
Best Literature & Fiction in Spanish

Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal (La colección de Harry Potter) (Spanish Edition)
Harry vive con sus horribles tíos y el insoportable primo Dudley, hasta que su ingreso en el Colegio Hogwarts de Magia y Hechicería cambia su vida para siempre.
"SPECIAL NOTE: For U.S. customers purchasing the illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, you will notice the text has NOT been converted to the "Americanized" version of the original U.S. releases (with the exception of changing all "Philosopher's Stone" mentions to "Sorcerer's Stone"). Good or bad is naturally for each reader to decide--just know, if you plan to read the books while listening to Jim Dale's audiobooks, you'll notice a few superficial differences. The quality of this new illustrated edition is phenomenal. All chapter intros are illustrated."
"IMPORTANT: For U.S. customers purchasing the illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, you will notice the text has NOT been converted to the "Americanized" version of the original U.S. releases. This difference isn't as prominent or noticeable as it was with Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone, but still something to keep in mind. Also, to answer a question that has come up quite a bit, this is the FULL BOOK and not an abridged or shortened version. Underneath the book jacket, the novel is bound in a sturdy orange hardback with green lettering on the spine."
"I was ravenous to get my hands on my copy as soon as it was delivered this morning, but was quickly disappointed. But when I took a close look at my dust jacket, I was extremely upset to find that the gold foil lettering for "Harry Potter" had been rubbed away and destroyed completely in some places leaving ugly, black matte in its place-- pock marking the otherwise handsome gold lettering. Needless to say I'm in awe how Bloomsbury has managed to put together such an incredible project, with JK Rowling's remarkable literature and Jim Kay's otherworldly illustrations-- and allowed it to be put together in a low quality binding! Not all alone in a box... Update (October 9th): I have finally received my new book and it was in much, much better condition. The cover and spine were tight, intact and falling apart from the binding like my original copy."
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Cien años de soledad (Spanish Edition)
Millones de ejemplares de Cien años de soledad leídos en todas las lenguas y el Premio Nobel de Literatura coronando una obra que se había abierto paso a “boca a boca” —como gusta decir el escritor— son la más palpable demostración de que la aventura fabulosa de la familia Buendía-Iguarán, con sus milagros, fantasías, obsesiones, tragedias, incestos, adulterios, rebeldías, descubrimientos y condenas, representaba al mismo tiempo el mito y la historia, la tragedia y el amor del mundo entero. “Más lucidez, ingenio, sabiduría y poesía de lo que se espera de cien años de novelistas, y mucho más de un solo hombre”.
"Todo es magia en el relato, te obliga a tener que recordar toda la genealogía Buendía para entenderlo mejor, pero al fin te refleja una terrible soledad e infortunio de todos los personajes."
"No creo sea la obra cumbre de la literatura, pero es un muy buen libro."
"it was a gift for Mom."
"This was my second time reading this book, and I am enjoying it as much as I did the first time, in some ways more because its easier to remember who the characters are and I am more able to take in the symbolism, the beautiful images of ice and butterflies."
"Complex story; fun to read with a partner."
"La fuente es algo raro, con demasiado espacio entre letras."
"This is the best book I've read from Marquez."
"I've heard so many times that this was a must read of latin american culture."
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Eva (Serie Falcó) (Spanish Edition)
Mientras la Guerra Civil sigue su trágico curso, una nueva misión lleva a Lorenzo Falcó hasta Tánger, turbulenta encrucijada de espías, tráficos ilícitos y conspiraciones, con el encargo de conseguir que el capitán de un barco cargado con oro del Banco de España cambie de bandera. Tras el éxito internacional de Falcó , realidad y ficción vuelven a enlazarse magistralmente con el talento literario de Arturo Pérez-Reverte en esta asombrosa novela de lectura fascinante. Sus ojos son una cámara de vídeo; su ritmo, el de las manecillas de un reloj; su limpieza, la del filo de una espada.». Raúl del Pozo, El Mundo. «No es un libro sobre la Guerra Civil; es una historia de hombres y mujeres contada con los ojos de alguien que vivió 21 años de conflictos bélicos.». Elisabetta Rosaspina, Corriere della Sera. La condensación en un único personaje de todas aquellas mujeres de acero que dejaron su sangre y sus nombres grabados en la historia de los frenéticos años treinta.». Victoria R. Ramos, Zenda. [...] Unas vidas que representan la compleja sustancia de nuestra especie y hacen bueno el viejo dicho de que el hombre es un lobo para el hombre.». Santos Sanz Villanueva, El Cultural. Es miembro de la Real Academia Española.
"Entretenido, trama aventurera, acción , romance , un poco de todo."
"Documentado y emocionante, justo cómo el primero, justo cómo la mayoría de los trabajos de Pérez-Reverte."
"I liked everything but then I'm always waiting for anything that Perrez Reverte writes."
"El autor mantiene un balance entre en la intriga, suspenso y los hechos históricos; engancha desde el principio; increíble relato."
"Bien vale la pena su lectura."
"Segundo libro, entretenido, diálogos y descripción de lugares envidiables."
"Perez Reverte is a great Writter."
"Me encanta el estilo de Reverte."
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Best Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror in Spanish

Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal (La colección de Harry Potter) (Spanish Edition)
Harry vive con sus horribles tíos y el insoportable primo Dudley, hasta que su ingreso en el Colegio Hogwarts de Magia y Hechicería cambia su vida para siempre.
"SPECIAL NOTE: For U.S. customers purchasing the illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, you will notice the text has NOT been converted to the "Americanized" version of the original U.S. releases (with the exception of changing all "Philosopher's Stone" mentions to "Sorcerer's Stone"). Good or bad is naturally for each reader to decide--just know, if you plan to read the books while listening to Jim Dale's audiobooks, you'll notice a few superficial differences. The quality of this new illustrated edition is phenomenal. All chapter intros are illustrated."
"IMPORTANT: For U.S. customers purchasing the illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, you will notice the text has NOT been converted to the "Americanized" version of the original U.S. releases. This difference isn't as prominent or noticeable as it was with Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone, but still something to keep in mind. Also, to answer a question that has come up quite a bit, this is the FULL BOOK and not an abridged or shortened version. Underneath the book jacket, the novel is bound in a sturdy orange hardback with green lettering on the spine."
"I was ravenous to get my hands on my copy as soon as it was delivered this morning, but was quickly disappointed. But when I took a close look at my dust jacket, I was extremely upset to find that the gold foil lettering for "Harry Potter" had been rubbed away and destroyed completely in some places leaving ugly, black matte in its place-- pock marking the otherwise handsome gold lettering. Needless to say I'm in awe how Bloomsbury has managed to put together such an incredible project, with JK Rowling's remarkable literature and Jim Kay's otherworldly illustrations-- and allowed it to be put together in a low quality binding! Not all alone in a box... Update (October 9th): I have finally received my new book and it was in much, much better condition. The cover and spine were tight, intact and falling apart from the binding like my original copy."
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Best LGBT en Español

Cada día me gustas más (Spanish Edition)
Para nosotras es un honor y un orgullo haber conseguido juntar por primera vez a gran parte de las integrantes de esta generación y ofrecer a las lectoras una antología sin precedentes» - Sara R., directora de HULEMS.
"Unión es la palabra que,creo,mejor define este proyecto de HULEMS y es la palabra detrás de la cual deberíamos ubicarnos todas, cada una desde su lugar, para así formar un frente común para fortalecer,fomentar y apoyar todas aquellas iniciativas y proyectos dirigidos a nosotras."
"Excelente todos los relatos, los diferentes estilos de trasmitir las historias son espectaculares."
"I love everyone of the short stories."
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Best Historical Fiction in Spanish

Una columna de fuego (Saga Los pilares de la Tierra 3) (Spanish Edition)
La saga de Los pilares de la Tierra y Un mundo sin fin , que ha cautivado a millones de lectores, prosigue ahora con la magnífica y apasionante nueva novela de Ken Follett. Uno de los mejores thrillers de 2017 para Amazon, uno de los mejores libros de 2017 para The Washington Post y para Barnes & Noble. « Una columna de fuego , muy en resumen, coge la melodía de Guerra y paz y la lleva a las guerras de religión del siglo XVI. Lo hará de nuevo con Una columna de fuego , novelón de casi mil páginas que prosigue la saga que comenzó con Los pilares de la Tierra , el libro más leído en España.» La Verdad. «Los seguidores de Los pilares de la Tierra están volviendo a disfrutar de lo que ya es una de las sagas más exitosas de los últimos años en todo el mundo. Nació en Cardiff, Gran Bretaña, en 1949 y estudió en el University College de Londres.
"Muy agradable de leer, te engancha desde el principio hasta el final."
"Ken Follet te mantiene al tanto de la vida de cada uno de los personajes durante miles de hojas en una tras otra de las situaciones de la vida sin perder el interés por cada uno de los personajes."
"Y a mí como argentino católico, de familia de origen español, me gustó mucho leer como ve los hechos un inglés, de la categoría intelectual y literaria de Ken Follet."
"La ambientación, la trama, la profundidad de los personajes, las intrigas... todo va acorde a lo que nos tiene acostumbrados Ken Follet en su Trilogía Medieval!"
"Amazing story, from the beginning to end, the author uses excellent words to transport you the specific time in England."
"Muy bueno como siempre Connely."
"Good but not up to his earlier historica novels."
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Best Action & Adventure in Spanish

Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal (La colección de Harry Potter) (Spanish Edition)
Harry vive con sus horribles tíos y el insoportable primo Dudley, hasta que su ingreso en el Colegio Hogwarts de Magia y Hechicería cambia su vida para siempre.
"SPECIAL NOTE: For U.S. customers purchasing the illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, you will notice the text has NOT been converted to the "Americanized" version of the original U.S. releases (with the exception of changing all "Philosopher's Stone" mentions to "Sorcerer's Stone"). Good or bad is naturally for each reader to decide--just know, if you plan to read the books while listening to Jim Dale's audiobooks, you'll notice a few superficial differences. The quality of this new illustrated edition is phenomenal. All chapter intros are illustrated."
"IMPORTANT: For U.S. customers purchasing the illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, you will notice the text has NOT been converted to the "Americanized" version of the original U.S. releases. This difference isn't as prominent or noticeable as it was with Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone, but still something to keep in mind. Also, to answer a question that has come up quite a bit, this is the FULL BOOK and not an abridged or shortened version. Underneath the book jacket, the novel is bound in a sturdy orange hardback with green lettering on the spine."
"I was ravenous to get my hands on my copy as soon as it was delivered this morning, but was quickly disappointed. But when I took a close look at my dust jacket, I was extremely upset to find that the gold foil lettering for "Harry Potter" had been rubbed away and destroyed completely in some places leaving ugly, black matte in its place-- pock marking the otherwise handsome gold lettering. Needless to say I'm in awe how Bloomsbury has managed to put together such an incredible project, with JK Rowling's remarkable literature and Jim Kay's otherworldly illustrations-- and allowed it to be put together in a low quality binding! Not all alone in a box... Update (October 9th): I have finally received my new book and it was in much, much better condition. The cover and spine were tight, intact and falling apart from the binding like my original copy."
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Best Mysteries & Thrillers in Spanish

Origen (En espanol) (Spanish Edition)
Bilbao, España Robert Langdon, profesor de simbología e iconografía religiosa de Harvard, llega al ultramoderno Museo Guggenheim Bilbao para presenciar un importante anuncio —la revelación de un descubrimiento que “cambiará la historia de la ciencia para siempre”. Kirsch, quien hace dos décadas fue uno de los primeros alumnos de Langdon en Harvard, está a punto de revelar un asombroso hallazgo... que dará la respuesta a dos preguntas fundamentales de la existencia humana. A través de los oscuros pasillos de la historia oculta y la religión extrema, Langdon y Vidal deben eludir a un atormentado enemigo cuyo interminable poder parece emanar del propio Palacio Real de España... No se detendrá ante nada para silenciar a Edmond Kirsch. Dan Brown es el autor de múltiples bestsellers internacionales. incluyendo El código Da Vinci , Inferno , El símbolo perdido , Ángeles y demonios, La fortaleza digital y La conspiración .
"En este caso trata de las distintas teorías actuales del origen de la vida."
"La novela es interesante, el estilo es el clásico de Dan Brown y es ahí donde parecería un guión repetido, la premisa mantiene la expectación, sin embargo es fácil encontrar las analogías a otros relatos del mismo autor ( que puede hacer hasta cierto punto previsible el relato) y es difícil trazar la línea entre algo original y una receta que le ha dado éxito."
"Muy bueno el libro, como siempre Dan Brown mantiene un ritmo que se muestra a veces misterioso y a veces frenético y caótico y que siempre te deja con ganas de más al terminar cada capítulo,por lo que indefectiblemente uno lo sigue leyendo."
"Dan Brown hace nuevamente un gran trabajo lleno de misterio y simbología que atrapa irremediablemente al lector."
"As any other book by Dan Brown, keeps you reading until the end."
"Es un libro muy entretenido de leer, mezcla realidades con fantasias muy curiosas."
"Maybe I expected more... but the story is not as thrilling as other Dan Brown's books."
"Muy buena novela."
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Best Spanish eBooks

Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal (La colección de Harry Potter) (Spanish Edition)
Harry vive con sus horribles tíos y el insoportable primo Dudley, hasta que su ingreso en el Colegio Hogwarts de Magia y Hechicería cambia su vida para siempre.
"SPECIAL NOTE: For U.S. customers purchasing the illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, you will notice the text has NOT been converted to the "Americanized" version of the original U.S. releases (with the exception of changing all "Philosopher's Stone" mentions to "Sorcerer's Stone"). Good or bad is naturally for each reader to decide--just know, if you plan to read the books while listening to Jim Dale's audiobooks, you'll notice a few superficial differences. The quality of this new illustrated edition is phenomenal. All chapter intros are illustrated."
"IMPORTANT: For U.S. customers purchasing the illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, you will notice the text has NOT been converted to the "Americanized" version of the original U.S. releases. This difference isn't as prominent or noticeable as it was with Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone, but still something to keep in mind. Also, to answer a question that has come up quite a bit, this is the FULL BOOK and not an abridged or shortened version. Underneath the book jacket, the novel is bound in a sturdy orange hardback with green lettering on the spine."
"I was ravenous to get my hands on my copy as soon as it was delivered this morning, but was quickly disappointed. But when I took a close look at my dust jacket, I was extremely upset to find that the gold foil lettering for "Harry Potter" had been rubbed away and destroyed completely in some places leaving ugly, black matte in its place-- pock marking the otherwise handsome gold lettering. Needless to say I'm in awe how Bloomsbury has managed to put together such an incredible project, with JK Rowling's remarkable literature and Jim Kay's otherworldly illustrations-- and allowed it to be put together in a low quality binding! Not all alone in a box... Update (October 9th): I have finally received my new book and it was in much, much better condition. The cover and spine were tight, intact and falling apart from the binding like my original copy."
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Best Foreign Language eBooks

Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal (La colección de Harry Potter) (Spanish Edition)
Harry vive con sus horribles tíos y el insoportable primo Dudley, hasta que su ingreso en el Colegio Hogwarts de Magia y Hechicería cambia su vida para siempre.
"SPECIAL NOTE: For U.S. customers purchasing the illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, you will notice the text has NOT been converted to the "Americanized" version of the original U.S. releases (with the exception of changing all "Philosopher's Stone" mentions to "Sorcerer's Stone"). Good or bad is naturally for each reader to decide--just know, if you plan to read the books while listening to Jim Dale's audiobooks, you'll notice a few superficial differences. The quality of this new illustrated edition is phenomenal. All chapter intros are illustrated."
"IMPORTANT: For U.S. customers purchasing the illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, you will notice the text has NOT been converted to the "Americanized" version of the original U.S. releases. This difference isn't as prominent or noticeable as it was with Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone, but still something to keep in mind. Also, to answer a question that has come up quite a bit, this is the FULL BOOK and not an abridged or shortened version. Underneath the book jacket, the novel is bound in a sturdy orange hardback with green lettering on the spine."
"I was ravenous to get my hands on my copy as soon as it was delivered this morning, but was quickly disappointed. But when I took a close look at my dust jacket, I was extremely upset to find that the gold foil lettering for "Harry Potter" had been rubbed away and destroyed completely in some places leaving ugly, black matte in its place-- pock marking the otherwise handsome gold lettering. Needless to say I'm in awe how Bloomsbury has managed to put together such an incredible project, with JK Rowling's remarkable literature and Jim Kay's otherworldly illustrations-- and allowed it to be put together in a low quality binding! Not all alone in a box... Update (October 9th): I have finally received my new book and it was in much, much better condition. The cover and spine were tight, intact and falling apart from the binding like my original copy."
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