Best Critical & Intensive Care Nursing

AACN Essentials of Critical Care Nursing includes essential content found in ECCO (Essentials of Critical Care Orientation, an online program offered by AACN), key information necessary to successfully prepare for CCRN certification in critical care nursing, and much more. KEY REFERENCE INFORMATION -- features normal laboratory and diagnostic values, algorithms for advanced cardiac life support, troubleshooting guides for hemodynamic monitoring, summary tables of critical care drugs, and cardiac rhythms and treatment guides. Suzanne M. Burns, MSN, RRT, ACNP, CCRN, FAAN, FCCM, FAANP (Charlottesville, VA) Professor Emeritus, School of Nursing, University of Virginia; Consultant, Critical and Progressive Care and Clinical Nursing Research.
Find Best Price at Amazon"If you're new to critical care you need this."
"This is an excellent resource book and a great addition to a nursr's library."
"I like books that has illustrations that goes with the text."
"This book is a really good resource for the critical care nurse."
"Used this to help pass the CCRN exam."
"the book looks new, one day late on prime shipment."
"Great book."

Praised for its comprehensive coverage and clear organization, Critical Care Nursing: Diagnosis and Management, 7th Edition is the go-to critical care nursing text for both practicing nurses and nursing students preparing for clinicals. Nine sections highlight the alterations seen in critical care and make it easy to understand the unique challenges of critical care nursing. Consistent organization within each body-system unit allows you to use this book as a one-stop resource for your critical care nursing education, as well as a reference for the relevant assessment techniques, lab values, and patient management principles needed by practicing nurses .
Find Best Price at Amazon"Good foundations textbook for ICU nursing concepts."
"Some of my classmates said this text was a bit over their heads, and they're probably right, but I found this to be a rich resource and served as a great book for my critical care course in my ADN program."
"I still use this book often."
"excellent information- use for new or experienced nurse in critical care."
"This books cuts out a lot of the "fluff" other nursing textbooks have and gets straight to the important information you need to know."
"This book is so great, it summarized all the patho and med surg 1 stuff and covers the critical care aspect perfectly!"
"This book is not for the novice."
"This is an ok book."

Whether you're entering the medical profession or are already in it like me, you don’t have the time to wade through extraneous foreword and pretentious terms to get to the point. 9.Know the medical treatments. Don’t worry, you don’t need a Kindle to read it — just download it to your Amazon cloud library and you can access it right away.
Find Best Price at Amazon"So easy to read and understand."
"Good book it looked phoney at first but when I stared reading it I realized that I was wrong."
"I recommend this book to people like me who wants a quick and direct to the point ecg understanding."
"I paid little but received a lot of information that helps me to improve my performance at my job."
"Same info as my textbook for my EKG class but presented in a way that makes it so clear."
"Super easy to read and understand, just for basic knowledge though..."
"This a great book for beginners and established EKG techs or nurses."
"Needed a quick refresher and this book really did the trick!"
Best Perinatology & Neonatology

- Text updated to reflect the latest 2015 AAP/AHA Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care of the Neonate. - Two new chapters added covering preparing for resuscitation and post-resuscitation care. - 140 new full-color photographs replacing most line drawings. - Doody's Book Review 2016 Associate editor: Jeanette Zaichkin, RN, MN, NNP-BC Jeanette Zaichkin has been a neonatal nurse for more than 30 years.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Glad the illustrations were updated."
"I did not like the Sim events because I had difficulty understanding the way to initiate the event and how to move through the content correctly."
"Well-written, clear guidelines with more details, less uncertainties and better images than previous editions."
"This is the most current version of this text book."
"Covers the subject thoroughly and approaches the subject practically."
"Up to date manual for NRP."
"The book was purchased new as always with every new edition."
Best Medical & Surgical Nursing

Over the past three decades, more and more nursing educators have turned to Lewis: Medical-Surgical Nursing for its accurate and up-to-date coverage of the latest trends, hot topics, and clinical developments in the field of medical-surgical nursing — and the new ninth edition is no exception! Completely revised and updated content explores patient care in various clinical settings and focuses on key topics such as prioritization, critical thinking, patient safety, and NCLEX ® exam preparation. Managing Multiple Patients case studies at the end of each section give you practice applying your knowledge of various disorders and help you prioritize and delegate patient care. Separate chapter on genetics expands on this key topic that impacts nearly every condition with a focus on the practical application to nursing care of patients. Expanded coverage of delegation includes additional Delegation Decisions boxes covering issues such as hypertension and postoperative patient care. Dirksen is Associate Professor, College of Nursing, Arizona State Universiyt, Tempe.
Find Best Price at Amazon"This book is a textbook for college students who just need to learn how, why and when "things" happen."
"The book is very large and depending on your time schedule you really won't be able to read everything."
"I have the 2-volume paperback set. Great content. But the book itself has been very useful in Med Surg."
"If your instructor will allow it, this is a great alternative at least for the 10th edition."
"Very detailed book."
"I was able to easily afford this book when rented and I did not risk holding on to this book for years to come because the school book store will not take it back for a decent price."
"I've used these for a year's worth of nursing school and they have helped me learn the content for sure."
"Book was well written, but can be quite wordy in its explanation."
Best Pediatric & Neonatal Nursing

The leading text in pediatric nursing, Wong's Nursing Care of Infants and Children takes a unique, easy-to-understand developmental approach to describe the care of children at each age and stage of development. Nursing Care Plans provide models for planning patient care, with rationales explaining why specific nursing interventions have been chosen, and include nursing diagnoses, patient/family goals, nursing interventions/rationales, expected outcomes, and NIC and NOC guidelines. Nursing Tips include helpful hints and practical, clinical information, and Nursing Alerts provide critical information that must be considered in providing care. "The emphasis being on providing innovative and excellent paediatric care, through bringing care philosophies into everyday life and measurable quality outcomes."
Find Best Price at Amazon"Those alerts and the charts in the book nicely summarize a lot of important info that our professors mention will be on the NCLEX and also on our unit exams."
"Difficult and long-winded learning tool."
"This is actually a decent book that lays things out very methodically."
"Each chapter has questions following the reading."
"I appreciate the formality and need to make each line seem very intelligent, but for those who is reading the subject for the first time, they should make it slightly easier to comprehend."
"Am an Adult Nurse Educator, soon to be Grandmother needing Pediatric current review."
"Myself along with most of my student peers really had a tough time getting through this text."
Best Oncology & Cancer Nursing

I was one of those statistics even though I was living a healthy lifestyle that consisted of organic foods, regular exercise, massage, Chiropractic care and colonics. Increasing your consumption of specific vegetables, oils and low glycemic fruits can reduce your Breast Cancer risk by 60-70%. There are clearly environmental links to Breast Cancer but there are specific steps that you can take to reduce your toxic exposure. Learn how to make conscious choices about the products you keep in your home, the cosmetics you apply and the internal toxins that are affecting your body. There are specific healing arts and therapeutic tools that can help bring the body to balance, ultimately strengthening and boosting the Immune System. Proper hormone balance and revitalizing sleep can activate cancer-protective genes and boost the Immune System. Enjoy foods that detoxify carcinogens, inhibit tumor growth and even reduce the unpleasant side effects of chemotherapy. Would you be interested in technology and blood work that could potentially discover cancer on a small cellular level before it had a chance to develop into a large tumor? The last 10 years of her practice, she focused on Women's Wellness and Breast Cancer prevention.
Find Best Price at Amazon"When assured that all is fine and I am cancer free, my lower back started hurting. My cancer spread to the spine, actually it was there, but doctors were thinking that those are just bone stains from beginning."
"I am in the holistic health field myself - WOW!"
"I read every word, and incorporated some of the suggestions into my own regimen."
"If you want better health, read this book!!"
"This is a must read for women with or without cancer."
"I have only read through chapter one, but wow it has a lot of interesting information in it."
"It put me at ease knowing there are ways we can heal ourself naturally."
"This was the 2nd book on breast cancer I have read since being diagnosed four months ago. I would definitely recommend and gift this book as a preventative tool and to use in battling cancer."
Best Mental Health Nursing

Psychiatric medications have served society well over the last fifty years, but the need for drug therapies will fade away as science advances. The author's database containing millions of chemical factors in blood, urine, and tissues has identified brain-changing nutrient imbalances in patients diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, behavior disorders, depression, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer's disease. “Over his impressive career, Dr. Walsh has worked with 30,000 patients with conditions ranging from autism to schizophrenia to Alzheimer’s. He invented a lithium battery that has been used in cars and hearts; he won the Abram Hoffer Doctor of the Year award, although he is a chemical engineer; he found the physical causes of violence, sociopathic behavior, depression, schizophrenia, and a dozen other troubling behaviors―and he found the treatments too; his studies are elegant and often commissioned by the National Institutes of Health, and his work on autism is as original as the man himself. ”With Nutrient Power , Bill Walsh joins Linus Pauling, Carl Pfeiffer, and Abe Hoffer on the Mount Rushmore of behavioral nutrition. Bill Walsh opened my eyes to unsuspected nutritional needs, which saved my son. Dr. Walsh is a revolutionary thinker who guides us into the emerging world of biochemical balancing, the growing body of research into epigenetics, and understanding how these fields relate so they can be applied right here, right now.”. Nutrient Power brings a unique new perspective to mental, behavioral, and autistic disorders, including the crucial role of epigenetics. Anyone seeking advanced treatments for mental illness will benefit greatly from reading Dr. Walsh’s new book.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Already I have seen this loved one deteriorate sharply at the hands of mental health professionals and their meds chosen by educated dart throwing. This is the most exciting book that I wish were in the hands of every patient and family whose loved one suffers from imbalance of nutrients that affect the brain. A person who might otherwise be a high histamine go getter MD might instead be getting sentenced to prison becuase they have pyrrole disorder where the body can't rid itself of copper."
"This book is a condensed description of Dr. William Walsh’s 30 years research in the field of nutrient therapy to treat mental disorders. Dr. Walsh created non-profits in order to be able to conduct research about the role of vitamins, mineral, and amino acids in mental disorders. The nutrient therapy treatment aims at regulating the synthesis of neurotransmitters using natural chemistry, without producing the negative side effects that the psychiatric drugs generate. The book is written in a simple language, so that, a layperson like me, can understand some basic chemical processes that occur in the human body/brain. There are chapters on epigenetics, schizophrenia, depression, autism, behavior disorders, Alzheiner’s, and about the clinical process used in the treatment. Dr. William Walsh is a wonderful man, who has been dedicating his career to the development of a protocol for patients with behavior disorders."
"We went to Mensah Medical physicians personally trained by Dr. Walsh about 6 months ago, my son (age 2 1/2) was diagnosed moderate to severe Autistic with PDD 1 year ago and the nutrient treatments have changed our lives."
"Excellent, informative and useful volume of valuable knowledge on nutrition!"
"Met my therapy orientation."
"Excellent resource on a little known topic."
"Great information and easily understood by a lay person."
Best Nursing Home Care

- Focus On the Pride boxes emphasize Personal and professional responsibility, Rights and respect, Independence and social interaction, Delegation and teamwork, and Ethics and Laws providing a convenient overview of key elements of the nursing assistant’s responsibilities in providing competent patient care, and reminds readers that this caregiver role is one they can take pride in performing.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I had no problem reading it from my iPad/iphone."
"Was needed for class."
"It is what I had to get for school."
"This book was purchased for my daughter for one of her college class."
"This book is great and user friendly for persons entering the field as a nursing assistant."
"I am finding it so mush interesting and is well written with a lot of explanation, organized in a way that you can remember easier what you read."
"Prefect and $35 cheaper than at the school."
"I bought this book for a CNA class at my college."
Best Maternity & Women's Health Nursing

Back again are even more amazing birthing tales, including those from women who were babies in earlier editions and stories about Old Order Amish women attended by the Farm midwives. Includes updated information on the safety of natural childbirth, new birthing stories, and the most recent statistics on births managed by The Farm Midwives.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Fantastic viewpoint on the process of pregnancy, birth, and relationships in general."
"Love all the firsthand birth tales, all the great information on how to take care of yourself post-partum, and the midwife section is a great to stay informed about your baby and your pregnancy."
"Reading positive birth stories from other women really helped me with mentally preparing for my own and not succumbing to the notion that we should fear childbirth."
"I read this book first as a frayed copy from a friend of a friend when I was pregnant-many moons ago-and despite the fact that I ended up with very "medicalized" birthing experiences-her books and outlook on birthing influenced my journey as a mother, woman and wife."
"Reading this book made me so confident and excited about my labor."
"I gave this as a gift."
Best Nursing Home & Community Care

In addition to a solid foundation in concepts and interventions for individuals, families, and communities, you will find real-life applications of the public nurse's role, Healthy People 2020 initiatives, new chapters on forensics and genomics, plus timely coverage of disaster management and important client populations such as pregnant teens, the homeless, immigrants, and more. Separate unit on the public/community health nurse's role describes the different roles and functions of the public/community health nurse within the community. boxes use practical examples and critical thinking exercises to illustrate chapter content. Separate chapters on community health initiatives thoroughly describe different approaches to promoting health among populations.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Rented this book - the corners were kinda frayed & curled back but the text was still readable."
"it was in great condition!"
"I understand textbooks are a tool for information; there are no guidelines for what makes a great textbook because let's be serious, it's rare to find a textbook that makes the content interesting enough to read for fun. But the kindle version is really nice, it's easy to highlight and you can read all your highlights on a single page without having to skip around, and it has a nifty flashcard tool that I haven't utilized yet, but looks promising."
"I passed, but that's because the class ran for only 1/2 a semester and I didn't have to have an in-depth knowledge of every aspect the writers presented."
"If your teacher picks this book for your class, then try to just answer the objectives at the beginning of the chapter, know the terms, and look at the tables."
"If your teacher picks this book for your class, then try to just answer the objectives at the beginning of the chapter, know the terms, and look at the tables."
"I have no idea how they are going to choose the information to test on, because every chapter is like reading 10."
"They put some tear out pages in the front that made the cover pull away from the binding. I mean, thanks for giving a break from the wordy text, but at least make the pictures interesting and relevant. There are attempts to break up the wordy writing with the typical Elsevier "What do you think" and "nursing tip" and some "cutting edge" stuff but it was usually distracting and not informative."
Best LPN & LVN Nursing

The HESI Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN ® Examination, 5th Edition provides a comprehensive, all-in-one review of the information you need to know to not only succeed on the NCLEX-RN exam but also on your program’s HESI exit exam. Written in an easy-to-read outline format, this trusted guide breaks down chapters by clinical areas and the concepts emphasized on the NCLEX-RN exam. The companion Evolve website also offers 700 practice questions in both study and exam formats to give you valuable practice using the same electronic testing format you will face on the nursing school exit exam and on the NCLEX-RN exam. 700 NCLEX practice questions on the companion Evolve website include alternate item formats to provide a testing experience similar to the exit and NCLEX exams. Revised chapter on maternity nursing features updated CPR guidelines and medications for neonatal cardiac arrest, as well as new HESI Hints that reflect new modalities such as fetal cell-DNA analysis and current screening tools.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Awesome book !"
"Very useful guide for all nursing students in my opinion."
"don't waste your money."
"I bought it thinking that it was a hard copy I never now that it is an. Ebook."
Best Nursing Nutrition

Swap out the top inflammatory ingredients and still eat what you love Detox from the foods that have been causing chronic inflammation Experience health-based fat loss (no calorie counting or points system here) Stop cravings in their tracks Melt away inflammation Learn how to follow an anti-inflammatory diet while on the road or in the air PLUS master over 40 anti-inflammatory food swap recipes free of processed sugar, wheat, cow dairy, inflammatory oils, alcohol, and GMOs. She makes breaking free from a bad diet super easy.” - Vani Hari, Creator of and New York Times Bestselling Author of The Food Babe Way.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I love this book! I loved the chapter on the water."
"This book is clearly written, and the steps to changing to an anti-inflammatory way of eating are straight forward and easy to initiate."
"Jenny makes implementing and sticking to an anti-inflammatory diet seem approachable, and dare I say possible for a busy new mom like myself."
"Jenny breaks it down so that it is easy to follow an anti-inflammatory diet."
"My family has been following the AIP diet as my daughter has been diagnosed with Graves Disease and after reading your book it has made grocery shopping so much easier."
"I personally appreciate books like this one - books that definitions for words I might not know are right there beside the word in the book - so it doesn't distract from the flow."
"We need satisfying healthy suggestions for people with food sensitivities!"
"It teaches you how to develop healthy life long eating habits to live without refined sugars, as well as several other types of food."
Best Psychiatric Nursing

This bestselling work for professionals and students is the authoritative presentation of motivational interviewing (MI), the powerful approach to facilitating change. The companion Web page provides additional helpful resources, including reflection questions, an extended bibliography, and annotated case material. This book is in the Applications of Motivational Interviewing series, edited by Stephen Rollnick, William R. Miller, and Theresa B. Moyers. MI has fundamentally changed the way we think about working with less motivated clients, especially in today's health care climate, with its emphasis on evidence-based brief treatments. --Scott T. Walters, PhD, Professor and Chair, Department of Health Behavior and Health Systems, University of North Texas Health Science Center; member, Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT). --Melinda Hohman, PhD, School of Social Work, San Diego State University; member, Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT). It is a 'must-adopt' text for courses in psychology, counseling, social work, mental health, addictions, and health care more broadly." " Motivational Interviewing is one of the few texts that I can assign to my MSW students year after year for my Clinical Practice course and know they will love it as much as I do. I have had more positive feedback from students regarding this book than any other text I've used, and it is wonderful to watch the light go on in their eyes as they gain understanding about behavior change and how MI works. ( Community Mental Health Journal 2012-09-09). "This approach is one that can be powerfully used by occupational therapy practitioners who are working in mental health and substance abuse settings, or any psychosocial behavioral health setting....In preparing professional students for practice, I view this approach as foundational to their effectiveness in building motivation and strengthening commitment to change with their clients." He introduced motivational interviewing in a 1983 article in the journal Behavioral Psychotherapy and in the first edition of Motivational Interviewing: Helping People Change , written with Stephen Rollnick, in 1991. A clinical psychologist with many years of experience and a codeveloper of MI, as well as a cofounder of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers, Dr. Rollnick provides consultancy and training on the subjects of motivation, change, and MI. With William R. Miller, Dr. Rollnick is coauthor of the classic work Motivational Interviewing: Helping People Change , now in its third edition.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Miller and Rollnick walk through the different aspects of MI in a manner that makes the information accessible to newcomers yet is still interesting for those who are already familiar with Motivational Interviewing."
"The book is well organized, clearly written, and provides examples and transcripts drawn from actual MI interviews."
"This book is written in a more accessible style than 2nd edition (and I like the 2nd edition very much."
"Buy it."
"Great book!"
"I love this book."
"Great book - great technique."
"Just exceptional."
Best Emergency Nursing

Thoroughly revised and featuring a more efficient and streamlined design, the new 7th edition of Sheehy's trusted emergency care resource offers complete, up-to-date coverage of the essentials emergency nurses need to know. Each condition commonly seen in the emergency setting is thoroughly addressed, from signs and symptoms, to diagnosis, treatment, developmental considerations, patient education, and more.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Great reference for any ER nurse, it is fairly in depth but covers each area well."
"Studying for my CEN, I read this prior to buying the ENA CEN review, and I found that this book covered almost all of it."
"Excellent book to help the new ER nurse and new up to date information for the experienced ER nurse."
"This book is good for a quick ER reference when confronted with something you've never seen before and you have a few seconds to review."
"Very good book that covers a lot of material."
"I bought this book to study for the CEN."
"This book has everything you need to know and explains it in great detail."
Best Nursing Anesthesia

These sites are found in the brain, organs, glands, connective tissue and immune cells and plays regulatory roles in many physiological processes including appetite, pain-sensation, mood and memory. The primary purpose of this system revolves around maintaining balance in the body. Make no mistake about it, the endocannabinoid system, although newly discovered, is just as important as any other bodily system, like the muscular, cardiac, circulatory or digestive system. Acne. ADD/ADHD. Addiction. AIDS. ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease). Alzheimer’s. Anorexia. Antibiotic Resistance. Anxiety. Atherosclerosis. Arthritis. Asthma. Autism. Bipolar. Cancer. Colitis/Crohn’s. Depression. Diabetes. Endocrine Disorders. Epilepsy/Seizure. Fibromyalgia. Glaucoma. Heart Disease. Huntington’s. Inflammation. Irritable Bowel. Kidney Disease. Liver Disease. Metabolic Syndrome. Migraine. Mood Disorders. Motion Sickness. Multiple Sclerosis. Nausea. Neurodegeneration. Neuropathic Pain. Obesity. OCD. Osteoporosis. Parkinson’s. Prion/Mad Cow Disease. PTSD. Rheumatism. Schizophrenia. Sickle Cell Anemia. Skin Conditions. Sleep Disorders. Spinal Cord Injury. Stress. Stroke/TBI. It helps regulate many bodily systems.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I read articles, explored websites, perused product information from various hemp oil producers and queried folks on facebook. But thankfully, while reading conflicting reviews of different CBD products on Amazon, I came across this book. The book has just enough scientific and medical info to explain how and why CBD works as medicine; this gave me confidence that hemp oil is not just a fad, placebo or snake oil. While the book would clearly be useful for those in the nursing profession, it is equally important and accessible to the lay reader, and I fear you might lose many potential readers who assume that it's a book written primarily for nurses. Also, I hope that you will decide to offer the book in a print version as well; some folks don't have access to e-readers; and some of us just prefer having a hard to copy to underline and highlight and reference repeatedly; it's just easier in "book" form!"
"After reading this very comprehensive book I have been enormously pleased to share it with many of my friends, especially those who didn't know much about hemp oil."
"This is the second copy I have ordered."
"Well written easy to understand good morning I'll let you get about CBD the better you are to talk about it."
"Nice book...very informative!"
"good information but already knew it...need to recycle this book now."
"Very informative book."
"Most informative and easy to read."
Best Nursing Research & Theory

Easy to read without diluting the complexity of the content, Theoretical Basis for Nursing, 4th Edition is the most contemporary and concise nursing theory textbook on the market.
Find Best Price at Amazon"This is a great nursing theory literature currently being used in online Master course ."
"This book is does not give succinct definitions and applicable examples using every day terminology."
"The book is as described."
"Very easy read with good summary."
"I'm not a big fan of theory, but this book helped to understand what it is, how it's used, and what some of the major theories are."
"exactly what i was looking for."
Best Nursing Reference

It describes how to develop a test blueprint and to assemble, administer, write, and score all types of tests and test questions, and analyze tests and test performance for both classroom and clinical evaluation. New to the Fourth edition: Expanded coverage of essential concepts in assessment, evaluation, and testing in nursing classroom and clinical education A new chapter on online testing, with and without an online teaching platform such as BlackBoard, standardized online testing packages, establishing valid online-based testing, and related issues Current research, references, and new examples Stronger focus on evaluating higher level cognitive functions Additional test preparation for NCLEX and other certification tests Development of test items that prepare students for licensure and certification exams, including discussion of innovative items being piloted for possible use on the NCLEX Expanded coverage on establishing rubrics for assessing written assignments New information on using simulation for "High Stakes Testing" Online teaching guide that includes PowerPoint slides, sample core syllabus, and learner activities. for evaluation and testing in nursing education, this revision helps educators measure and evaluate the level of learning that their students have achieved and presents fundamental concepts of what constitutes reliable tools and rubrics for measuring students? Expanded coverage of essential concepts in assessment, evaluation, and testing in nursing classroom and clinical education A new chapter on online testing, with and without an online teaching platform such as BlackBoard, standardized online testing packages, establishing valid online-based testing, and related issues. She is author/co-author of 11 nursing education books and many articles on clinical evaluation, teaching in nursing, and writing for publication as a nurse educator. Dr. Oermann lectures widely on teaching and evaluation in nursing.||Kathleen B. Gaberson, PhD, RN, CNOR, CNE, ANEF, is a Nursing Education Consultant and former Professor and Chair of the Department of Nursing Education and Director of Nursing at Shepherd University, Shepherdstown, WV.
Find Best Price at Amazon"For that reason it seems to me that the author has very minimal practical and clinical experience that leads to misinforming students, professors and instructors about evaluation process."
"Excellent book."
"Got my books two days before delivery date."
"I am enrolled in a Master's of Nursing Education program which required this."
"A very practical, relatively simple book on testing & evaluation."
"This was for school so I got what I needed from it."
Best Nursing Reviews & Study Guides

ATI TEAS Secrets Study Guide is the ideal prep solution for anyone who wants ace the Test of Essential Academic Skills, Sixth Edition. Not only does it provide a comprehensive study manual for the TEAS 6 as a whole, it is the only guide that provides three full-length practice tests with detailed explanations of each answer and 74 video tutorials to help you review. A thorough and detailed review of all ATI TEAS test sections Review video tutorials to help you master difficult concepts Comprehensive practice questions with detailed answer explanations Tips and strategies to help you get your best test performance. Our test designers have provided hundreds of test questions that will prepare you for what to expect on the actual ATI TEAS. We have done this by setting high standards for our test preparation guides, and our ATI TEAS Secrets Study Guide is no exception.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I bought this book under my mother's amazon account so I'm posting this as a 22 year old who had to take the ATI TEAS test for entrance into nursing programs. I felt like I got some questions on the test that the science section touched on but didn't delve very deep into (mostly concerning with the endocrine system), but a majority of the science questions could be answered by reading and studying the book. I recently graduated from college with a health related degree, but I do think that without this study guide I wouldn't have done as well, it helped me brush up on topics I had forgotten as well as teach me things I never knew (mostly relating to English grammar section)."
"Yesterday, I took my TEAS test after using this guide for approximately three weeks, and I am pleased to have earned an 88% with a national percentile rank of 97. Since statistics is tested, albeit very slightly, I would recommend you study the regression charts and lessons for positive/negative skew. Some topics I would recommend for students to reassess are: the components and anatomy of eukaryotes / prokaryotes, ionic and covalent bonds, the products of both mitosis and meiosis, and DNA replication. Test yourself with flash cards the most commonly misspelled words, prefixes and suffixes. In conclusion, this is a wonderful guide that will wrack and plumb your brain for all of the information you should have learned up to this point."
"I recommend using the first practice test as a starting point to determine what you need to study, then spend some time studying before taking the second and third practice tests."
Best Nursing Fundamentals & Skills

This edition includes a NEW Epigenetics and Disease chapter along with. additional What’s New boxes. highlighting the latest advances in pathophysiology. Over 1,200 full-color illustrations and photographs depict the clinical manifestations of disease and disease processes — more than in any other pathophysiology text. EXTENSIVELY Updated content reflects advances in pathophysiology including tumor biology invasion and metastases, the epidemiology of cancer, diabetes mellitus, insulin resistance, thyroid and adrenal gland disorders, female reproductive disorders including benign breast diseases and breast cancer, and a separate chapter on male reproductive disorders and cancer.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Very in depth look into how the body works."
"Good book."
"Slight highlighting ang cover aging signs, and what looks like a coffee stain."
"Product was just as described."
"Amazing book, informative."
"Torn up bindings."
"Very difficult to follow."
Best Nursing Assessment & Diagnosis

This new edition offers an increased focus on evidence-based practice and improved readability, along with integrated lifespan content and numerous special features such as Clinical Pearls and Physical Variations , Functional Assessment , and Staying Well boxes. Evidence-Based Practice in Physical Examination boxes supply you with current data on the most effective techniques for delivering quality patient care. Differential diagnosis content offers you an understanding of how disease presentations vary and specific information for how to make diagnoses from similar abnormal findings. Vital Signs and Pain Assessment Chapter groups important, foundational tasks together for easy reference in one location. She worked in the surgical, emergency, and outpatient units of the Johns Hopkins Children's Medical and Surgical Center, first as a staff nurse and then as a pediatric nurse practitioner. Jane obtained both a master of public health and doctor of public health degree from the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health with a focus on maternal and child health. After relocating to Texas, she joined the faculty at the University of Texas at Arlington School of Nursing to teach community pediatrics to registered nurses returning to school for a BS.N. After relocating to the Washington, D.C., area, she joined Children's National Medical Center to manage a federal project to teach instructors of emergency medical technicians from all states about the special care children need during an emergency. As executive director, Dr. Ball directed the provision of consultation and resource development for state health agencies, health professionals, families, and advocates about successful methods to improve the health care system so that children get optimal emergency care in all health care settings. She worked in oncology nursing at Memorial-Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, and then moved to Wisconsin and became a public health nurse in Dane County, Wisconsin. She has taught theory and clinical courses in child health nursing, cultural diversity and health, graduate research, pharmacology, and assessment, as well as serving as lead faculty for child health nursing.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I also have the hard copy of the book, but it gets a little hard to carry around with all my other nursing school supplies."
"Nothing special over my Jarvis physical assessment book from undergrad."
"Had to buy this for FNP school."
"I used this primarily for the pictures and videos."
"Lots of colored pictures to help you identify abnormalities and unique features."
"Overall, the text contains a lot of good information, but is not indexed well."
"This version is too busy and the bold text is very small and in light pink which doesn't even stand out."
"This text is poorly written and very unorganized."
Best Nursing Issues, Trends & Roles

If you want to understand how modern medicine ticks, fasten your seat belt and spend a day in the hospital with Theresa Brown on The Shift.” —Danielle Ofri, MD, author of What Doctors Feel In a book as eye-opening as it is riveting, practicing nurse and regular contributor to the New York Times Theresa Brown invites us to experience not just a day in the life of a nurse but all the life that happens in just one day on a busy teaching hospital’s cancer ward. “This meticulous, absorbing shift-in-the-life account of one nurse’s day on a cancer ward stands out for its honesty, clarity, and heart. “An empathetic and absorbing narrative as riveting as a TV drama.” —Kirkus Reviews. -- The Wall Street Journal ''This riveting account of a day in the life of a highly competent and compassionate but overtaxed bedside nurse provides an up-close, insider's view from the perspective of one of the worker bees of the medical world. It raises important questions about staffing, shift lengths, various protocols, and the role of touch, empathy, and record keeping in healthcare . The living, breathing heart of Brown's book lies in her vivid, composite profiles of the handful of patients (disguised for privacy) who come under her watch on the day in question, and her enormous concern for them.''. should be required reading for all incoming medical and nursing students or anyone who is a patient or visitor in a hospital . Brown is able to make her case from the strongest possible vantage point: inside the hospital, where she is doing the work so few of us have the guts to do.''. ''This meticulous, absorbing shift-in-the-life account of one nurse's day on a cancer ward stands out for its honesty, clarity, and heart. juggles the fears, hopes, and realities of a 12-hour shift in a typical urban hospital with remarkable insight and unflagging care. Theresa Brown helps us understand the dramas and the dangers as the beautifully evocative stories of nurses and doctors, patients and family members, overlap and entwine during a twelve-hour shift.”. —Perri Klass, MD, author of Treatment Kind and Fair: Letters to a Young Doctor. Practicing nurse and New York Times columnist Theresa Brown invites us to experience not just a day in the life of a nurse but all the life that happens in just one day on a busy teaching hospital’s cancer ward. In the span of twelve hours, lives can be lost, life-altering treatment decisions made, and dreams fulfilled or irrevocably stolen. Unfolding in real time--under the watchful eyes of this dedicated professional and insightful chronicler of events-- The Shift gives an unprecedented view into the individual struggles as well as the larger truths about medicine in this country. [Brown] juggles the fears, hopes, and realities of a twelve-hour shift in a typical urban hospital with remarkable insight and unflagging care.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I not only loved her honest approach to telling it like it is within the world of nursing, (all those damned interruptions when you are trying to give out meds!). If you already belong to the sisterhood, reading this book will let you will rest assured knowing someone else has crazy work days too."
"So many times our nursing staff is not appreciated for their knowledge, the care and time they spend with their patients."
"I came away from this book with great admiration and appreciation for hospital nurses, and a sense of amazement at how they can continue to meet so many demands so well, day after day."
"This book takes us through the day of an oncology nurse’s 12-hour shift, from the time she leaves her home for work until the time she leaves work for home."
"As a nurse I can really relate to the craziness a floor nurse must overcome to get through a shift."
"The description is rife with information about body systems, cancers, and the variable regulations that come with nursing."
"The author hit the nail on the head describing a typical shift: the constant reshuffling of priorities, the extra time required by admissions and discharges, the panicky feeling of not getting back to your sickest patient as often as you should, and not having time for a lunch break."
"I felt compassion toward the patients whose needs for nursing care were portrayed realistically."
Best Nursing Gerontology

Nursing Diagnosis Highlights provide overviews of common diagnoses, covering causes to interventions in an easy-to-understand manner. To develop highly capable nurses and promote sound clinical reasoning skills, the ninth edition is supported by Wolters Kluwer’s suite of best-in-class digital solutions, including prepU (adaptive quizzing), DocuCare (educational EHR software), and vSim (realistic virtual simulations co-developed by Laerdal Medical and Wolters Kluwer, which are based on the NLN ACE.S Unfolding Cases).
Find Best Price at Amazon"Very easy to follow, the passages are short and to the point."
"Very informative, happy I rent because only need it for one semester."
"I have to read this for school."
"Easy to access specific information required."
"The book's a little old but it was still and interesting read."
"It supplies the need for my nursing. Class."
"Good book, kinda expensive but a lot of good stuff to know."
Best Nursing Management & Administration

In the fall of 1941, the Philippines was a gardenia-scented paradise for the American Army and Navy nurses stationed there. Caught in the raging battle, the nurses set up field hospitals in the jungles of Bataan and the tunnels of Corregidor, where they tended to the most devastating injuries of war, and suffered the terrors of shells and shrapnel. Here, in letters, diaries, and riveting firsthand accounts, is the story of what really happened during those dark days, woven together in a deeply affecting saga of women in war. a war story in which the main characters never kill one of the enemy, or even shoot at him, but are nevertheless heroes . poignant and powerful.”— The Dallas Morning News Winner of the Lavinia Dock Award for historical scholarship, the American Academy of Nursing National Media Award, and the Agnes Dillon Randolph Award. I'm still losing weight and so are most of us..." Ruth Marie Straub, an Army nurse, wrote those words in her diary on March 15, 1942, just over three months after the Japanese first bombed the U.S. military base in Manila. In the face of the advancing Japanese Army, the nurses and other military personnel continued to retreat, first to the Bataan Peninsula, and then to Corregidor, a rocky island in Manila Bay. Utilizing a wide range of sources, including diaries, letters, and personal interviews with surviving "Angels," Elizabeth M. Norman has compiled a harrowing narrative about the experiences of these women--from the country-club atmosphere of prewar Manila; to the jungle hospitals where patients slept on bamboo cots in the open air; to the Malinta Tunnel on Corregidor, where they choked on dust and worked while the bombs rained down above them; to the STIC, where per-person rations were cut to 900 calories a day and the women resorted to frying weeds in cold cream for food. The few who escaped were cast by the American press more as belles than as professionals who had held steady in their devotion to their patients and their country in the face of bombing, starvation and the gruesome injuries and diseases of their charges. But the true highlights come in the evocation of tears and sweat that went into the nurses daily struggle to maintain their tight communityand their dedication to their patientsin the face of overwhelming adversity.
Find Best Price at Amazon"The author was able to speak with several of these ladies before they died so much of what is in the book is basically first hand accounts."
"I especially was very interested as I was an Army Nurse, stationed in the Phillipines just after WW2, I learned first hand the sufferings of the Americans, Filipinos, and many foreign nationals during the Japanese occupation."
"This is a beautifully written book."
"This is one of the best WWII stories I have read - I personally never considered the roles of the women who served until I read a fiction novel regarding the women in the Philippines."
"As they hid in the jungle they still cared for our wounded and ill service members under the most difficult and terrifying circumstances."
"Instead of focusing on how our lives are so busy and hectic, we should stand back and reflect on the sacrifices and pain endured during a war which most of us cannot remember or even fathom."
"These women like many during wartime had bigger càhones than the male counterparts, but were never afforded the honor they deserved....... Shameful."
"All I can say is you owe it to yourself to read a part of history that before this book, has never really been told."
Best Nurse & Patient

Covering the most common medical-surgical nursing diagnoses and clinical problems seen in adults, Nursing Care Plans: Diagnoses, Interventions, and Outcomes, 9th Edition contains 217 care plans, each reflecting the latest best practice guidelines. Prioritized care planning guidance internally organizes care plans from "actual" to "risk" diagnoses, from general to specific interventions, and from independent to collaborative/interprofessional interventions, to help you select the most important, priority interventions for your particular patients. 70 nursing diagnosis care plans include the most common/important NANDA-I nursing diagnoses, providing the building blocks for you to create your own individualized care plans.
Find Best Price at Amazon"This is by no means a small book, but the index and table of contents makes it insanely easy to navigate, and the text is very easy to follow."
"This book has been a tremendous help to me throughout my first semester of nursing school."
"Prefer this format over the Nursing Diagnosis format."
"Extremely helpful in preparing care plans while in nursing clinicals."
"A must have for nursing students!"
"Helps me greatly with my concept map!"
"I purchased this book NEW!"
Best Nursing Pharmacology

A favorite among nursing students, Pharmacology for Nursing Care, 8th Edition , features a uniquely engaging writing style, clear explanations, and unmatched clinical precision and currency to help you gain a solid understanding of key drugs and their implications -- as opposed to just memorization of certain facts. Compelling features such as a drug prototype approach, use of large and small print to distinguish need-to-know versus nice-to-know content, and a focus on major nursing implications save you study time by directing your attention on the most important, need-to-know information. "The material laid out in the book’s chapters is organized to facilitate learning, understanding, and retention of the meaning of important concepts, key terms, and properties of drugs.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Excellent pharmacology textbook."
"It is a really good book!"
"The material is well-organized and interesting to read."
"I ordered my book early for my course starting in MAY... and its falling apart..."
"This book is very unorganized."