
Best German Newspapers

Frankfurter Allgemeine
Die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung zählt zu den bekanntesten Tageszeitungen in Deutschland und der Welt. ist nicht nur international bekannt, sie berichtet auch von allen Kontinenten. Neben den festen Korrespondenten kann die Redaktion auf eine große Anzahl freier Mitarbeiter und namhafter Experten aus allen Fachgebieten zurückgreifen. Die aktuelle Ausgabe wird ganz bequem automatisch ab 1 Uhr nachts (Frankfurt Ortszeit) kabellos auf Ihren Kindle heruntergeladen. The broad network of correspondents covers the whole world and is further enhanced by freelance writers providing expert commentary on a diverse set of subjects.
"Good news source."
"National and international news."
"Ich wohne in Deutschland und habe mir in der ersten Welle der europäischen Kunden Mitte Oktober den neuen Kindle bestellt, und zwar mit Blick auf dieses Abonnement; Fazit: Nach kleinen Anlaufschwierigkeiten funktioniert die ganze Geschichte prima! Das FAZ-Abo auf dem Kindle vermittelt ein Gefühl, wie ich es nur bei der ersten Verwendung eines Textverarbeitungsprogramms oder beim Einschalten des iPhones verspürt habe. Hier beginnt der erste und vielleicht entscheidende Vorteil: Die Handhabung der Zeitung ist wesentlich entspannender, wobei die Lesbarkeit in keiner Weise leidet. Ich nehme das Kindle (es ist so leicht, dass ich erst gar nicht nachgewogen habe) überall hin mit und bekomme die Zeitung damit endlich (seit mehr als 10 Jahren) auch ausgelesen. Schaltet man das Gerät aus, merkt es sich die Stelle, an der die Lektüre beendet wurde. Der zweite Vorteil ergibt sich für mich daraus, dass ich meine Zeitung jetzt auch außerhalb unseres Hauses bekommen kann (ich bin sehr häufig unterwegs); ich brauche sie vor allem im Urlaub nicht mehr abzubestellen, um mich dann aus dunklen Kanälen über das Geschehen zu Hause zu infomieren (bin gespannt, ob es auf den Malediven funktioniert!)."
"to publish the Kindle edition (twice in the last month, today is one of those days, see the attached photo showing current date and current issue is a day behind."
"Ich lerne Deutsch seit vielen Jahren, und habe immer gewuenscht, eines Tages die FAZ zu abonnieren. Zwar kann man Faz.de, spiegel.de gratis benutzen, aber das Gefühl jeder Nacht die aktuelle Zeitung in der Hand zu haben ist traumhaft. Der anderer Reviewer hat geschrieben dass er nur nach einer ein-tagigen Verspätung die FAZ auf Kindle lesen kann, aber in meinem Fall ist es sicherlich nicht so."
"Lately the journalism deteriorated - as can be seen by pages upon pages concerning the catholic church in Limburg."
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Die neue, umfangreichere DIE ZEIT Kindle Edition bietet neben den Texten der aktuellen ZEIT und des ZEITmagazins auch eine Auswahl an Bildern sowie die kompletten Regionalteile ZEIT im Osten, Österreich und Schweiz. The kindle edition contains all articles of DIE ZEIT and ZEITmagazin, enriched by selected pictures and the local editions (ZEIT im Osten, Austria, Switzerland).
"I was born in Hamburg and came over to Australia as a young man to have a bit of a look around for a couple of years, and am still doing that after nearly 64 years, but of course I am still interested in what is going on in Europe and "Die Zeit"gives articles. of happenings in several countries and in general in all of Europe."
"Interesting readings for way-way more than a week!"
"Die Zeit könnte man wirklich die ganze Woche lesen, verschiedenen Themen von Politik bis eine ausdehnende Kulturbeilage."
"Immer interessant, aufgeschlossen, bereichernd. fm."
"I also find it astonishing that die Zeit is surviving - even increasing volume - in times where many papers struggle and where we are flooded by cheap superficial online journalism and 'junk - media'."
"Die Navigation innerhalb einer Ausgabe ist vorbildlich und sehr ergonomisch gelöst (insbesondere im Vergleich zu den misslungenen iOS-Apps). Martenstein), merkwürdigerweise den Text der Deutschlandkarte ohne Karte, leider nicht "Ich habe einen Traum", die Rätsel oder die Schachkolumne."
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Süddeutsche Zeitung
Die Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) ist die größte überregionale Tageszeitung Deutschlands. Die besondere Kommentarvielfalt, Rubriken wie das Streiflicht oder die Reportagen auf Seite 3 sorgen für die besondere Note der SZ in der deutschen Presselandschaft.
"Especially for someone living in Asia it is an added bonus that you get to read your newspaper early in the day."
"Für mich die bequemste Art, unterwegs die Süddeutsche zu lesen."
"Negativ: - kaum ergänzende Fotos oder Graphiken zu den Artikeln. - fehlen von Serviceinformation z.B."
"This paper is very interesting and worthwhile to read."
"Excellent on the current refugee crisis in Germany."
"Germany's best daily newspaper."
"I have since found out from the Amazon website that it is not possible to cancel purchase of a newspaper once it is downloaded."
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Best Italian Newspapers

La Stampa
Non solo le ultime notizie riguardanti eventi economici o politici ma anche cultura, scienza, viaggi, salute, stile, cucina, sport, spettacolo e opinioni scritte da firme prestigiose, permettono a La Stampa di essere menzionata come uno dei migliori quotidiani in Italia. More than the latest breaking news about politics or economic events -- culture, science, travel, health, style, food, sports, entertainment and opinion written by notable columnists allow La Stampa to be mentioned as one of the best newspapers in Italy.
"Vuoi per le limitazioni del kindle (schermo piccolo se confrontato con la pagina di giornale), vuoi per la mancanza di un editing accurato, si trova nel giornale solo qualche foto qua e là, mentre mancano tabelle e grafici a volte associati ad alcuni articoli."
"To read on kindle is, in my view, even better that reading the printed version. La Stampa is today the only Italian newspaper available on kindle."
"La Stampa has informative, well-written articles and features on politics, the economy and other contemporary issues in Italy and internationally."
"As a commuter I like to read the news from Italy on my Kindle and La Stampa give me this pleasure (in fact it is the only Italian newspaper for kindle)."
"Very good it could be less expensive."
"La Stampa is the only Italian newspaper having a Kindle edition."
"I usually buy La Stampa on paper but when away from home I take the e-reader copy."
"It is a wonderful newspaper with excellent writers, but is stuffed with too many regional events, large and small."
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Best Irish Newspapers

The Irish Times
The Irish Times has a reputation for being a liberal voice that does not shy away from controversial political topics on the national and global stage, assigning correspondents both locally and in cities from Moscow to Beijing to Washington.
"It covers national and international news in a comprehensive way with accurate reportage from a large number of correspondents."
"excellent ,well-written coverage of both domestic and international news.Informative articles on a wide range of topics.Cultural events,such as film and theatre very well catered for ,as well as crosswords and seduko."
"In contrast to the printed newspaper most of the articles are not attributed to a specific journalist or agency."
"Excellent reporting of a wide range of news stories."
"I downloaded the file at about 6am (possibly a little earlier) before my flight but I received the previous day's paper!"
"I have been reading the I T for fifty years and think that speaks for itself."
"Obsessed with British royals.Feature writers boring."
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Best French Newspapers

Le Monde
La version Kindle du Monde contient l'intégralité des articles de la version papier - mais n'inclue pas toutes les images, les illustrations, la météo ou les cours de la bourse de la version papier. Available in the French language, its global and intellectual focus covers the latest local and international news in sports, politics, sciences, culture, finances, shopping, and current events.
"LE MONDE est un journal français au même niveau que THE NEW YORK TIMES aux États-Unis."
"I no longer travel to France, so I keep up with the European/French news by reading Le Monde."
"A differing point of view in this rime of polarisation."
"It is a very good paper."
"Reading Le Monde on Kindle, I don't mean glance throw the articles, in indeed a great experience."
"It is not only a view into current events on the Continent, but their. view of the Brits and the US."
"The Best French publication."
"Should be of the same quality in terms of formatting (proper guillemets!)."
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Best Czech Newspapers

The Prague Post
The Prague Post is the only English-language newspaper in the Czech Republic boasting a balanced content of economics, politics and culture.
"This post was okay but didn't really capture my interest and therefore cancelled my subscription."
"A good way to learn about another country."
"Very good for anyone to learn more about Prague, or to read before you go there on vacation."
"Nice collection of news but hard to follow (e.g. not categorized) and some specials letters are missing from the words (e.g. the ones describing the photos)."
"If you have an interest in news in the Czech Republic and specifically Prague, or if you are living there, then I guess this could be interesting."
"Version on my Kindle 3 not worth $2.49 vs. 50 cents for other downloaded papers."
"Not well written( or well translated )."
"Unfortunately, after a week I never received the Prague Post so cancelled the subscription before my trial period ended."
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Best Spanish Newspapers

El País
EL PAÍS es el diario líder en España y el principal medio de información en español en todo el mundo. EL PAÍS ofrece una visión global de la actualidad con un foco especial en Europa y Latinoamérica, gracias a nuestra extensa red de corresponsales y periodistas, que cubren la información desde el origen mismo de la noticia. El servicio de lectura de texto es sólo para textos en inglés, el uso de esta aplicación en otros idiomas podría tener problemas de pronunciación.
"My only regret is that there is not an English edition though reading it in Spanish is a good way to review and keep my Spanish relatively fresh."
"The only thing is that I don't get the cultural suplement on saturday and the magazine on sunday with the articles on them."
"Leo El País sobre todo para las noticias de España y Europa."
"Excelente fuente de información."
"Excellent journalism but the Kindle version does not include any picture to support news nor the economic supplement that is published on Sundays in Spain."
"It is one of the newspaper I read because I want to learn Spanish."
"El pais ist, probably, the best newspaper in Spain."
"El País es muy buen periódico pero la versión de Amazon no me gusta."
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Best Portuguese Newspapers

O Público é hoje um dos mais influentes jornais diários em Portugal, oferecendo toda a informação e análise aprofundada sobre a actualidade local, nacional e internacional, bem como uma cobertura completa nas áreas de tecnologia, ciência, cultura e lazer.
"A very-good version of Público for the kindle."
"The reference daily newspaper in Portugal, in my opinion."
"An essential daily newspaper to who wants to be updated about Portugal and the rest of the World."
"Living out of Portugal, I am very happy to be able to read Portuguese newspaper whenever i want in my Kindle."
"I am speaking fluently french, english and german."
"The kindle version is publicity free, whereas the paper version of this newspaper is packed with publicity."
"Gosto de me manter informado sobre o que se passa politicamente em Portugal, bem assim como outras partes do mundo de uma perspectiva portuguesa."
"Sometimes doesn't have all the news of the newspaper."
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Best United Kingdom Newspapers

The Guardian and the Observer
* Full UK and international news sections, plus sport, business and comment. * NOW: Cartoons and weather forecasts. * All regular print supplements; G2 features Monday to Thursday, Film and music on Friday, Sport on Monday. * On Saturday, the Guardian Weekend magazine and our literary review. * On Sunday: the Observer's regular sections: the Observer Magazine, New Review and, when relevant, Observer Food Monthly. * Columns from Charlie Brooker, Polly Toynbee, Simon Hoggart, Ben Goldacre, Marina Hyde, Andrew Rawnsley, David Mitchell and many more.
"The Guardian gives balanced considered infomation ."
"stimulating interesting and intelligent news take."
"I grew up with The Grauniad and, mis-prints and all, it remains fine especially at the weekend."
"Weekend The Observer a gutsy read compared to the WE rubbish that comes out of the land of the "FREE"."
"A broad, weell written view on world affairs from a liberal pesrspective."
"I have tried many of the english online newspapers and for me this Guardian/Observer combination is the best."
"excellent source of news."
"no better paper exists."
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