment plan that conforms to the requirements of most third-party payors and accrediting agencies including CARF, The Joint Commission (TJC), COA, and the NCQA.
Find Best Price at Amazon"These books are great."
"Besides giving a great framework for working with children, many times I know what I'm doing but can not put it down in a few sentences that would fit insurance guidelines as well those of my agency."
"As a beginning therapist, this book is extremely helpful."
"This has helped me a bit with my treatment plans, however the county I live in has changed the whole format of our treatment plans so many of the goals don't work."
"Don't think that is necessary but i guess they wanted to make the book larger."
"Essential for any clinician working with children."
"It makes creating goals a lot easier and less time consuming as it helps me think of ideas or just utilize the ideas used for the goals and interventions."
"I ordered this for work with someone under supervision."
Best Psychopharmacology

Now with bonus material, including a new foreword and afterword with updated research In this astonishing and startling book, award-winning science and history writer Robert Whitaker investigates a medical mystery: Why has the number of disabled mentally ill in the United States tripled over the past two decades? Every day, 1,100 adults and children are added to the government disability rolls because they have become newly disabled by mental illness, with this epidemic spreading most rapidly among our nation’s children. Or did they find that these medications, for some paradoxical reason, increase the likelihood that people will become chronically ill, less able to function well, more prone to physical illness? Our nation has been hit by an epidemic of disabling mental illness, and yet, as Anatomy of an Epidemic reveals, the medical blueprints for curbing that epidemic have already been drawn up. What with the conclusions Whitaker draws from his assembled literature and the accusations he levels at those who consciously deceive consumers eager for magical cures, his book will either blow the lid off a multibillion-dollar industry or cause him to be labeled a crackpot and, perhaps, medicated into obscurity. In Anatomy of an Epidemic investigative reporter Robert Whitaker cuts through flawed science, greed and outright lies to reveal that the drugs hailed as the cure for mental disorders instead worsen them over the long term. Whitaker tenderly interviews children and adults who bear witness to the ravages of mental illness, and testify to their newly found “aliveness” when freed from the prison of mind-numbing drugs.”—Daniel Dorman, M.D., Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, UCLA School of Medicine and author of Dante’s Cure: A Journey Out of Madness “This is the most alarming book I’ve read in years.
Find Best Price at Amazon"There's a bunch of reviews on here that say this book is invalid, but when you dig into their reasons, they are cherry picking data and using disproven research. But gradual withdrawal does work, and many people have gotten their lives back by learning how to use psych drugs appropriately as a tool instead of as the entire solution. This book cites like 400 studies, works with all the best patient advocates in the industry, and is the best science has to offer to explain both problems and solutions."
"Many of the harshest reviews of this book seem to be coming from those who currently depend on psychiatric medications, and find the author's conclusions heartless, given their own distress. I had been told by well-respected psychiatrists at two major research universities that the only way to prevent recurring depressive episodes was to be on medication for life. As I looked around at my many, many friends and family members on psychiatric medications, it seemed to me that most of them were still pretty substantially depressed a lot of the time. I understand how doctors came to use that analogy to reassure patients who were alarmed at the prospect of being on mind-altering drugs for long periods of time. I did a very slow, careful taper off of my psych drugs, over a period of months (this part is absolutely crucial). I have found daily aerobic exercise to be a far more reliable way of mitigating depression than my former medications, and research in this book shows this to be true for a majority of people as well. The "medical model" of psychiatry saved that branch of medicine from dying out, given our insurance-based healthcare system, and Robert Whitaker does a great job of exposing the collusion between the pharmaceutical companies and the American Psychiatric Association, with its frightening consequences. I found the section of the book describing the way research evidence was "rewritten" for medical school textbooks truly alarming. There's a lot at stake here for the psychiatric profession; it's not surprising that so many psychiatrists turn from this research with alarm and denial."
"I purchased this book as part of a personal project and, the further I get in it, the more interested I am."
"A must read for anyone considering taking or prescribing psychoactive medication."
"this is a book everyone who is on or about to go on any medications for mental health."
"Great book and highly recommended!"
"Not every claim in it - I my opinion is accurate - but enough are and enough important questions are raised that every doctor and every patient should be familiar with questions it raises."
Best Medicine & Psychology

Iconic couples’ therapist and bestselling author of Mating in Captivity Esther Perel returns with a provocative look at relationships through the lens of infidelity. Perel weaves real-life case stories with incisive psychological and cultural analysis in this fast-paced and compelling book. For the past ten years, Perel has traveled the globe and worked with hundreds of couples who have grappled with infidelity. Through examining illicit love from multiple angles, Perel invites readers into an honest, enlightened, and entertaining exploration of modern marriage in its many variations. In The State of Affairs , Perel explores a vast landscape of the adulterous terrain... in a way that’s deeply humane and never preachy.” (NPR’s Guide to 2017’s Greatest Reads). “[Perel] deals with the mess and pain of fractured relationships with searing honesty, astute observations and compassion… If your marriage were in trouble, you’d want her help.” ( Guardian (UK)). “In her opinion, confronting and unearthing the why behind an affair with honesty and courage, can steer a relationship back from brink—possibly towards a place of erotic rediscovery.” (Esquire). Her celebrated TED talks have garnered nearly 20 million views and her international bestseller Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence became a global phenomenon translated into 24 languages.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Maybe it was you or your spouse. I keep finding myself looking back at passages and rethinking the relationships I have seen, the people I have counseled, and understandings or judgments I have had about others, rightly or wrongly. But often our preconceived, worst construction on everything the cheater did, stands in the way of ever finding the ability to forgive the person, or see them as human, even when we pay lip service to forgiveness. Esther, brings in real people, real situations, with pseudonyms, and their real thoughts and feelings."
"I started following Esther Perel's work years ago when she did a riveting TEDtalk about infidelity & she authored a fascinating book called MATING IN CAPTIVITY. Both captivated me --not just because it's a titillating topic or because we were finally getting access to the underbelly of relationships that nobody openly discusses-- but because her work is full of human truths. About desire, love, the often inconvenient construct of marriage, egos, the secret longings people hide. Her work lets reality finally breathe.... uncloaked, so we can learn from it vs getting continually stuck in judgment. Without meaning to, she may have written the first guidebook to having healthier relationships (with ourselves and others) in the REAL world, because she tells us the actual state of affairs, not that Face-tuned version."
"I'm not sure I would have had the same appreciation of it had I not gone through my personal experience, but I still think this could be a great book for couples to read together, even as part of pre-marriage counseling or marriage therapy."
"Writing in a very readable format, she also looks at the causative factors in considerable depth providing greater insight into the behavior of the unfaithful partner."
"I picked up this book after listening to the podcast."
"I can't even begin to give this book the plaudits it deserves."
"Very unique and enlightening book!"
"A wonderful listening experience on"
Best History of Psychology

Now a New York Times bestseller and from the author of The Psychopath Test, a captivating and brilliant exploration of one of our world's most underappreciated forces: shame. Once their transgression is revealed, collective outrage circles with the force of a hurricane and the next thing they know they're being torn apart by an angry mob, jeered at, demonized, sometimes even fired from their job. Simultaneously powerful and hilarious in the way only Jon Ronson can be, So You've Been Publicly Shamed is a deeply honest book about modern life, full of eye-opening truths about the escalating war on human flaws - and the very scary part we all play in it. When a trio of "academics" hijacked his persona for an infomorph—basically an automated Twitter feed that spewed inane comments about food in his name—he took the fight to the internet, where the virtual, virulent hordes soon compelled the spambot authors to cease and desist. But as with most everything else, the internet has made condemnation an exercise in crowdsourcing, with today’s angry mobs trading stockades and scarlet As for social media and its inherent anonymity. So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed is Ronson's tour through a not-necessarily-brave new world where faceless commenters wield the power to destroy lives and careers, where the punishments often outweigh the crimes, and where there is no self-control and (ironically) no consequences. “With an introspective and often funny lens, [Ronson] tracks down those whose blunders have exploded in the public eye… So You've Been Publicly Shamed is an insightful, well-researched, and important text about how we react to others' poor decisions.” – The Huffington Post “Personable and empathetic, Ronson is an entertaining guide to the odd corners of the shame-o-sphere.” – The Minneapolis Star Tribune “It’s sharply observed, amusingly told, and, while its conclusions may stop just short of profound, the true pleasure of the book lies in arriving at those conclusions.” –The Onion. “An irresistibly gossipy cocktail with a chaser of guilt.” – Newsday “With So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed Ronson has written a timely, interesting and titillating read for any Internet drama junkie.” – "With confidence, verve, and empathy, Ronson skillfully informs and engages the reader without excusing those caught up in the shame game. – Publishers Weekly “Relentlessly entertaining and thought-provoking.”– TheGuardian “Certainly, no reader could finish it without feeling a need to be gentler online, to defer judgment, not to press the retweet button, to resist that primal impulse to stoke the fires of shame.”– The Times “Excruciating, un-put-downable… So You've Been Publicly Shamed is a gripping read, packed with humor and compassion and Ronson's characteristic linguistic juggling of the poignant and the absurd.” –“A powerful and rewarding read, a book utterly of the moment.”— The Hamilton Spectator “Ronson is a lovely, fluid writer, and he has a keen eye for painful, telling details.” — The Bloomberg View. “Fascinating and trenchant.” –The Denver Post “[Ronson] is one of our most important modern day thinkers…[ So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed ] is one of the most therapeutic books imaginable.” – US News & Word Report. “Personable and empathetic, Ronson is an entertaining guide to the odd corners of the shame-o-sphere.” – The Houston Chronicle “[A] satirical Malcolm Gladwell… an accessible, fun read.” – Everyday Ebook. "[A] brilliant, thought-provoking book – a fascinating examination of citizen justice, which has enjoyed a great renaissance since the advent of the internet."
Find Best Price at Amazon"Imagine cracking a joke that you know that some folks might consider off color to a buddy sitting next to you at a conference presentation -- then having the woman in front of you turn around, snap your picture, smile at you -- and tweet about how offensive your comments were to women, already a minority and arguably struggling to find a way to feel comfortable in Silicon Valley's "bro culture". But whether the name is a familiar one -- Jonah Lehrer, popular science writer pilloried for inventing quotes and for recycling his own content -- or someone unknown, such as the teenager turned into a pariah for mocking what she saw as a self-evident and superfluous sign at Arlington national cemetery requesting silence and respect -- he does a good job of exploring different examples of shame and reasons for shaming, as well as the societal and historical context. Ronson does occasionally fall into the trap of what I refer to as "stunt" anecdotes: going off to explore things as a participant and taking notes because he knows it will make a good part of the copy to be a fly on the wall. I've long been aware of the dangers of having a personal "brand", and been vigilant about what I say on social media and my privacy settings on Facebook, for instance. In the social media universe, there simply is no privacy -- or at least, none that you can count on -- and few of those "shame victims" that Ronson profiles in these pages are evil or malicious."
"Through digging into the stories of and conducting interviews with well-know people like disgraced author and journalist Jonah Lehrer and ordinary, previously unknown people like Justine Sacco, Ronson provides a vivid and disturbing picture of what happens to the people on the receiving end of vigilante-style justice and raises interesting philosophical questions about what this means for our larger culture. This book's strength is that it humanizes the people on the receiving end of Internet justice and makes you ponder whether the scorched earth campaign waged against people like Justine Sacco is justified. You'll feel uncomfortable when you read this book, and you should. I squirmed as I thought of the times when I jumped on the outrage bandwagon and then moved on with my life without really stopping to wonder what had become of the people on the other end of the outrage."
Best Psychology Reference

The book looks at the underlying rules and expectations in these relationships and shows Caretaker’s how to move themselves out of these rigid interactions and into a healthier, more productive, and positive lifestyle—with or without the Borderline/Narcissistic partner or family member. It presents a realistic, yet compassionate, attitude toward the self-destructive nature of these relationships, and gives real life examples of how individuals have let go of their Caretaker behaviors with creative and effective solutions. ( Metapsychology Online ). Stop Caretaking the Borderline or Narcissist is refreshingly no-nonsense, provides lots of useful hints on how to put this self-care model into practice while at the same time informing thoroughly and in no uncertain terms about the BP/NP's view of the world. Margalis Fjelstad, PhD, LMFT, has a private psychotherapy practice in Ft. Collins, CO, specializing in work with clients who are in relationship to someone who has borderline or narcissistic personality disorder, and she facilitates groups on Caretaker recovery.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Granted, as a recovering Caretaker, I was ready to hear the whole truth about how dysfunctional I had become and how much work is ahead of me to fix myself and not the other people in my life, but this book got into every nook and cranny of dysfunction and called it what it was."
"A real relationship is based on each person giving the other approximately the same amount of energy as the other receives. In addition, a healthy relationship. * Does not drain the other, but gives the other energy, * Helps each other feel relaxed and. * Makes the other feel wanted and cared for."
"This book explains both the underlying psychological mechanisms of the dysfunctional relationship and gives clear advice on how to change them."
"excellent read for those caught in over caring for a self centered drama-centered person."
"This is a must read for anyone dealing with a BPD or NPD in their life."
"This is a tremendously helpful book for anyone dealing with, or recovering from a relationship with a Borderline."
"And yeah, we are learning to let go and. grab our lives back and, let go of guilt!"
"This book has been most beneficial in my living with a person who yet to be diagnose as a borderline/narsistic persons."
Best Psychology Movements

At the time of Frankl's death in 1997, Man's Search for Meaning had sold more than 10 million copies in twenty-four languages. The book begins with a lengthy, austere, and deeply moving personal essay about Frankl's imprisonment in Auschwitz and other concentration camps for five years, and his struggle during this time to find reasons to live. The second part of the book, called "Logotherapy in a Nutshell," describes the psychotherapeutic method that Frankl pioneered as a result of his experiences in the concentration camps.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Read this book, read this book."
"Those that had developed purpose and meaning to the harsh conditions got out of bed every morning to face another unbearable day."
"Frankl is able to find meaning in a concentration camp."
"One of the best works you can take in."
"Life would have been easier if I had read this book sooner in life."
"A little twist of ideas as to why some people survive the worst and why others don't survive medium bad."
"If you're a student of any religion or ideology trying to figure out how to reach a point where you can take control of your own experience of life, and truly see the world from your internal perspective rather than from your external perspective this is an invaluable text for you to read through."
"The second part of the book is an analysis of logotherapy and a description of Frankl's studies on the subject."
Best Psychology Education & Training

At the time of Frankl's death in 1997, Man's Search for Meaning had sold more than 10 million copies in twenty-four languages. The book begins with a lengthy, austere, and deeply moving personal essay about Frankl's imprisonment in Auschwitz and other concentration camps for five years, and his struggle during this time to find reasons to live. The second part of the book, called "Logotherapy in a Nutshell," describes the psychotherapeutic method that Frankl pioneered as a result of his experiences in the concentration camps.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Read this book, read this book."
"Those that had developed purpose and meaning to the harsh conditions got out of bed every morning to face another unbearable day."
"Profound insight."
"A little twist of ideas as to why some people survive the worst and why others don't survive medium bad."
"A nice read about the importance of finding meaning in your life."
"This is a great book from both the personal story aspect as well as for its philosophical aspects."
"A powerful book."
"This is a fantastic book for anyone interested in logotherapy, Positive thinking, or Holocaust survival stories."
Best Developmental Psychology

Child psychiatrist Bruce Perry has treated children faced with unimaginable horror: genocide survivors, witnesses, children raised in closets and cages, and victims of family violence. In beautifully written, fascinating accounts of experiences working with emotionally stunted and traumatized children, child psychiatrist Perry educates readers about how early-life stress and violence affects the developing brain. The stories exhibit compassion, understanding and hope as Perry paints detailed, humane pictures of patients who have experienced violence, sexual abuse or neglect, and Perry invites the reader on his own journey to understanding how the developing child's brain works. Each child, from the seven-year-old who offered him sexual favors to the eponymous boy who spent his early years living in a dog cage, taught Perry something about the effects of early childhood trauma on brain development.
Find Best Price at Amazon"This is a wonderful book to read if you are fostering or adopting a child and if you are working with children."
"It made me sad ,mad and happy I think we really need to look at our day cares and school system."
"The content is both heartbreaking and heartwarming, as it details trauma and recovery, and the role neuroplasticity plays in stress response and self healing."
"Great book."
"It is truly the most concise and understandable description of the impact of trauma on the growth and development of children I have every seen in my 32 years of family law practice."
"This book was recommended to me by a friend, and it is PHENOMENAL!"
"Yet, Dr. Perry reinforces the lessons of coming to understand how normal brain growth first happens, and then how it can be in part derailed during life's first 3 year as a starting point for so much dysfunction we read about, see, and sometimes experience in our families.. Time and again I found myself nodding my head and mumbling, "this makes so much sense."
"Great book, I will use it and refer back to it often in my school and career."
Best Child Development & Psychology

In this pioneering, practical book, Daniel J. Siegel, neuropsychiatrist and author of the bestselling Mindsight , and parenting expert Tina Payne Bryson offer a revolutionary approach to child rearing with twelve key strategies that foster healthy brain development, leading to calmer, happier children. Praise for The Whole-Brain Child "This erudite, tender and funny book is filled with fresh ideas based on the latest neuroscience research. Most of all, The Whole-Brain Child helps parents teach kids about how their brain actually works, giving even very young children the self-understanding that can lead them to make good choices, and, ultimately, to lead meaningful and joyful lives.”. – Christine Carter, Ph.D., author of Raising Happiness “In their dynamic and readable new book, Dan Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson sweep aside the old models of 'good' and 'bad' parenting to offer a scientific focus: the impact of parenting on brain development.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Dan Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson's "The Whole Brain Child" fails to deliver on the titular promise of "revolutionary" parenting strategies to "truly help your kids be happier, healthier, and more fully themselves"; it does, however, provide innovative and effective explanations, packaging, and delivery of many tried-and-true parenting techniques that turn out to be neuroscientifically based. The first four chapters are the love child of the Johns - Medina's "Brain Rules for Baby" and Gottman's "Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child." The following seven strategies result: (1) "Connect and Redirect: [Helping Kids Learn to Surf] Emotional Waves"; (2) "Name It to Tame It: Telling Stories to Calm Big Emotions"; (3) "Engage, Don't Enrage: Appealing to the Upstairs Brain"; (4) "Use It or Lose It: Exercising the Upstairs Brain"; (5) "Move It or Lose It: Moving the Body to Avoid Losing the Mind"; (6) "Use the Remote of the Mind: Replaying Memories"; and (7) "Remember to Remember: Making Recollection a Part of Your Family's Daily Life." The fifth and sixth chapters, however, throw a little of Susan Stiffelman's "Parenting Without Power Struggles" into the mix, offering child therapy techniques and explaining why they work through the prism of brain science. "By helping our kids connect left [brain] and right [brain]" - as well as their "upstairs" and "downstairs" brains and implicit and explicit memories - "we give them a better chance of [finding] . Finally, I want to share two interesting tidbits from "The Whole Brain Child" approach that contradict standard parenting advice but perfectly align with my parenting instincts: "An upstairs tantrum occurs when a child essentially decides to throw a fit. On the "eh" side of the scale, "The Whole Brain Child" is more useful for older children than younger ones, is often redundant and long-winded (darned brain scientists trying to make information stick), and isn't as comprehensive as "Parenting with Love & Logic." Though Spiegel and Bryson don't offer much that's new in the realm of what parents ought to do, "The Whole Brain Child" adds value to the genre in providing the why and organizing the what into an easily understood, memorable, and, yes, at one point even "revolutionary," how."
"Very well written."
"He loved doing it - he'd ask to read the brain book - and it became the perfect way to discuss the concepts in the book."
"Excellent resource whether you are a parent, teacher, or professional!"
"Very interesting and refreshing look on child care without being too "coddling" in the author's approach."
"Logical, common sense tied to scientific research: easy to understand and use with children."
"This was a great book."
"Helped to understand how my child's brain is developing."
Best Psychology Testing & Measurement

These letters, all addressed to the pseudonym Dr. Quill, were written by the patients as they documented the demise of the Emerson Rose Asylum. Their journey will become your journey as the patients chronicle their final months in these, Letters from the Looney Bin. Weaves a creepy tale in the form of letters found from an abandoned insane asylum...a girl who smashes the head of a white coated orderly...a doctor who experiments on the inmates in unspeakable ways...patients dragged away in the middle of the night to have parts of their brains removed.The author does a great job at weaving the different characters together.The imagery is macabre and the chills are sublime.You are given a unique insight into the minds and perspectives of the condemned mental patients, and what brought them to the edge.Interesting book which reads very easily and enjoyably.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I read it after and agree."
"Beautifully written."
"Characters writing letters about their unfortunate lives before and after their arrival to the Emerson Rose asylum."
"I liked how it was written from the pov of the patients but I feel there needs to be 2nd one to answer some questions I had.I would definitely read a 2nd one if the author wrote one."
"Absolutely kept me on the edge of my seat!"
"It was intriguing to hear the background story of each patient."
"Interesting read."
"Excellent book arrived quickly. Very easy interesting read didn't want to end."
Best Experimental Psychology

Then trigger the male mind by stirring his most POWERFUL emotion; When he realizes he might lose you, your little pink smart phone is going to text off the hook. Let's see another Author step up to the plate and make that claim! I actual enjoy helping people and my reviews prove this. Forget the psychologists and Doctor Jerk Off with a plague on the wall and listen to a top MALE dating coach who knows the male psyche. In fact, the moment you start reading my book your heart will flutter and your sadness will mellow because you will have HOPE! He is going to return to find you holding a different set of cards and they ain’t sixes. 2) Write him a POWERFUL letter (I give you the exact template). 3) Change your routine. 4) Turn up the heat by using social media (deviously). 5) Slip in, slip out (you will LOVE this step and he will beg to get you back!). My plan will keep you busy, build back your confidence, and hedge your bet with other men. Gregg is an Amazon. #1 Best Selling Author with; To Date a Man You Must Understand a Man, 10 Secrets You Need to Know About Men, Who Holds the Cards Now?, The Social Tigress!, Power Texting Men, Love is in The Mouse, Committed to Love Separated by Distance and Be Quiet and Date Me! Here's Why... By Anne P. Mitchell HALL OF FAME TOP 10 REVIEWER. This is by far and away one of the best books on how to deal with a breakup where you are certain that you really aren't done, and you want to try again with your ex. If you are easily offended by "bad" words, you may not love this book - but I suggest you get over it because, if you are looking to *understand* what happened and why, and to *understand* what you must do in order to create the opportunity to try again with your ex, this is what you need to read, and to whom you need to listen. But it's not advice that you'll ever hear from your girl friends, or your family - you know, those people who are dispensing 'wisdom' designed to make you feel better in the moment, but not to actually move forward, let alone get back together with your ex. I've read/listened to Rori Raye, Matthew Hussey, Marie Forleo, and Cat Volz, all of whom, except for Forleo, give good practical advice which *boils down* to much the same advice that Michaelson gives, but *none* of the others in such a clear, direct, and concise way as does Michaelson - "Here's the situation, here's why, and here's what you need to do."
Find Best Price at Amazon"but it's true and what I NEEDED to hear because I let my hobbies and my true self go in this relationship, a lesson I've learned and will never do again."
"I enjoyed the book."
"I have followed the steps hasn't been enough time yet to report that it worked or not but honestly if it doesn't it's gonna be ok."
"Not only about getting an ex back but learning a new way of thinking and living to build self esteem and living a positive life by changing our thoughts to positive ones."
"Not only does Gregg help you get your ex back, he helps you get your confidence back."
"Gregg is offering a look into their ways of thinking while simultaneously helping you to rebuild & strengthen yourself."
"Not only is this book extremely well written with a lot of insights of the male brain, but you also get the feeling like Gregg is right there with you, holding your hand."
"I was really interested in seeing what Gregg had to say after reading all the reviews."
Best Psychology of Human Sexuality

From the creators of the phenomenal bestseller The 48 Laws of Power, a mesmerizing handbook on seduction: the most subtle and effective form of power When raised to the level of art, seduction, an indirect and subtle form of power, has toppled empires, won elections and enslaved great minds. Following on the heels of his 48 Laws of Power, this book continues Greene's gross exploration of social power, this time in the realm of sexual politics. In Part 1, Greene, again paired with "packager" Joost Elffers (Play with Your Food), offers a straight-faced description of the nine types of seductive character, from the "Ideal Lover" to the "Rake." Syst., WA. Copyright 2001 Reed Business Information, Inc. Greene is the author of The 48 Laws of Power (1998), a compilation of quotes from throughout history that prescribe methods of obtaining and wielding power. A "quote" from a Newsweek review of The 48 Laws is used to hype the new book, though the actual article in which the quote appeared challenged Greene's credentials as an editor and playwright and offered only lukewarm praise.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I feel like a lot of the negative reviews (my focus) are caught up in labeling this book somehow misogynistic and manipulative at its core. And I certainly agree to an extent: the language that Greene uses is definitely suggestive of manipulation and in many ways focuses on upsetting the power balances that naturally occur in relationships. Greene is careful to explain that "the art of seduction" originates in the feminine mystique, and that men have adopted it because they recognize the great power that it holds. Sure, society still has a ways to go in order to truly honor any REAL notion of equality between genders, but if you see a man reading this book, it is because he is trying to master the art that originated in the depths, mysteriousness and natural power of femininity. What you do with that knowledge and power will determine whether you are a manipulative scumbag/gold-digger, or a person who is simply trying to improve your social interactions with NOT ONLY the gender of your preference, but people in general. This chapter really forced me to look at some of my behaviours and to realize, that ultimately, I am acting a large part of the time out of selfishness. But Greene has helped me understand where that selfishness is simply a real need to move forward with my life, or an utter inability to empathize with others. It's a long read, so I would recommend taking notes on anything you find particularly interesting for your own review at a later date, just as a refresher."
"I don't read nonfiction books very often but this grabbed my attention and didn't let me go."
"This is a great 467 page book; a PUA classic."
"This book is a "must read" one."
"Awsome book, highly recommend."
"Great book."
"I really don't remember many particular and specific details of this book, which I read over 2 years ago, but it was good and informative, and super interesting."
Best Psychology Statistics

Rebecca M. Warner's Applied Statistics: From Bivariate Through Multivariate Techniques, Second Edition provides a clear introduction to widely used topics in bivariate and multivariate statistics, including multiple regression, discriminant analysis, MANOVA, factor analysis, and binary logistic regression. She is a Fellow in the Association for Psychological Science and a member of the American Psychological Association, the International Association for Relationships Research, the Society of Experimental Social Psychology, and the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.
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Best Psychology of Suicide

Whether you’re grieving the loss of a loved one, curious about what happens when we die, or pondering your own mortality, this book will leave you feeling less fear about death, inspired to live a more loving and purposeful life, and comforted by new thoughts about your loved ones in the afterlife. Bob Olson presents an impressive compilation of many lines of evidence that converge on the conclusion that the afterlife is, in a word, real . With the keen and thorough eye of an investigative reporter, Bob Olson takes on this question with a loving heart and full-on determination. Sifting through more than fifteen years of intense and exhaustive research, he's created a spiritual encyclopedia of sorts that provides the reader with answers. Bob Olson has taken his education, experience and passion for being an investigator and applied them to the study of the afterlife, death and dying, and the world of spirit, sharing what these topics can teach us about life. This event ignited questions in Bob that he never before considered, so he decided to use his skills as a private eye to investigate the afterlife.
Find Best Price at Amazon"This book gave me some understanding of the forces at work that day that I will never believe were just lucky coincidences that helped me survive the most heartbreaking time of my life, and I'm very grateful to Bob Olson for sharing his vast research in this book."
"I just finished reading Bob’s new book on the Afterlife and give it an A+++. Of course, based on the quality of the interviews I’ve watched Bob conduct on, how could his book be anything but wonderful, personable, highly readable, down to earth and thorough."
"If you're trying to understand and make sense of no only our lives here on earth but the before and after you'll want to read this book."
"The book is ok and somewhat resourceful however the book is very repetitive to the point I Initially skipped the last 40 some pages but then decided to go back and read them the next night."
"Olson has gathered his evidence of the afterlife from accounts of NDE (Near Death Experiences), from the accounts of thousands of mediums, and most important: from his own experiences as a person receiving evidence from mediums: evidence to which the mediums have had no prior knowledge. ANSWERS ABOUT THE AFTERLIFE will not only give you things to consider, but you will feel motivated to have your own personal experiences as you investigate the afterlife."
"It's a very good book but really just getting started on it, into 3rd chapter."
"extremely interesting - recommend to anyone interested in this subject."