Best Seasonal Graphic Novels

Their wonder inspired Going into Town , part playful guide, part New York stories, and part love letter to the city, told through Chast's laugh-out-loud, touching, and true cartoons. "What began as a mother’s illustrated mash note to Manhattan becomes a meandering map of Chast's hilarious mental approach to her beloved town, with all of its oddball shops, subterranean secrets and an abundance of visual stimulation." "[Chast's] Big Apple cityscapes burst with jumbled buildings, oddities of every variety, and her trademark loose-edged-drawn people." "What began as a personal guidebook for Chast's Manhattan-bound suburban daughter evolved into a whimsical, discursive paean to the city . As her own daughter prepared to move to the city for college, Chast compiled this volume that lets readers see New York through the artist's eyes." "Illustrator extraordinaire and native Brooklynite Roz Chast's new graphic memoir Going Into Town is a wide-eyed love letter to New York--or, more specifically, the streets, buildings, and sidewalk gum in Manhattan, as seen through the eyes of a Brooklyn family." "Observations and advice on making one's way through the city's diversions are mixed with the quirky character that oozes from the metropolis's every concrete pore. "Chast applies her appealingly shaggy drawing style and ever-so-slightly skewed worldview to New York’s subways, museums, ethnic restaurants, and other attributes." , will recognize and enjoy the unique blend of affection and sarcasm that Chast brings to her work while getting to know one of the world's most famous cities." "[A] guide book full of wonder and optimism, a polar opposite of most current-affairs tomes about New York on the shelves today. Even when [Chast] remarks disparagingly about tourists or rodents or trash, it's done with the lightest of touches, graced with vibrating illustrations of herself . "Roz Chast's breezy and winsome jaunt, Going into Town: A Love Letter to New York . "In nine illustrated chapters, Brooklyn native Chast celebrates Manhattan in all its glory." "The wonderful and inimitable Roz Chast introduces her old friend, New York City, in a beguiling way that will illuminate newcomers, prompt old-timers to nod in recognition, and inspire a whole new generation of siamese standpipe buffs." She wrote and illustrated the #1 NYT bestseller (100+ weeks) Can't We Talk About Something More Pleasant?
Find Best Price at Amazon"Awesome book!"
"Such a joy to be able to laugh at our city with the help of her talent."
"Every page is a delight!"
"I love Roz Chast!"
"Love it...and have given it to several friends, who also love it."
"As a New Yorker, I especially liked it and read it along with E B White's book on New York."
"To explain my relation to Manhattan: I was a Connecticut suburb dweller for 45 years married to a NYC commuter who never wanted to return to The City on weekends so I rarely went. Chast divides the book into these topics, an introduction, layout (the map), walking around, how to use the subway, things to do, flora and fauna, food, apartments, and a chapter on how Manhattan is always changing and how it is different place to different kinds of people. Thank you to Roz Chast for finally teaching me the layout of the city, the visuals with the easy to understand explanation was effective when just hearing these things said to me by my husband and my friend failed."

Dark Horse Comics further corners the market on high quality horror storytelling with one of the most anticipated releases of the decade, a hardcover archive collection of legendary Creepy Magazine. --Gordon Flagg Frank Frazetta has worked for DC Comics, painted covers for Tarzan of the Apes, Battlefield Earth, Famous Funnies, and won the Hugo, World Fantasy, and Spectrum Grandmaster awards.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I believe it must be stated that these are quite short stories, just a few pages of panels in length. If you're without the nostalgia factor because Creepy wasn't part of your childhood, go in knowing the art is great and the stories don't require a huge investment in time and energy to read."
"His short stories with their O'Henry type twists kept me coming back issue after issue (I originally bought these magazines back in the sixtieswhen they were first issued."
"Dark Horse will also be publishing a NEW series of Creepy books in 2009 with new stroies and art from some of the best in horror comics today, should be great."
"The roster of talent presented in these issues is a virtual all star team from the 1960's! When I was a kid in the late 1970's, I would look at all those back issues advertised in the back of the magazine and dream about owning the early issues with Frank's wonderful covers."
"Nice blast from the past."
"I loved the creepy, eerie, and vampirella comics back in the day, so when I saw this on sale I had to buy it."
"This book has Creepy #5 for it's cover and contains the first five issues of Creepy in their entirety except for a few advertisements."
"There's some great artwork to be found here and some good stories as well, however the inability to zoom and scroll hinders the enjoyment of the content."

The son of a grave robber, young Dr. Black studies at Philadelphia’s esteemed Academy of Medicine, where he develops an unconventional hypothesis: What if the world’s most celebrated mythological beasts—mermaids, minotaurs, and satyrs—were in fact the evolutionary ancestors of humankind? Hudspeth’s The Resurrectionist is PFA (that’s pretty freaking amazing)”— “These detailed and fantastical drawings will intrigue any reader curious about the hypothetical anatomy of mythical creatures such as mermaids, minotaurs, and harpies. Deliciously macabre and beautifully grotesque.”—Erin Morgenstern, author of The Night Circus “A masterful mash-up of Edgar Allan Poe and Jorge Luis Borges, with the added allure of gorgeous, demonically detailed drawings. “Fans of Neil Gaiman, Hieronymus Bosch, and the Mütter Museum are sure to love [ The Resurrectionist: The Lost Work of Dr. Spencer Black ] and the rest will certainly be both astounded and intrigued by what you find inside!”— The Garden Island.
Find Best Price at Amazon"College class book for daughter."
"I got this as a gift for my friend when I was at a loss."
"Very interesting read, also a good ref for mythical anatomy."
"This came as a gift faster than anything else I've ordered."
"The art in this book is fantastic, my teen children were fascinated by the drawings."
"Really cool book, great for reference!"
Best Sports Graphic Novels

In this hilarious collection of comics, the heavyweight of humor tips the scales with a veritable metric ton of laughs. The Garfield strip was born on June 19, 1978, syndicated in forty-one U.S. newspapers.
Find Best Price at Amazon"They all love Garfield (as well as Calvin and Hobbes), these are great to have in the house."
"I bought this book as a gift for my 8-year-old grandson who adores Garfield."
"The 24th Garfield book features comic strips originally released in 1992, right in the middle of the period where I think Jim Davis produced some of his best work (late 80s - mid 90s)."
"We love Garfield."
"Because of my older son and Garfield, my younger son has been encouraged to read more on his own and for that I am eternally greatful."
"It definitely is a gift that will give each day."
"Delightful and fun for my two grandsons who rated this a 5."
"I think many of these earlier Garfield strips are much more entertaining and interesting than some of the later ones when Garfield was a huge commercial success."
Best Graphic Novels

Collects Darth Vader #1-6. He is known for his creator-owned comic Phonogram , created with artist Jamie McKelvie, published by Image Comics, and for numerous projects for Marvel Comics, such as Journey into Mystery and Uncanny X-Men.
Find Best Price at Amazon"It's a good story and the art is beautiful."
"Just not as strong as the main series."
"Great product at great price."
"Nicely done by the author."
"Really good story, hard to put the book down."
"Delivered in great condition!"
"Fits somewhat within star wars canon."
"I enjoy reading it very much."
Best Western Graphic Novels

Answers to these and more questions about Book's past are uncovered in this original graphic novel by rising stars Zack Whedon ( Dr. Horrible , Terminator , Fringe ) and Chris Samnee ( Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps , Daredevil ). He is also the director of the Letterhouse, which specializes in letters and emails for business.
Find Best Price at Amazon"These elements work together to really pull you in and fully immerse you in the story, atmosphere, and most importantly, the beloved character, plucked straight from the screen and dropped into the middle of these rousing tales."
"When I was a kid, artists would change in the comic books, so I would have to adapt to a different visual style. In this, the art was not detailed in the way a lot of artists tend to be, with lush backgrounds. We get to see Book's background, the stuff we never learned in the show... and maybe really didn't want to know about him."
"It the backstory of Preacher Book; something needed as the character was tantalizingly enigmatic and pure joy to watch and hear during the short-lived series."
"This book gives a very thorough life story of Book and it's a tragedy we didn't get to watch it revealed over 2 or 3 seasons of TV."
"It does raise a few inconsistencies with the show, mainly regarding the events of Safe, but that is to be expected with the manner in which the Firefly universe has been forced to unfold itself."
"SPOLIER we find out that Shepherd was part of the Alliance and was a young officer, but again, that doesn't explain that intimate knowledge."
"since the series is apparently not coming back, i've often wished that Joss Wheadon was a writer so he could continue to tell the stories of these characters and i could eat it up! but since i love these characters and crave to know Book's backstory, i thought this might be an ideal introduction to graphic novels. Book's story is told in reverse, going back in time and ending abruptly in his youth."
"Its written like a last ditch effort to tie up loose ends, but instead looks like a weak attempt to get money out off firefly fans."
Best Pulp Graphic Novels

Blizzard Entertainment and Dark Horse Books are thrilled to present the next installment of the wildly popular World of Warcraft Chronicle series. Best known for blockbuster hits including World of Warcraft ® and the Warcraft ®, StarCraft ®, and Diablo ® franchises, Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. (, a division of Activision Blizzard (NASDAQ: ATVI), is a premier developer and publisher of entertainment software renowned for creating some of the industry's most critically acclaimed games.
Find Best Price at Amazon"This includes so much lore leading up to the Dark Portal."
"It's a great tool to grow your understanding of the game world and builds on the 1st chronicle beautifully."
"Read this all day, love it!"
"Amazing book and amazing quality."
"This book is the end-all-be-all for Warcraft lore."
"The first Chronicle had much more art than Vol.2 but Vol.2 has much more lore in it."
"This is a must have for anyone who likes reading into Warcraft lore."
"This serves as a great reference for World of Warcraft lore even if I was surprised at some of the lore provided."
Best LGBT Graphic Novels

The candid tell-all of a young woman's struggles with depression and sexuality that has taken the internet by storm! Her story is an open, honest, and deeply personal look at her struggles to fight back against her eating disorder, stop self-harming, and learn more about her sexuality." "...this is a comic that (a) treats sex workers with dignity and agency in a medium which has been historically unkind, (b) addresses very real themes of self-harm in a direct and honest way, and (c) adopts an attitude of complete acceptance of sexuality fluidity." -- Sean Gaffney, Manga Bookshelf "A complicated play of gender and sexual identities that Nagata unbinds and sorts through with striking aesthetic aplomb. ".
Find Best Price at Amazon"A picture into someone suffering from depression, with a somewhat opaque ending."
"If you're not prepared, you might feel uncomfortable but this is a heartfelt and honest account that speaks to all of us who have felt lonely in our own selves."
"Intense introspective dialog with ones Id .. an insight into the mind of a complex personality."
"A very funny and touching read that is definitely worth your time."
"A very adorable and relatable story for anyone struggling with their own identity, sexuality, or mental ill's."
"I chose it out of curiosity and enjoyed it."
"Great story, I recommend it to anyone who enjoy's reading funny stories."
"The story is really genuine and easy to relate to."
Best Zombie Graphic Novels

This is a great opportunity to experience this gripping read for the first time or catch up on the tale with the first four years worth of material, collected in one volume for the first time. ROBERT KIRKMAN is best known for his work on "The Walking Dead "and "Invincible "for Image Comics, as well as "Ultimate X-Men "and "Marvel Zombies "for Marvel Comics. He is one of the five partners of Image Comics and is an executive producer and writer on "The Walking Dead "television show.
Find Best Price at Amazon"You can buy one compendium for much cheaper than it would cost to get the 50 individual issues that comprise it."
"The Walking Dead, Vol 22, A New Beginning by Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard, Stefano Gaudiano, Cliff Rathburn – This is another interesting and gripping installment in this terrific graphic-novel series about human survivors struggling to live in a world of flesh-eaters."
"Now, quite a few of the reviews said that there was a problem with the ink in the middle of the book, but mine seems to be in perfect condition."
"I have always enjoyed the comic and will look forward to reading the other volumes."
"The characters for the most part look and act very different from their television counterparts, and things move at a very fast pace. The pages are beautiful and glossy (remember: it's ALL in black and white), the artwork is nicely done, and it really keeps your attention. The show is great at turning these lively, fun and interesting caricatures into real people. The producers of the show have made it clear that they "switch things up" to keep viewers guessing, so reading this book does NOT mean you'll necessarily be spoiled."
"this is an awesome collection of the Walking Dead comic books.This collection contains 48 issues of the series starting from the very first one.I really enjoy reading this."
"After falling in love with the tv show I discovered it was based on a comic."
Best Religious Graphic Novels

Hartley’s comics have been called “the most wholesome, creative, inspiring comics ever written.” Al Hartley, who worked for Stan Lee and Marvel comics drawing Spiderman, The Hulk and Ironman, received Christ as His Lord and Savior in 1967. David Wilkerson (1931-2011) was an Assembly of God pastor who established Teen Challenge, an organization centered around the needs of converts of his successful street evangelism ministry in New York City.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Wow how times have changed, one of the best selling books of 1959 was Twixt 12 and 20 by Pat Boone (who was Pat Boone lol), imagine that selling today?"
"very good book."
"This is a wonderful, wonderful Christian biography about a pastor who feels led relocate to New York City to minister to troubled teens."
"Really enjoyed the story."
"In this memoir, Pastor David Wilkerson takes his belief in the power of Christ's love from a gentle congregation in Pennsylvania to the most dangerous streets and gangs of New York."
"Recommended and will buy from this vendor in the future!"
"A truly inspiring story of a simple man with a simple faith."
"It may not be considered great literature, but I love for the true story it tells.God led David Wilkerson when he was a young paster in a small Pennsylvania town to go to New York City to serve Him there.He started preaching on the city streets and led Nicky Cruise and some of his fellow youth gang members to the Lord."
Best Military Graphic Novels

Dark Horse presents new editions of the entire Hellboy line with new covers, beginning with Seed of Destruction , the basis of director Guillermo del Toro's blockbuster films. Ottakar's Outland Magazine Issue 31, Autumn 2004 : "Rather like an X'-File' investigating the 'X-files', the lantern chinned, wisecracking Hellboy is one of the most endearing heroes to have emerged in comics for a long time, coming across as fresh, inventive, and, above all, highly entertaining."
Find Best Price at Amazon"This includes the story on which the first Hellboy movie is based on along with two short stories and a gallery of arr."
"A really great read."
"The first volume was great, and I am looking forward to further reading."
"Holy crap this thing is huge!"
"This is probably one of my favorite comics ever, the writing and dialogue are both great, and the artwork is fantastic."
"Hopefully someone will combine the series or more soon so we can enjoy it."
"This is the way the Hellboy books should be read, the larger (then the original comic book size) print and vibrant colors will make your eyes bleed with joy."
"Great read."
Best Art Book Graphic Novels

30 step-by-step demonstrations showing how to draw faces and figures for a variety of ages and body types Inspirational galleries featuring 101 eyes, 50 ways to draw hands, 40 hairstyles, 12 common expressions, 30 classic poses and more! Since being selected for Entertainment Weekly 's "It List" in 1998, Crilley has published nearly twenty books across his many popular series and developed a massive internet following for his drawing demonstration videos earning him a spot as one of the top 25 Most Subscribed to Gurus on YouTube.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I've watched lots of Mark Crilley's tutorials, but there's something special about seeing the drawing printed on the page in front of me, there as a reference. The written instructions give tips about showing the gender, age and personality of the characters. There's information about inking drawings, laying out panels and adding speech bubbles and sound effects. Everything included in the book is great and it's absolutely packed with helpful information on every page, but I do think the author has even more to offer and I'd love it if this turned out to be the first part of a series. One final note: There's no nudity in this book; all figures are drawn either fully clothed or wearing simple underclothes."
"my daughter and niece draws these even before the book."
"I bought this for my son who loves to draw."
"I'm currently going to University for Art, so I already have a bit of training in drawing, but I don't think this would be very hard for absolute beginners to understand."
"I've been wanting to grab this book for ages, but the paper copy was cost-prohibitive for me at the time."
"but what i think of this book is that the art isn't very "eye-catching"."
"I saw other books with more pages, but this seems to be newer."
"In these 30 lessons that are described in the book, it's different!"
Best Fantasy Comics & Graphic Novels

Plus, previously unpublished extras and bonus materials make this mighty tome one that's required reading for Scottaholics everywhere!
Find Best Price at Amazon"I am a huge fan of anamaguchi who did the most for the game for the ps3 and xbox360 and I scrambled around the web to find a code for this rare digital title..."
"Same great story, except this time it's in glorious color."
"This is a great start, yet you can notice the attempts at making this story flow, it starts out roughly introducing each character, I can honestly see where O'Malley is heading with a very straight forward narrative, and I'm glad it works."
"The art style, characters, dialogue... everything drew me right into the world of Scott Pilgrim."
"Fun goofy read, with fun dialogue and cool artwork."
"I found out about this series through the movie, as many people did."
"Arrived on time and in perfect condition."
"Loved this series since it first came out and finally went ahead and bought this new colored version and it's most definitely worth it!!"
Best Superhero Comics & Graphic Novels

Collecting Incredible Hulk Vol. Monsters and heroes... and the Incredible Hulk!
Find Best Price at Amazon"If you loved the cartoon this is worth a read!"
"After I finished I got World War Hulk because I wanted more."
"One of the best HULK stories ever, like it's crazy (Hulk having sex LOL) but great read and really does a great job making the HUlk come alive as a character."
"This e-comic anthology is complete including minor related stories."
"Fun read - collection of the Planet Hulk wonder he was "ticked" when he made it back to Earth."
"Great story line."
"This is a must read for those who like dark stories."
"I may have built the hype up in my mind before reading Planet Hulk and I was extremely disappointed in the story as a whole."
Best Romance Comics & Graphic Novels

Her name is Chise Hatori, a penniless orphan troubled by visions. Kore Yamazaki is best known as the author and artist of The Ancient Magus' Bride.
Find Best Price at Amazon"If you like Harry Potter or A Darker Shade of Magic or anything with a fantastical twist that delves deep into folklore, the surreal and makes you want to live there, this is the manga-or book-for you. So when we find her chained, scared and with circles under her eyes, it becomes clear that Chise is a very damaged girl. She can see fae and other magical things that were the cause of her abandonment, and the reason her life was turned upside down. I could easily describe this series as a mix between Studio Ghibli and Harry Potter. Chise has struggled with depression and attempted suicide in her past, and the fae she comes across may or may not kill her depending on their mood. With the first antagonist stepping up and attempting to slice Chise to bits, things have gotten even more interesting than ever. She was a complete noob just doing her thing when an editor told her, "Hey, let's make you a mangaka!""
"I love the little detailed layout pages for the living room and Silky's diary."
"This review is for the first two books in the series."
"I was on the fence about getting this manga for awhile but I kept seeing it everywhere so I decided to give it a try."
"Its hard to describe, there's a magical feel to this book."
"If you enjoy sci fi, fantasy, historical fiction or the supernatural then I really think this will appeal to you Also there re dragons!"
"This story is so cute."
"This is a wonderful Manga and I would recommend it."
Best Horror Comics & Graphic Novels

This is a great opportunity to experience this gripping read for the first time or catch up on the tale with the first four years worth of material, collected in one volume for the first time. ROBERT KIRKMAN is best known for his work on "The Walking Dead "and "Invincible "for Image Comics, as well as "Ultimate X-Men "and "Marvel Zombies "for Marvel Comics. He is one of the five partners of Image Comics and is an executive producer and writer on "The Walking Dead "television show.
Find Best Price at Amazon"You can buy one compendium for much cheaper than it would cost to get the 50 individual issues that comprise it."
"Just gives another reason to buy another copy!"
"The Walking Dead, Vol 22, A New Beginning by Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard, Stefano Gaudiano, Cliff Rathburn – This is another interesting and gripping installment in this terrific graphic-novel series about human survivors struggling to live in a world of flesh-eaters."
"Now, quite a few of the reviews said that there was a problem with the ink in the middle of the book, but mine seems to be in perfect condition."
"I have always enjoyed the comic and will look forward to reading the other volumes."
"The characters for the most part look and act very different from their television counterparts, and things move at a very fast pace. The pages are beautiful and glossy (remember: it's ALL in black and white), the artwork is nicely done, and it really keeps your attention. The show is great at turning these lively, fun and interesting caricatures into real people. The producers of the show have made it clear that they "switch things up" to keep viewers guessing, so reading this book does NOT mean you'll necessarily be spoiled."
"this is an awesome collection of the Walking Dead comic books.This collection contains 48 issues of the series starting from the very first one.I really enjoy reading this."
"After falling in love with the tv show I discovered it was based on a comic."
Best Contemporary Women Graphic Novels

"Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls" is a children's book packed with 100 bedtime stories about the life of 100 extraordinary women from the past and the present, illustrated by 60 female artists from all over the world. This amazing book shows young girls they can be anything they want -- Melinda Gates Trust me, your life needs Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls... There is serious girl power between the covers of this book * Bustle * A must-have for the nightstand of every girl or young woman you know -- Geri Stengel * Forbes * Forget passive simpering princesses and damsels in distress - the heroines of Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls are famed for their real-life achievements * Red * The all-female team behind a pioneering new book called Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls are confronting the tired, patriarchal narrative head-on. Illustrations by female artists add to the joy of this ebullient, inspiring collection -- Julia Eccleshare * Guardian * A worldwide hit -- Helena de Bertodano * The Times * The feminist book every child needs in their bedroom... bedtime stories which tell of real women shattering the glass ceiling and challenging patriarchy should be read to all children - not just to little girls, but to little boys, too -- Ellie Wiseman * Grazia * From politics to sport to technology to entertainment, Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls wonderfully celebrates the power of a woman's touch. Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls would be a valuable addition to the bookshelves of any child interested in history, regardless of their gender -- Sara Keating * Irish Times * An excellent book... it should be top of every girl's reading list - and boys too, so they can see the vital role played by women throughout history.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Short, one page stories of kick butt women that reinforces to my child she can do anything!"
"A book that should be on the shelf of every kids room, not only girls."
"But one work of the risk of being ostracized as a bigot in today's world of LGBT acceptance.....which I am usually on board with 100%, there is one biography on a young child that chose to undergo gender transformation that - quite frankly - made me uncomfortable reading to my same-aged daughter and son amidst the Amelia Earharts, Helen Kellers, Cleopatras, and Marie Curies of history. I also believe it is important to not contribute to disenfranchising groups of people for traits that may differ from your own, but I was surprised to discover how disappointed I was with this particular page in this particular book."
"My daughter in law had wanted to get this for my granddaughter."
"It was a gift to our granddaughters."
"Empowering book for young girls, and old girls like me who just want some instant inspiration!"
"She wants to include me in her own rebel girl story but I made her put I am just a supporter of rebel girls."
"Lastly, and probably most importantly, being that this was written for kids, I am not thrilled about the way a lot of the messages are delivered."
Best Martial Arts Comics & Graphic Novels

This series of digests rejoins Aang and friends for exciting new adventures, beginning with a faceoff against the Fire Nation that threatens to throw the world into another war, testing all of Aang's powers and ingenuity! American Born Chinese , his first graphic novel from First Second, was a National Book Award finalist, as well as the winner of the Printz Award and an Eisner Award.
Find Best Price at Amazon"We find out Toph went on to start a metalbending school (and we meet a few characters--her students, whom she calls "lily livers"), and we see that Aang and Katara have officially cemented their relationship."
"The Firelord is cooling his heels in prison and his son, Zuko, is doing his best to work with the other kingdoms and restore order and balance to the world. But trying to undo a hundred years of occupation of the other kingdoms has unexpected consequences."
"It is not in whatever way predictable, in my opinion, and the complicated relationships in the Royal FIre Nation family are more fleshed out than ever before. As for the artwork, the artistic team continues to produce illustration that shows great attention to detail, including the very obvious physical and mental changes that the characters experience as they go through adolescence."
"It continues the life of Aang, Katara, Zuko, Sokka, Toph, Mai, Suki, Iroh and Ozai. This trilogy is named the promise because of the relationship that Zuko and Aang have after the war. The books revolves around this Promise. I suspect this comes from Sokka repeatedly calling Aang and Katara's PDA, Oogie."
"So I was thrilled when I head about this continuation graphic novel series, and preordered it immediatly. Everything we love about the series is there - the humor, the story, the incredible characters. And it picks up immediatly after we left off in season 3, even giving flashbacks to scenes I know I loved the first time. I'm excited for the next book, and I will be preordering that as well so I can read it ASAP."
Best Media Tie-In Comics & Graphic Novels

Collects Darth Vader #1-6. He is known for his creator-owned comic Phonogram , created with artist Jamie McKelvie, published by Image Comics, and for numerous projects for Marvel Comics, such as Journey into Mystery and Uncanny X-Men.
Find Best Price at Amazon"It's a good story and the art is beautiful."
"Just not as strong as the main series."
"Great product at great price."
"Nicely done by the author."
"Really good story, hard to put the book down."
"Delivered in great condition!"
"Fits somewhat within star wars canon."
"Very good art."
Best Science Fiction Comics & Graphic Novels

Collects Darth Vader #1-6. He is known for his creator-owned comic Phonogram , created with artist Jamie McKelvie, published by Image Comics, and for numerous projects for Marvel Comics, such as Journey into Mystery and Uncanny X-Men.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Great product at great price."
"Nicely done by the author."
"Delivered in great condition!"
"Fits somewhat within star wars canon."
"Very good art."
"My favorite character in the Star Wars franchise, Darth Vader does not disappoint!"
"If they don’t make this into a movie then they truly underestimate the power of the dark side this book is amazeballs."
"We get some great character out of it and we meet Doctor Aphra, who is amazingly funny and a relief to Vader's silence."
Best Everyday Life Comics & Graphic Novels

“Today I am a monster. I wake with a sore head. I want to keep on dreaming. Don’t get me out of bed!” Agnes Green's & Trevor Judson’s Today I’m A Monster is the enchanting tale of a little boy who woke up in a very bad mood indeed! But when the night comes through, his eyes grow heavy from a day’s monstering about and the sweet little boy that everyone knows and loves comes back. As he drifts away into his sweet dreams once again, everybody wonders if he will wake up a happy and pleasant little boy the next day – or a terrifying monster once again, ready to scare and upset all on his angry little path. This story is a wonderful way toshow your child that it's ok. No matter what happens they are loved andunderstood. By Amazon Customermom2three***** (5*) ILOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! The story is profound with idea of goodrelationship with family, mother and teaches love and kindness - that's exactlythe personality i would love to see in my growing up son. Very sweet book By Amazon customer Olvij Are you looking for an exciting, cute, and fun new book to read to your children? My new book, Today I'm a Monster , explores the story of a young boy who wakes up in a bad mood that just keeps getting worse and worse.This book is about LOVE above all, not about the forgiveness or redemption, just the mother's uncoditional love and acceptance. Just to know that they are still good and loved forever.In this book, I tried to transform what the meaning of monster is. With its vibrant poetry, this is a bedtime story that will set the imagination free and invite conversation - all while reminding kids that being in a bad mood is only a passing thing.It's perfect for kids aged 3 - 5 years of age, their parents, and anyone who works with kids seeking a fun new book to read to them.
Find Best Price at Amazon"His poor mom takes him to Kindergarten and on the way he tells the neighbor how much he loves his flowers but is going to pull the petals off and put them up the neighbor's nose! Depending on your parenting style you may or may not like this book. WARNING: The Kindle version of this book is NOT suitable for all devices so please check the list above to make sure you are not disappointed."
"She understands the child hidden in monster disguise."
"This book nicely tells the story of a little boy who he feels he's a monster for the day. His mother is able to soothe him and see the little boy underneath the monster and reassure him with her love."
"If you are looking for more than just a bedtime story or fairytale then this book needs to be part of your book collection."
"We all have bad days and this is a great way to let children know that even if they have a bad day, they are still loved and beautiful and tomorrow is going to be better."
"In Today I'm a Monster a young boy got out of bed and his head hurt and he felt like a monster and proceeded to act that way."
"I have two kids of 3 and 5 years old and what's surprising that they both love the story about the kind Monster."
"like this.For the most part most of the printed letters at the beginning part of this book that were on the left side of this book though were not very easy to make out as it was seemingly intertwined with the landscape illustration page."
Best Comics & Graphic Novel Anthologies

Garry Trudeau is the “sleazeball” “third-rate talent” who draws the “overrated” comic strip Doonesbury, which “very few people read.” He lives in New York City with his wife Jane Pauley, who “has far more talent than he has." " Trump and ‘Doonesbury’: The Comic Gift That Keeps On Giving". (The New York Times). “How Doonesbury predicted Donald Trump’s presidential run 29 years ago.”. (The Washington Post). G. B. Trudeau has been drawing his Pulitzer Prize-winning comic strip for more than forty years.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Trudeau began adding Trump in the late 1980's and he was included in stories with other characters like Duke, Honey, BD, and Boopsie. Trump tossed slams at Garry Trudeau and Graydon Carter of "Spy Magazine" in interviews. Trudeau begins with Trump talking about entering the 1988 Republican contest and then skips ahead to the 2000 when he wants to run for the Reform Party nomination."
"Trudeau captures his persona well, especially the cels that pertain to the current time."
"Because nothing is different in almost 30 years."
"Trudeau is right on with his take on the Donald."
"Treat yourself to a little humor this election year."
"Donald Trump was running for President 30 years ago - by "denying" that he was running, even if no one asked!"
"I had no idea that Gary Trudeau had been on Trump's case for so long."
"This brilliant, insightful collection shows just how prescient Garry Trudeau was decades ago about this president."
Best Teen & Young Adult Comics & Graphic Novels

Collecting Incredible Hulk Vol. Monsters and heroes... and the Incredible Hulk!
Find Best Price at Amazon"If you loved the cartoon this is worth a read!"
"After I finished I got World War Hulk because I wanted more."
"One of the best HULK stories ever, like it's crazy (Hulk having sex LOL) but great read and really does a great job making the HUlk come alive as a character."
"This e-comic anthology is complete including minor related stories."
"Fun read - collection of the Planet Hulk wonder he was "ticked" when he made it back to Earth."
"Great story line."
"This is a must read for those who like dark stories."
"I may have built the hype up in my mind before reading Planet Hulk and I was extremely disappointed in the story as a whole."
Best Historical & Literary Comics & Graphic Novels

Plus, previously unpublished extras and bonus materials make this mighty tome one that's required reading for Scottaholics everywhere!
Find Best Price at Amazon"Same great story, except this time it's in glorious color."
"I am a huge fan of anamaguchi who did the most for the game for the ps3 and xbox360 and I scrambled around the web to find a code for this rare digital title..."
"This is a great start, yet you can notice the attempts at making this story flow, it starts out roughly introducing each character, I can honestly see where O'Malley is heading with a very straight forward narrative, and I'm glad it works."
"The art style, characters, dialogue... everything drew me right into the world of Scott Pilgrim."
"Fun goofy read, with fun dialogue and cool artwork."
"I found out about this series through the movie, as many people did."
"Arrived on time and in perfect condition."
"Loved this series since it first came out and finally went ahead and bought this new colored version and it's most definitely worth it!!"
Best Mystery, Thriller & Suspense Comics & Graphic Novels

Presented for the first time with stark, stunning new coloring by Brian Bolland, BATMAN: THE KILLING JOKE is Alan Moore's unforgettable meditation on the razor-thin line between sanity and insanity, heroism and villainy, comedy and tragedy. This is a no-holds-barred take on a truly insane criminal mind, masterfully written by British comics writer Alan Moore. The Killing Joke provoked fury among many readers who lamented the disposal of Barbara Gordon as a mere pawn to testosterone; yet Gordon reinvents herself later as superinfohacker Oracle, poster girl for disability empowerment (see Birds of Prey, LJ 7/08).
Find Best Price at Amazon"Playing the Arkham video games by Rocksteady made Batman really stand out."
"The book reveals how he was once sane but turned insane due to personal reasons (read the book)."
"Before reading The Killing Joke, I've ready V for Vendetta and Watchmen. Both are other graphic novels written by Alan Moore. I had no idea what to expect, but a friend of mine did call this (in his opinion) the greatest graphic novel of all time. They're all awesome, so of course I was gonna love Batman in this story too. This story isn't so much about Batman fighting bad guys as it is about proving the joker wrong. Batman (and Gordon) are pushed to their limits as they not only try to stop the joker, but prove him wrong. One thing I liked from another comic, Batman: Hush, was the use of other DC characters to progress the story, but I really liked how The Killing Joke told another amazing story with less character in less pages."
"But that's just me, and don't get me wrong, some of his pictures have an absolutely incredible amount of depth, you can just see layer after layer of the character. This book is an absolute gem, Bolland and Moore play off one another to absolute perfection, one of the best comics I've ever read."
"The events in this story felt much more real than other superhero comics/graphic novels that I have read in the past."
Best Comic Strips

Beginning with the day Hobbes sprang into Calvin's tuna fish trap, the first two Calvin and Hobbes collections, Calvin and Hobbes and Something Under The Bed Is Drooling , are brought together in this treasury. Bill Watterson is the creator of Calvin and Hobbes , one of the most popular and well-regarded cartoon strips of the twentieth century.
Find Best Price at Amazon"It also brings a bit of nostalgia as I remember reading the comics in the daily and especially the Sunday papers."
"What can you say about Calvin and Hobbes - I have such fond memories of reading the strip with my mom every morning growing up."
"Calvin and Hobbes is great!"
"This little guy and his tiger are about as funny as can be."
"Teenage son was delighted with this birthday gift!"
"The library binding hardcover version of this book stands up to all of the abuse a 6 and 10 year old can dish out."
"During my son's growing up years, we would read this together each day and laugh out loud."
"To see Calvin and Hobbes butchered like most of my other Kindle books with images. would have been very painful."
Best Manga

In this post-apocalytpic sci-fi story, humanity has been devastated by the bizarre, giant humanoids known as the Titans.
Find Best Price at Amazon"LOVE IT MY FAVORITE MANGA <3 <3 even though you make me suffer every month i still love you for creating this amazing and beautiful manga in which you kill my favorite characters QwQ just kidding but you actually make me cry QwQ b I wonder what other surprises you got for us your Fans this next chapters, the plot on the manga has increased into a point i want to scream of emotion I'm really exited!"
"After reading the 1st manga or volume I was hooked and watched the series afterwards."
"This fast paced Seinen manga is amazing."
"When I first read this manga I thought this was the best manga ever, it's a lot different than the other manga I have read."
"I never liked manga or any anime."
"If you have not read this and like anime/manga or if you have never read a manga before then you should pick this up and give it a read."
"I bought this after my daughter and I watched the series on Netflix."
"Arrived as expected and fast."