Best Social Issues & Christianity

With eloquent clarity, Hitchens frames the argument for a more secular life based on science and reason, in which hell is replaced by the Hubble Telescope's awesome view of the universe, and Moses and the burning bush give way to the beauty and symmetry of the double helix. All the same, this is salutary reading as a means of culling believers' weaker arguments: that faith offers comfort (false comfort is none at all), or has provided a historical hedge against fascism (it mostly hasn't), or that "Eastern" religions are better (nope). Sam Harris' The End of Faith (2005) and Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion (2006) have questioned the existence of any spiritual being and met with enormous success. Replace religious faith with inquiry, open-mindedness, and the pursuit of ideas, he exhorts. Religious faith, he asserts, is both result and cause of dangerous sexual repression. Believers will be disturbed and may even charge him with blasphemy (he questions not only the virgin birth but the very existence of Jesus), and he may not change many minds, but he offers the open-minded plenty to think about.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Great info but though to read, possibly because I'm on a whole different intellectual plane than Christopher."
"It's not easy reading, but there are great points that I've not considered before."
"It is a good book but it is pretty much a rant."
"Christopher Hitchens lays out numerous clear arguments supported by history and logic why religion is a negative force in our world."
"Ultimately, faced with what the author presents, the reasonable human being can only come to one conclusion...When we as a species shed the disillusionment of faith based nonsense can we truly move forward."
"This is an extremely well-written deconstruction of popular myths about religion, the main one being that it provides a solid "moral foundation" for believers."
"Hitchens is articulate, rational in his arguments, and his points are very compelling."
"Makes a good case for organized religion doing more harm than good."

Is it possible that there exists a three-thousand-year-old mystery that…. · Has been determining the course of your life without your knowing it? · Lies behind world wars and the collapse of nations, world powers, and empires? Discover the never-before revealed mystery of the towers, the key of cataclysms, the mystery of sevens, and much, much more.
Find Best Price at Amazon"The Mystery of the Shemitah is basically a book about the Biblical Sabbath and Jubilee cycles and how they relate to socio-economic cycles in the context of a Biblical message of repentance. Like ripples in a pond or echoes in a canyon, one can't help but wonder if the 7 year Sabbath cycle and the 50 year Jubilee cycle still effect history today. Using 7 year Sabbath cycles as Mr. Cahn describes, and going back in Biblical time the Sabbath cycles do indeed mark important events: *Yeshua (Jesus) was born on a Sabbath year. *Nehemiah and Ezra read the law in a Sabbath year. *Ezra when up to Jerusalem in a Sabbath year. *The 2nd Temple foundation was laid in a Sabbath year. *The 70 years captivity spoken about by Jeremiah ended in a Sabbath year. *The 1st Temple was destroyed in a Sabbath year. *Kind David died in a Sabbath year. *The Exodus took place in a Sabbath year. If you extend the same Sabbath cycles even further back in time (to Adam) using a reasonable rendering of the Old Testament chronology you find that: *Joseph's 7 years of plenty & 7 years of famine fell during the Sabbath cycles. *Yahweh's covenant with Abram fell on a Sabbath year. *Enoch's birth and the year he was taken to "heaven" both fell on a Sabbath year. In my opinion the facts above show that Mr. Cahn's underlying premise has merit. Mr. Cahn did not provide a Scriptural basis for his Sabbath and Jubilee cycles calculations. For instance his Sabbath year is one year different than my understanding of the chronology. Using Mr. Cahn's premise regarding the cycles being synchronized we find there are 41 Jubilee cycles between Abraham and Yeshua. > 40 Jubilees). In summary, I think Mr. Cahn's book brings much needed attention to the wonderful subject of the Biblical Sabbath and Jubilee cycles."
"(TITLE OF REVIEW) The Mystery of the Shemitah - What You Need To Know. The Mystery of the Shemitah, Jonathan Cahn’s second book, following his massive bestseller, The Harbinger, is so unique and its claims and revelations so radical that it’s hard to know where to begin. But in The Mystery of the Shemitah, Jonathan Cahn brings forth the revelations straight out in a non-fiction format. One of its fourteen mysteries was that of the Shemitah. The book’s subtitle is “The 3000 Year Old Mystery That Holds The Secret of America’s Future, The World’s Future… And Your Future.” This begs the question – What possibly could an observance or law from ancient Israel have anything to do with America, the world, or the reader? In a section entitled The Key of Cataclysms, the author, Jonathan Cahn, puts forth the proposition that this ancient mystery actually lies behind the rise and fall of the stock market, the booms and collapses of the American and world economy, and the greatest collapses and crashes in Wall Street and world history. Even the connection to the specific time of the year when, according to the ancient mystery, financial accounts were wiped clean shows up eerily in the history of Wall Street collapses. According to the ancient mystery, this phenomenon takes place at seven year intervals. These two greatest crashes in Wall Street history, up to their days, not only each took place on the same biblical day, but each took place, according to the mystery, seven years apart, seven years down to the day, the hours, even the second. In a section entitled The Mystery of the Towers, Cahn opens up another mystery that links the rise of powers, nations, to the rising of towers – Even the fall of nations to the fall of towers. And this too is linked to the Shemitah as Cahn reveals that in Hebrew, the word can also mean, ‘the shaking,’ ‘the fall,’ and ‘the collapse.’. And the mystery doesn't stop there as well, but continues to increase in size and scope. In a section called The Rise and Fall of Nations, Cahn opens up the connection between the ancient mystery and some of the most pivotal events of modern times – how the ancient Shemitah pinpoints the rise of America as a superpower, the fall of empires, two world wars, the rise of the Third Reich, the Soviet Union, the Cold War, the fall of Vietnam, to the day America was attacked on its own shores. The other, entitled, The Mystery of the Seventh Shemitah reveals a mystery unlike any of the others contained in the book, focused on events in the Middle East, spanning thousands of years, and which may also bear heaven ramifications concerning the future. From the very first reviews, from those who have received advanced copies, The Mystery of the Shemitah has already been called “stunning,” one of the “most important books of our lifetime,” and “the most amazing thing I have ever read.” I have to agree, and with one other comment made concerning it – it truly is “one book you can’t afford NOT to read."
"Very interesting to read but you should read The Harbinger first to really enjoy this book."
"Yet they have been readily available in the Holy Bible since it was written but whose meanings needed to be correctly defined for the casual reader of the Bible. Likewise, God told Israel to let the land rest every seventh year, called the Shemitah (see Lev."

Imagine yourself a thirteen-year-old hundreds of miles away from home, in a strange city, and your mom leaves you at a bus station parking lot and drives off into the night with her lover. But he didn't just overcome great adversity in his life; he now uses his country music platform to help children everywhere, especially teenagers in foster care who are about to age out of the system. Walk to Beautiful is the powerfully emotive account of Jimmy's horrendous childhood and the love shown him by Russell and Bea Costner, the elderly couple who gave him a stable home and provided the chance to complete his education. Jimmy Wayne is a former foster kid turned country music singer/songwriter whose songs, story, and walk halfway across America in 2010 continue to help bring awareness to kids who age out of the foster system and become homeless.
Find Best Price at Amazon"This is like “Job”; one hurdle, obstacle, disappointment, and challenge after another, and yet Jimmy possessed the drive, talent, determination, and tenacity, even in his darkest moments; to overcome his troubled past. Walk to Beautiful portrays the story of how Wayne was able to rise above his background with the help of supportive, adoptive parents as a teen, and become a successful country singer and in-demand motivational speaker. The book takes you from Jimmy’s early years as a boy, left many times on the street alone by his mother, bullied by his peers, to fend for himself; growing up being passed from one foster home to another, with neglect and abuse, tortured, with no food or place to live, or sleep. When you look at this highly talented musician, good-looking guy, today, and listen to his beautiful words and songs, it is hard to believe the rough road he has traveled. Jimmy has dedicated the book, his life story to Bea, a wonderful 75-year old woman who took him in when he was 16 years old, after a voice told him to stop and see if she needed help with her yard work. From 2010 when Jimmy walked from Nashville to Phoenix on his Meet Me Halfway campaign, he set out to raise awareness for foster youth who have aged out of the system. On a Personal Note: I formerly served as a Board Member for an organization in Atlanta for at risk teens, YES Atlanta (Youth Experiencing Success) and commend adults who strive to help these youth, by providing positive role models, and resources in order to change their environment, with an opportunity to lead healthy and rich lives as an adults. Congrats, Jimmy, thanks for putting yourself out there, with courage and bravery to tell your story, and relive your past, forgive those who turned their back on you, and share with others while making a difference in lives across the world."
"Love, love, love this book!!"
"At one point I questioned what good the walk does for the cause he clearly cares about, but one definitely cannot question his devotion and desire to do good for foster kids."
"I think Walk to Beautiful really tells a story that makes you really think about all the homeless other children who only want one thing in life; To Be Loved."
"And yet, some really good things resulted from Jimmy's sad and unsupported childhood when Bea and Russell took him in."
"For me, that identifiable point was in a story of calling a corsage a "croissant." While Jimmy challenges the reader to be the "somebody" who needs to do something about the difficulties of foster children and other disadvantaged individuals, the book shows the difference which can be made in a life when someone does something good for no other reason than it is the right thing to do. Read this book to find your own reason to "walk to beautiful.""
Best Christian Saints & Sainthood

In Accidental Saints, New York Times best-selling author Nadia Bolz-Weber invites readers into a surprising encounter with what she calls “a religious but not-so-spiritual life.” Tattooed, angry and profane, this former standup comic turned pastor stubbornly, sometimes hilariously, resists the God she feels called to serve. “Unflinchingly honest (and funny)…You don't have to be religious to get something out of this book.” -NPR’s “Best Books of 2015” "Compulsively readable… [Bolz-Weber's] love for God and for humankind shines through on every page.” - Publishers Weekly "[Bolz-Weber] is one of the most important Christian voices around -- not because she has come up with some catchy, easy new way to do faith, but because when talks about the destructive power of sin, as well as redemption and grace, she knows of what she speaks." [Bolz-Weber's] voice communicates the scandal of the Christ and the sacraments of his church with more force and vitality than most writers can hope to summon." "If Saint Augustine were to return to life and live among us now, he would be Bolz-Weber; and if his Confessions were to be written in 21st century rhetoric and style, they would be this book. In just a few lines of description and dialog, Nadia Bolz-Weber manages to capture all that is beautiful and maddening and frightening about our shared humanity, including her own inconsistencies and struggles as a Jesus-loving sinner-saint. I couldn’t put this book down.” -Tullian Tchividjian, author of One Way Love: Inexhaustible Grace for an Exhausted World and founder of LIBERATE. "Nadia Bolz-Weber's new book is even tougher, sharper and sweeter than Pastrix: in painfully honest stories, she pulls back the curtains of religious life to show how church—the actual, living body of God—is created among us. Honest and funny, deep and insightful, Accidental Saints disarmed me and then, right when I was vulnerable, Nadia's words snuck right in to mess with me."
Find Best Price at Amazon"Pastor Nadia admits how early in her tenure at her church she was taken aback by how many “socially awkward people”showed up at her church and how the church would never have a chance if these were the people who showed up. I have been so frustrated at times at my parish (I am Catholic) while listening yet again to one more homily at Church about how we are all brothers and sisters in Christ while there are people sitting alone and hurting in the pews all around me. I want a priest to acknowledge that life is hard and people struggle and loneliness and pain are part of this world and there is a good chance there is someone in the pew near me who can use my help and maybe I should tell one of these people we are brothers and sisters in Christ and I want to help."
"I googled the pastor, Nadia Bolz - Weber, before I chose the book and when I saw her tattoos and muscles, I thought this was going to be a book that was kind of like the churches I sometimes see where they play hard rock music and that kind of thing (not that there's anything wrong with those, it's just what I thought.). So, this book for me is kind of the opposite of what I think of as church, where everyone is dressed nicely and have so many good things happening to them all the time they are always saying how blessed they are. The book is made up of several short stories and then at the back, there is a question section where you can ask yourself how some of the things in the book relate to you. This book was great and I look forward to reading her previous book and anything she writes in the future."
"Achieves what a great deal of books on ecclesiology and spiritual memoir never do in perceiving the messy sweat and blood way that the beauty of God grasps humanity."
"Appropriate for pastors, ministers, and church members."
"I'm not a Christian but her heart-felt honesty speaks deeply to me."
"Nadia Bolz-Weber understands what Christianity is really about."
Best Poverty Studies

From a former marine and Yale Law School graduate, a powerful account of growing up in a poor Rust Belt town that offers a broader, probing look at the struggles of America’s white working class. They raised a middle-class family, and eventually their grandchild (the author) would graduate from Yale Law School, a conventional marker of their success in achieving generational upward mobility. Vance’s grandparents, aunt, uncle, sister, and, most of all, his mother, struggled profoundly with the demands of their new middle-class life, and were never able to fully escape the legacy of abuse, alcoholism, poverty, and trauma so characteristic of their part of America. ''[A] compassionate, discerning sociological analysis...Combining thoughtful inquiry with firsthand experience, Mr. Vance has inadvertently provided a civilized reference guide for an uncivilized election, and he's done so in a vocabulary intelligible to both Democrats and Republicans. ( Jennifer Senior, New York Times ). ''[ Hillbilly Elegy ] is a beautiful memoir but it is equally a work of cultural criticism about white working-class America....[Vance] offers a compelling explanation for why it's so hard for someone who grew up the way he did to make it...a riveting book.''. ''[An] understated, engaging debut...An unusually timely and deeply affecting view of a social class whose health and economic problems are making headlines in this election year.''. ''Vance compellingly describes the terrible toll that alcoholism, drug abuse, and an unrelenting code of honor took on his family, neither excusing the behavior nor condemning it...The portrait that emerges is a complex one...Unerringly forthright, remarkably insightful, and refreshingly focused, Hillbilly Elegy is the cry of a community in crisis.''. ''A beautifully and powerfully written memoir about the author's journey from a troubled, addiction-torn Appalachian family to Yale Law School, Hillbilly Elegy is shocking, heartbreaking, gut-wrenching, and hysterically funny. It's also a profoundly important book, one that opens a window on a part of America usually hidden from view and offers genuine hope in the form of hard-hitting honesty. From a former marine and Yale Law School graduate, a probing look at the struggles of America’s white working class through the author’s own story of growing up in a poor Rust Belt town. The disintegration of this group, a process that has been slowly occurring now for over forty years, has been reported with growing frequency and alarm, but has never before been written about as searingly from the inside. J.D.’s grandparents were “dirt poor and in love” and moved north from Kentucky’s Appalachia region to Ohio in the hopes of escaping the dreadful poverty around them. They raised a middle-class family, and eventually one of their grandchildren would graduate from Yale Law School, a conventional marker of success in achieving generational upward mobility. But as the family saga of Hillbilly Elegy plays out, we learn that J.D.’s grandparents, aunt, uncle, sister, and, most of all, his mother struggled profoundly with the demands of their new middle-class life, never fully escaping the legacy of abuse, alcoholism, poverty, and trauma so characteristic of their part of America. A deeply moving memoir, with its share of humor and vividly colorful figures, Hillbilly Elegy is the story of how upward mobility really feels.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Drugs, crime, jail time, abusive interactions without any knowledge of other forms of interaction, children growing up in a wild mix of stoned mother care, foster care, and care by temporary "boyfriends," and in general, an image of life on the edge of survival where even the heroes are distinctly flawed for lack of knowledge and experience of any other way of living. Second, the author's growing realization, fully present by the end of the work, that while individuals do not have total control over the shapes of their lives, their choices do in fact matter—that even if one can't direct one's life like a film, one does always have the at least the input into life that comes from being free to make choices, every day, and in every situation. I hate to fall into self-analysis and virtue-signaling behavior in a public review, but in this case I feel compelled to say that the author really did leave with me a renewed motivation to make more of my life every day, to respect and consider the choices that confront me much more carefully, and to seize moments of opportunity with aplomb when they present themselves."
"I never heard of the author until I saw him on Morning Joe a few days ago but I looked him up and read several articles he wrote for various publications so I bought his book. He suggests that tribalism, mistrust of outsiders and "elites," violence and irresponsibility among family members, parents without ethics and a sense of responsibility, terrible work ethics, and an us-against-them mentality is dooming the people who live that way to becoming poorer, more addicted, and more marginalized."
"I grew up without running water in Boone County, WV, and wound up with a degree from Harvard Law School."
"I escaped inner city Baltimore (see The Wire) due to luck, the ability to do well in school and a few good teachers.Instead of trying to describe my early life to my family and friends, I will give them this book."
Best Personal Growth & Christianity

Licensed in over eighty-five languages, The Purpose Driven Life is far more than just a book; it is a guide to a spiritual journey. Living out the purpose you were created for moves you beyond mere survival and success to a life of significance—the life you were meant to live. Rick Warren is often called "America's most influential spiritual leader."
Find Best Price at Amazon"Perfect!"
"Amazing book. I’ll read t over and over all year."
"Awesome book, everyone should read this."
"This is a very good read."
"I bought two of these with the read along book and passed to someone else that I wanted to share the experience with."
"Great read it is paper back with didn't bother me at all but great book."
Best Christian Faith

In a moving example of unconditional love in difficult times, the Jesuit priest and bestselling author of Tattoos on the Heart , Gregory Boyle, shares what three decades of working with gang members in Los Angeles has taught him about faith, compassion, and the enduring power of kinship. In his first book, Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion , Gregory Boyle introduced us to Homeboy Industries, the largest gang-intervention program in the world . Now, after the successful expansion of Homeboy Industries, Boyle returns with Barking to the Choir to reveal how compassion is transforming the lives of gang members. “If you’re in the market for genuine inspiration, I urge you to read Barking to the Choir by Gregory Boyle, a book that shows what the platitudes of faith look like when they’re put into action.” —Ann Patchett. —Anne Lamott, author of Grace (Eventually) "One of the bravest, most humane, heartbreaking, brilliant, and hopeful stories I’ve read in ages. —Marian Wright Edelman, President, Children's Defense Fund "Sometimes we are allowed to see in our own lifetimes what we were supposed to see in the life and ministry of Jesus. Boyle intersperses his narratives about gang members and his work with them with theological and spiritual reflections from a variety of theologians, poets and other writers. —Malcolm Klein, Professor Emeritus, University of Southern California "A spiritual masterpiece touching the innermost sanctum of the human soul. —Anjelica Huston “In this artful, disquieting, yet surprisingly jubilant memoir, Jesuit priest Boyle recounts his two decades of working with homies in Los Angeles County, which contains 1,100 gangs with nearly 86,000 members. From moving vignettes about gangsters breaking into tears or finding themselves worthy of love and affirmation, to moments of spiritual reflection and sidesplittingly funny banter between him and the homies, Boyle creates a convincing and even joyful treatise on the sacredness of every life. Considering that he has buried more than 150 young people from gang-related violence, the joyful tenor of the book remains an astounding literary and spiritual feat.” — Publishers Weekly (starred review) “A set of stories that will stir many emotions. Now in its 30th year, Homeboy traces its roots to when Boyle, a Jesuit priest with advanced degrees in English and theology, served as pastor of Dolores Mission Church, then the poorest Catholic parish in Los Angeles, which also had the highest concentration of gang activity in the city. Homeboy has become the largest gang-intervention, rehabilitation, and reentry program in the world, and employs and trains gang members and felons in a range of social enterprises, as well as provides critical services to thousands of men and women each year who walk through its doors seeking a better life. Father Boyle has received the California Peace Prize, the James Beard Foundation Humanitarian of the Year Award, and the University of Notre Dame’s Laetare Medal.
Find Best Price at Amazon"It establishes the benchmark for whether we are living in the type of community which God intends. What is most inspiring is that the stories from the book are living accounts of a day at Homeboy Industries and the parish community of Delores Mission."
"Boyle would often paraphrase Teilhard de Chardin who spoke of things happening in “God’s slow time.” For me, the book was an engaging read with many spiritual nuggets for reflection. Boyle uses the stories of many of the people he has encountered and situations that have happened to him at Homeboy Industries, as a priest at Dolores Mission, and in his prison ministry to respond to the challenges of our time and the negative rhetoric that is so prevalent. In a time where the dialogue in our country has been bitter, people are polarized, and snap judgments are common, Fr. While it may seem as if he is responding to the current political climate, most of the stories in this book would have been timely if we had not had situations such as Charlottesville in the summer of 2017 and the President referring to African countries in a derogatory way. Boyle wants you to see the person of Jesus Christ I the stories he shares and hopes that what is easy to do when reading from a page can be applied in real life."
"Extraordinary story about the life-changing work Father Greg Boyle is leading is East Los Angeles."
"I just started "Tatoos of the Heart" and am now following Homeboy Industries on Facebook."
"You laugh and cry and grow in your understanding of our worth and call...."
"God is good and Boyle's stories of the homies and community remind us of this."
"One of the three most formative books I've read."
"I love the author's writing style!"
Best Women's Christian Living

In Uninvited , Lysa shares her own deeply personal experiences with rejection—from the incredibly painful childhood abandonment by her father to the perceived judgment of the perfectly toned woman one elliptical over. Release the desire to fall apart or control the actions of others by embracing God-honoring ways to process their hurt. End the cycle of perceived rejection by refusing to turn a small incident into a full blown issue. "TerKeurst doesn't just share empathetic anecdotes for readers in a rut; she focuses on digging down to the roots of anxiety and providing tools for overcoming self-doubt and handling the pain of rejection." Les and Leslie Parrott, #1 New York Times bestselling authors of Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts "Lysa TerKeurst has an undeniable gift for sharing her heart's struggles in ways that strengthen and equip the lives of others. Lysa speaks beautifully yet prophetically to a culture that uniquely is able to see what our friends are eating, playing, doing, and planning at any moment with the little device in our pocket. My favorite part is that Lysa turns our eyes to what's most important though, and that is the great invitation we have to sit at the table with the Living God who has been for us from the beginning."
Find Best Price at Amazon"It dealt more with past hurts such as divorce and a broken heart but did not touch much upon current issues with loneliness and feeling left out. There was really none of that (one quick reference to social media) but it was all the unveiling of her past broken heart and father rejecting her."
"Kept waiting to dig deeper into rejection and understanding it and resolving it, but could not find that deeper resolve in this book."
"As an author, this book took me deep into potential characters' points of view."
"Her obedience & bravery in writing this will overflow to nourish and aid healing processes for God's children."
"Very helpful, truthful book for me."
"Love this book!"
"This author writes in such a way to capture you in a whirlwind and you won't want to part with those words, but that is because the words come from God`s storehouse of wisdom."
"I highly recommend anyone who has issues with feeling uninvited to get this book."
Best Christian Music

Stories of the most favorite and beloved seasonal hymns of faith. Rob Morgan is the pastor of The Donelson Fellowship in Nashville, Tennessee, where he has served for more than thirty years.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Love the book."
"My wife, the musician will love it for Christmas."
"enjoying these songs and writings about them."
"So interesting to read and contemplate while singing the tunes in my mind."
"Great product, very happy with my purchase."
"Great Book, I have given this as a gift many times to people in Music Ministry."
"HERE’S WHY: The words and music are presented as sheet music, but each line is a separate image. If I enlarge the first line of words and music so I can read them in Kindle on my iPad mini, when I get to the end of the line I must then close that image and go through the process of enlarging the next line."
Best Christian Prayer

Stormie Omartian shares how God can strengthen your marriage as you pray for your husband concerning key areas in his life, including... According to Omartian, a marriage's success depends upon "laying down all claim to power in and of yourself, and relying on God's power to transform you, your husband, your circumstances, and your marriage."
Find Best Price at Amazon"In years past, I’ve heard about “The Power of a Praying Wife.” The Holy Spirit led me to check it out. Each day I pray, the chapter’s topic just so happens to coincide with what my man is going through and/or addresses a pressing issue about his character. I personally appreciate this book because it is helping me to keep my focus/contentment on Christ, pray instead of nag, and address my own character flaws as I study the provided scriptures."
"The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian is a wonderful book that every Christian wife should read. Each chapter includes a few pages of literature, a prayer written specifically for that topic and then several Bible verses pertaining to that topic. I really like how there are so many topics so you can pick and choose what you feel you need to read and then you can always reference other ones at a later point in time. I'm considering purchasing additional copies for some of my Christian friends and I highly recommend it for all Christian married women!"
"If your not willing to forgive and let go if the past and wrong he’s done in your relationship this book is not for you."
"Definitely recommend this book to anyone who needs help praying specific prayers for their spouse, and marriage!"
"So glad we chose this book and the accompanying study guide."
"There is a prayer at the end of each chapter and there are 31 chapters!"
"This book not only provides prayers but tells of her story as well which strengthens my faith seeing I am not alone."
"Love how this little companion book is a compilation of all the prayers in the main book, "The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children" by Stormie Omartian."
Best Christian Holidays

From pastor and New York Times bestselling author Timothy Keller comes the perfect gift for the Christmas holiday—a profoundly moving and intellectually provocative examination of the nativity story Even people who are not practicing Christians think they are familiar with the story of the nativity. Keller achieves his pastoral goal of teaching Christmas’ most important message—‘God alone has the life, truth, and joy that we lack and cannot generate ourselves’—and in doing so, provides solace for those who seek it.” —Publishers Weekly. Praise for Timothy Keller and his other books: “Tim Keller’s ministry in New York City is leading a generation of seekers and skeptics toward belief in God. “Fifty years from now, if evangelical Christians are widely known for their love of cities, their commitment to mercy and justice, and their love of their neighbors, Tim Keller will be remembered as a pioneer of the new urban Christians.”. — Christianity Today.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I’ve read a few, not all, of Keller’s books. Hidden Christmas is the gospel presentation you’ve been waiting for."
"Tim Keller states that the ideas expressed in this short book were forged not in writing but in preaching. Each chapter represents at least 10 or so meditations and sermons on each biblical text that he delivered in Christmas services across the decades. He tells us writes that Christmas is the only Christian holy day that is also a major secular holiday, resulting in two different celebrations, each observed by millions of people, which brings some discomfort on both sides. In the first chapters of the book, looking at the Gospel of Matthew, we learn about the gifts God gave us at Christmas. • Christmas tells us that despite appearances to the contrary, God is in control of history, and that someday he will put everything right. • The joy that Christmas brings, the assurance of God’s love and care will always reinvigorate you no matter the circumstances of your life."
"Hidden Christmas has all the hallmarks we’ve come to expect from Keller."
Best Christian Counseling

“Incredibly rich with wisdom and insight that will leave the reader, whether single or married, feeling uplifted.” — The Washington Times Based on the acclaimed sermon series by New York Times bestselling author Timothy Keller, this book shows everyone—Christians, skeptics, singles, longtime married couples, and those about to be engaged—the vision of what marriage should be according to the Bible. His target audience consists mainly of urban professionals, whom he believes exhibit disproportionate influence over the culture and its ideas. The 'Influentials' Issue of New York Magazine featured Dr Keller as 'the most successful Christian evangelist in the city by recognizing that young professionals and artists are "disproportionately influential" in creating the country's culture and that you have to meet this coveted demographic on its own terms.'.
Find Best Price at Amazon"This book had its roots in the early 1990's when he did a series of sermons on marriage because of the skepticism, fear, and arguments that many of the singles in attendance had toward marriage in the beginning stages of the church - and still do today. However, most importantly he wrote this book to give a compelling vision of what marriage was designed to look like from the Bible from Genesis to Revelation - from the first marriage of Adam and Eve to the last marriage of Christ and the Church. I believe that Keller succeeds in giving a very compelling case for marriage from the three stands above - from his experience, his realistic apologetic of building a case for the benefits and values of marriage, and then giving a compelling biblical vision throughout the book for the beauty of marriage when it reflects the glory of Christ at the center of it all. Some of the ambivalent views and objections to marriage Keller elaborates on and dispels in this book are as follows: "Marriage is just a piece of paper that only serves to complicate love". "Marriage was originally about property and is now in flux". "Marriage crushes individual identity and has been oppressive for women". "Marriage stifles passion and is ill-fitted to psychological reality". The Outline of Keller's book is as follows: Chapter One - A rich and deep discussion of Genesis 2 and Ephesians 5 bringing Paul's discussion into today's context and demonstrating "why the gospel helps us to understand marriage and how marriage helps us to understand the gospel." Here is a sample of some guidelines he gleans for singles in relationships before marriage: "Recognize that there are seasons for not seeking marriage." Dr. Keller knows what he's talking about and has done an outstanding job of building a great case for marriage in a culture that simply doesn't understand it and hasn't been consulting the Creator's manual and applying it in our marriages."
"There are a lot of books about dating and relationships out there (the more of which you've probably read, the older you are), but not a lot of them are focused on what it is you're aiming at: the marriage relationship. I've had the good fortune to grow up in a family with several long-term, healthy marriages (parents 34 years, two sets of aunts and uncles nearly 50 years, grandparents more than 70 years and still going), so a lot of what Keller says about the nature of marriage made intuitive sense, but I can't remember the last time I heard someone articulate it so clearly. This perspective dovetails very well with John Van Epp's advice in "How to Avoid Marrying a Jerk - The Foolproof Way to Follow Your Heart Without Losing Your Mind)," about the variety of settings in which one should get to know a potential partner."
"You will receive many pointers and guides on how to treat your potential spouse and ensure a long and loving relationship with them."
"NYC Manhattan Pastor Keller with Kathy, his wife, offer a biblical context for marriage and guidance from each."
"Having read several marriage books and taught on the subject of marriage, one wonders what can God reveal though another perspective on marriage?"
Best Christian Inspiration

Just like you, Ann Voskamp hungers to live her one life well. With lovely word pictures inspired by everyday life in her family and on her farm, she writes about her struggle to live joyfully amid sin and sorrow and suffering. Let Ann's beautiful, heart-aching stories of the everyday give you a way of seeing that opens your eyes to thanksgiving, a way of being present to God that makes you deeply happy, and a way of living so you are not afraid to die.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Apparently, her finding God's fingerprints in her life on every single surface also undoes some people. Perhaps the writing style in that book is more suited to their tastes, and the message is about the same: you find what you look for."
"I was riveted by the first chapter and could relate to her experience growing up in a family whose faith in God died at the onset of tragedy. I'd hope to throw back a curtain of sadness in my life because of the death of my mother when I was a child. I read the second chapter and had questions but decided I needed to take my time and absorb what she was writing."
"The basic idea is a good one, though not a new one."
"I suggest, Hearing Jesus Speak into Your Sorrow by Guthrie, Trusting God Even When Life Hurts by Jerry Bridges or 31 Days of Praise by Ruth Meyers."
"I am a person filled with gratitude, really, and I have been in the very dark places in life, but her writing feels like it is from a person who is still parched, who if she could only "be" would see the sustenance offered without our trying so hard. Perhaps I will offer this in hopes that it is from a helpful place: I practice selah -- that restful space between heartbeats, between words and thoughts where God resides, easily."
Best Christian Families

Written after his wife’s tragic death as a way of surviving the “mad midnight moments,” A Grief Observed an unflinchingly truthful account of how loss can lead even a stalwart believer to lose all sense of meaning in the universe, and the inspirational tale of how he can possibly regain his bearings. A Grief Observed contains his epigrammatic reflections on that period: "Your bid--for God or no God, for a good God or the Cosmic Sadist, for eternal life or nonentity--will not be serious if nothing much is staked on it. -- Madeleine L'Engle, author of The Crosswicks Journal and A Wrinkle in Time "[Lewis] faces his tortured life with unswerving honesty, and writes out his conclusions, or lack of them, with a poetic expression which is often agony but never self-pity."
Find Best Price at Amazon"I found this book 20 years ago when my beautiful daughter was stillborn. I am reading again now when a close friend has taken his own life and left a young, beautiful family behind. They tend to be written after the author had worked through the grief and can speak of it with the clarity of hindsight that the experience taught them. But if you have, you will find a great mind and wonderful writer who understands your grief well enough to put words to it."
"Another wonderful C.S.Lewis book!!"
"Gave as a gift to a friend who just lost his wife......He told me he has read and reread it......even made notes in the margin."
"Great book, I would recommend to anyone that is trying to learn how to deal with loss."
"If you get nothing else from the book but this, please know that it is always ok to get angry and kick against God."
"I am extremely grateful for C. S. Lewis and his transparency and vulnerability in publishing these most intimate, honest and painful thoughts."
"I was hoping to find a book that would help me with my own grief."
Best Christian Marriage

Whether your relationship is flourishing or failing, Dr. Gary Chapman’s proven approach to showing and receiving love will help you experience deeper and richer levels of intimacy with your partner—starting today. Updated to reflect the complexities of relationships today, this new edition reveals intrinsic truths and applies relevant, actionable wisdom in ways that work. While working as a marriage counselor for more than 30 years, he identified five love languages: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch. Gifts are highly important to one spouse, while another sees fixing a leaky faucet, ironing a shirt, or cooking a meal as filling their "love tank." "In this unabridged recording of material the author has been perfecting for years, he says that people experience love most strongly through one of five love languages--quality time, words of encouragement, gifts, acts of service, and physical touch. Without making light of the work a marriage requires, he'll convince most listeners that with just a little planning and effort they can make a good marriage great and a broken partnership truly satisfying again."
Find Best Price at Amazon"My wife and I have 2 small children and our house is hard to stay clean because every room feels like a mess. A big part of improving your relationship with your spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend is to sticking with a date night to make sure you have quality time together. My wife and I have been together for 10 years and got stuck in the rut of an endless routine of doing everything we could for our kids, followed by daily chores and left little time for ourselves. Committing to 1 date night a week has really helped our relationship and improved our communication."
"I was once asked to read this book by the only person in the world I love.....I refused. It's not a good feeling as a man to agree to read a book on relationships because you feel like you're putting everything into the authors hands.....and what if he "doesn't understand" or what if the advice doesn't apply to us.....what if it makes things worse between us because he advises things we don't believe'm not reading that I told her. I thought no matter what we would always figure each other out and we would be ok......I didn't see being asked to read this book , was a cry out from the woman I love hitting a boiling point and her attempt to communicate to me in a different way......the same things she's been trying to for a long time..... Instead of being some guys opinions or......typical shrink talk that in no way could apply to each specific relationship.......I found it to be a book that opens up the mind to the understanding of love.....and how it is not this one universal "language" we all feel we should be the same with.....I once told her...."nobody taught me how to love, I'm growing....learning".....I pleased with her to understand I love her.......we simply didn't have an understanding of how and why we didnt approach love the exact same way as each other.....only makes sense that it should be the same right? I will just end it like this..... last night I took a stretch that I have been doing for over 2 years and I changed it in a slightly different way....... a lot of the pain I normally get daily is gone....... just to put a spotlight on that sentence .....I'm saying that what I had been doing for so long..... trying to cure one of the biggest problems in my life that hadnt been working............that I continued doing........ believing in and depending on.... to be my much needed answer.......It wasn't until I allowed the idea of the same stretch applied in a different way, that I ALLOWED life to be better for me. You have to go into the book with an open mind because if you do it with the mindset of wanting it to say what it is that you want to hear.....then you can never let the life-changing words're learning a language as you read...not what's right and wrong but what was being lost in life. Keep in mind this is a book about the language of love so if you think about when you go to school to learn a different are taking the difficult step of taking time there in order to able to take what you understand and apply it.....and be able to communicate in a NEEDED way once you learn....AND THEN USE......communicate and UNDERSTAND eachother."
"Great book, I read a friends book and decided to purchase it for myself."
"My husband and I read it and I bought a copy to give my parents (they could really use it to understand each other better!)."
"This book will really make you think about things when you read it, especially if you have had relationship problems..."
"contains helpful information and I enjoyed reading through people's testimonies and experiences."
"Really comes to show you why people are the way they are."
"This is an excellent book."
Best Christian Dating & Relationships

By renovating homes in Waco, Texas, and changing lives in such a winsome and engaging way, Chip and Joanna have become more than just the stars of Fixer Upper , they have become America’s new best friends. Even back then Chip was a serial entrepreneur who, among other things, ran a lawn care company, sold fireworks, and flipped houses. The time Chip ran to the grocery store and forgot to take their new, sleeping baby Joanna’s agonizing decision to close her dream business to focus on raising their children When Chip buys a houseboat, sight-unseen, and it turns out to be a leaky wreck Joanna’s breakthrough moment of discovering the secret to creating a beautiful home Harrowing stories of the financial ups and downs as an entrepreneurial couple Memories and photos from Chip and Jo’s wedding The significance of the word magnolia and why it permeates everything they do The way the couple pays the popularity of Fixer Upper forward, sharing the success with others, and bolstering the city of Waco along the way. CHIP AND JOANNA GAINES are the founders of Magnolia Homes, Magnolia Market, and Magnolia Realty in Waco, Texas.
Find Best Price at Amazon"They have overcome adversity and have built a life full of love, family, talent, professionalism keeping their faith first and foremost."
"Great reading couldn't put it down made me smile,laugh and see some things in life we all go through similar."
"I have been a huge fan of Joanna and Chip right from the very first show."
"This is a must read for all Fixer Upper fans."
"Reading the history that led to "Fixer Upper" is fascinating, and it just makes me love the Gaineses and the show all the more. So The Magnolia Story is not a literary marvel, but it does appear to be true to who the authors are in real life (or at least on TV)."
"I can't even imagine my husband making those kinds of decisions without my input, but their relationship comes off as very balanced despite these peculiarities."
"I would recommend this book to: fans of Fixer Upper, but also to young parents, young adults, people who are trying to figure out their place in the world."
"Cute book, easy read!"
Best Christian Devotionals

Licensed in over eighty-five languages, The Purpose Driven Life is far more than just a book; it is a guide to a spiritual journey. Living out the purpose you were created for moves you beyond mere survival and success to a life of significance—the life you were meant to live. Rick Warren is often called "America's most influential spiritual leader."
Find Best Price at Amazon"This is a very good read."
"I bought two of these with the read along book and passed to someone else that I wanted to share the experience with."
"Great read it is paper back with didn't bother me at all but great book."
"The New American Standard Version Bible I have has gone unread because of my inability to understand the language it is written in."
"This book gave insight and direction as to how a Christian can find his purpose in life."
"The Gospel of John will bring you to Christ and this book wil bring you to God."
Best Christian Spiritual Growth

Licensed in over eighty-five languages, The Purpose Driven Life is far more than just a book; it is a guide to a spiritual journey. Living out the purpose you were created for moves you beyond mere survival and success to a life of significance—the life you were meant to live. Rick Warren is often called "America's most influential spiritual leader."
Find Best Price at Amazon"I will update my review once I read it but I am following Pastor Rick on YouTube and absolutely love his sermons so I already know I am going to love this book too!"
"Amazing book. I’ll read t over and over all year."
"Awesome book, everyone should read this."
"This is a very good read."
"I bought two of these with the read along book and passed to someone else that I wanted to share the experience with."
Best Christian Leadership

It's easy for American Christians to forget how Jesus said his followers would actually live, what their new lifestyle would actually look like. Finally, he urges you to join in The Radical Experiment -- a one-year journey in authentic discipleship that will transform how you live in a world that desperately needs the Good News Jesus came to bring. Read Radical , be blessed, and be changed.” —Johnny Hunt, president, Southern Baptist Convention, and pastor, First Baptist Church of Woodstock “ Radical will cause you to bounce on a spectrum between two words: ouch and amen. Read Radical if you’re ready to live differently.” —Gregg Matte, senior pastor, First Baptist Church of Houston “David Platt’s book will leave anyone who sincerely engages with his challenge dissatisfied—and faced with a decision: What will authentic faith look like in my life? This book has the potential to revitalize churches today to practice a radical, biblical lifestyle that can transform society and reach a lost world.” —Jerry Rankin, president, International Mission Board, Southern Baptist Convention “The church of the Lord Jesus has been seduced by a skilled seductress: the American dream. In this challenging and thoughtful book, David Platt shows us the way to live for Someone and something bigger.” —Darrin Patrick, founding pastor, The Journey, St. Louis “Sometimes people will commend a book by saying, ‘You won’t want to put it down.’ I can’t say that about this book. But you’ll find here another Way, one you know to be true, because you’ve heard it before in the words of the Lord Jesus, perhaps most forcefully in the simple call ‘Follow me.’” —Russell D. Moore, dean, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary “Through solid examination of the Scriptures and compelling testimonies from believers enduring persecution, my friend David Platt pulls back the curtain on subtle dangers weakening the church in our Western culture.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I subsequently volunteered to analyze and review the significance of "Radical" for "Mission Frontiers," a major mission strategy magazine. Before dismissing "Radical" based on nothing more than the plausibility of a negative review, I encourage you to use Amazon's "look inside" feature or read the first chapter, available free on-line [Google "Someone Worth Losing Everything For"]. - David Platt". BOOK SUMMARY. David Platt's book "Radical" reflects a wider move of God through which He is stirring His people to live radically for Him to finish discipling all nations (Mt. "Radical" overlaps heavily with Francis Chan's Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God in urging God's people to live "all out" for Jesus, but puts forth a much clearer picture of the global purposes which God is working to accomplish through His people, and a more practical suggestion for how God's people can begin intentionally engaging together in obeying God and impacting His world. From the one out of eight reviews of "Radical" which are negative, it is apparent that: - some will read "Radical" as a guilt trip or an appeal for wealth distribution, - others will question Dr. Platt's motives, lifestyle or position, and. - those who love money will mock the idea of living sacrificially as the Pharisees did. Extracted from the caring tone of Platt's audio presentations, some will experience the book as a guilt trip. While Dr. Platt effectively develops God's intention for those He has blessed to join Him in caring for the poor, inexperienced Western Christians far too often translate this simplistically as "giving to the poor." Unfortunately the current edition of "Radical" does nothing to address this problem (a later edit may), but to his credit Dr. Platt asks that all of his small group leaders read Fikkert and Corbett's When Helping Hurts: Alleviating Poverty Without Hurting the Poor. - Most real friends of the True King will find value in "Radical" and want to share it with others. Google "Mission Frontiers Radical not about me"]. "Radical" is NOT likely to be appreciated by those who. - are prone to feelings of guilt, - want to justify their attachment to the things of this world, or. - are not prepared to give their lives to drawing close to Jesus and joining Him in His global purpose. ---. Today, 11/7/2010, I have moved the following items to a comment under today's date: - my own transformation of perspective toward "Radical,". - how God is using "Radical" like He has used "Crazy Love,". - my unusual involvement in promoting "Radical," and. - related free resources to help you live radically for our King."
"Other books after this are repetitive and seem biased toward his denominational and personal ideologies, but these two books - "Radical" and "Radical Together" are excellent."
"In his book “Radical,” David Platt presents a challenge to the American church, which he believes is obsessed with over-indulgence and living the American Dream."
"I like to form my own opinions about my faith and base it off the Bible so I take all my Christian living books with a grain of salt."
"Great book with great discussion points!"
"In the least, it's good to consider the ramifications of our lifestyle and what God is commanding and/or asking of us. Does our lifestyle get in the way of our relationships? The author is encouraging us to find what stands in the way of our lives, our relationships, our relationship with God, and God's mission for the world, and do the hard work he has done and take steps to eradicate from our lives that which we have enthroned above God."
"This is a challenging read and really pushes a believer to examine where they stand in this life."
Best Christian Stewardship

New York Times bestselling author of the forthcoming God's Wisdom for Navigating Life Timothy Keller shows how God calls on each of us to express meaning and purpose through our work and careers. "Tim Keller's ministry in New York City is leading a generation of seekers and skeptics toward belief in God. Drawing on decades of study and ministry, Every Good Endeavor may soon become one of the most important contemporary books on faith and work." Every Good Endeavor deftly explains how we can relish and enjoy our work while honoring God and serving others, all the while avoiding the extremes of negativity on the one hand and idolatry on the other." In 1989 he started Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City with his wife, Kathy, and their three sons. He is the author of The Songs of Jesus , Prayer , Encounters with Jesus , Walking with God Through Pain and Suffering , and The Meaning of Marriage , among others, including the perennial bestsellers The Reason for God and The Prodigal God . After her CEO roles at One Touch Systems and Pensare, Redeemer Presbyterian Church recruited Katherine to lead the church’s efforts in marketplace ministry, now called the Center for Faith & Work, which has grown to serve more than two thousand people a year.
Find Best Price at Amazon"He invites the reader to find his purpose in joining in on what God is doing for the world through your company."
"Every Good Endeavor reminded me that I was created for good work and there is glory to the Lord that comes from excellence in my work."
"Before starting this book I had a misconception that ministry glorifies God more than work, but Keller shows that God is glorified in all things."
"Every one should read this book to help us all understand that our vocation is for the Kingdom regardless of what it is (as long as it is not sinful)."
"Timothy Keller addresses the stereotypes and provides an uplifting, Biblical view of doing well, setting a positive example and just plain getting more out of life."
"I was on my way to a meeting and I put my book down on the secretary's desk to sign in and she looked at me... "Funny that you put that book there?""
"While I may still write that book one day, as a second career Pastor coming from the world of retail, I am thrilled to offer this book to any of my parishioners who are seeking a deeper understanding of how their work relates to the work of God in the world. In fact, after reading it, some have joined together to start an inter-church study on the topic of work and are starting with Keller's book."
"One of our all time favorites...have read it multiple times myself, given as gift."
Best Christian Professional Growth

New York Times bestselling author of the forthcoming God's Wisdom for Navigating Life Timothy Keller shows how God calls on each of us to express meaning and purpose through our work and careers. "Tim Keller's ministry in New York City is leading a generation of seekers and skeptics toward belief in God. Drawing on decades of study and ministry, Every Good Endeavor may soon become one of the most important contemporary books on faith and work." Every Good Endeavor deftly explains how we can relish and enjoy our work while honoring God and serving others, all the while avoiding the extremes of negativity on the one hand and idolatry on the other." In 1989 he started Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City with his wife, Kathy, and their three sons. He is the author of The Songs of Jesus , Prayer , Encounters with Jesus , Walking with God Through Pain and Suffering , and The Meaning of Marriage , among others, including the perennial bestsellers The Reason for God and The Prodigal God . After her CEO roles at One Touch Systems and Pensare, Redeemer Presbyterian Church recruited Katherine to lead the church’s efforts in marketplace ministry, now called the Center for Faith & Work, which has grown to serve more than two thousand people a year.
Find Best Price at Amazon"He invites the reader to find his purpose in joining in on what God is doing for the world through your company."
"Every Good Endeavor reminded me that I was created for good work and there is glory to the Lord that comes from excellence in my work."
"Before starting this book I had a misconception that ministry glorifies God more than work, but Keller shows that God is glorified in all things."
"Every one should read this book to help us all understand that our vocation is for the Kingdom regardless of what it is (as long as it is not sinful)."
"Timothy Keller addresses the stereotypes and provides an uplifting, Biblical view of doing well, setting a positive example and just plain getting more out of life."
"I was on my way to a meeting and I put my book down on the secretary's desk to sign in and she looked at me... "Funny that you put that book there?""
"While I may still write that book one day, as a second career Pastor coming from the world of retail, I am thrilled to offer this book to any of my parishioners who are seeking a deeper understanding of how their work relates to the work of God in the world. In fact, after reading it, some have joined together to start an inter-church study on the topic of work and are starting with Keller's book."
"One of our all time favorites...have read it multiple times myself, given as gift."
Best Christian Death & Grief Counseling

To Heaven and Back is Mary’s remarkable story of her life’s spiritual journey and what happened as she moved from life to death to eternal life, and back again. Having grown up with a fear of drowning, I was surprised to find my transition from life to death was seamless, peaceful, and beautiful. Although I tried to be a "good" and "moral" person, my faith was not integrated into my daily life and the demands of work and family left little time to think about spirituality. I try not to miss opportunities to uplift or encourage the spiritual life of others, and I live with gratitude and joy, knowing that I never face challenges alone. I was expected to share my experiences and my story with others, helping transform their faith into compete trust that God keeps His promises. In fact, my death and return to life is the greatest gift I have ever received, and I am continually grateful for having had this experience. I do not know the answer, but I am a scientist by training, a skeptic by nature, and a very concrete, rational thinker. It seems that most stories, mine included, contain some consistent elements--that of an overwhelming sense of God's love and forgiveness, intense peace and beauty and no desire to return to Earth. Before we return to Heaven, our real home, we have an incredible opportunity on Earth to face challenges that will help us learn, grow and to become more Christ-like in the fruits of our spirit.
Find Best Price at Amazon"At the same time that Dr. Mary Neal was drowning in a river in Chile, her husband, Bill, appeared to me in a dream. In this way, it's easy to read and difficult to put down, vividly descriptive and completely convincing, humbling and inspiring. The reason to read this remarkable account is witness, which is one of the few ways that we have left to hack a little hole in our jungle of unbelief."
"Was dissatisfied."
"I loved this book."
"Reading this account will touch you with the ways God has shown up in your life all along."
"An interesting read, but not as moving as I had hoped."
"Always love to hear about Heaven."
"As for the leftist political affiliations, I just ignore that part and if she honestly only wrote about her Heaven experience and visits with angels (or as she felt, Jesus) then it wouldn't be long enough for a book (in my opinion)."
"Really really loved this book."
Best Christian Self-Help

Licensed in over eighty-five languages, The Purpose Driven Life is far more than just a book; it is a guide to a spiritual journey. Living out the purpose you were created for moves you beyond mere survival and success to a life of significance—the life you were meant to live. Rick Warren is often called "America's most influential spiritual leader."
Find Best Price at Amazon"Perfect!"
"Amazing book. I’ll read t over and over all year."
"Awesome book, everyone should read this."
"This is a very good read."
"I bought two of these with the read along book and passed to someone else that I wanted to share the experience with."
"Great read it is paper back with didn't bother me at all but great book."
Best Men's Christan Living

When Navy SEAL Adam Brown woke up on March 17, 2010, he didn’t know he would die that night in the Hindu Kush Mountains of Afghanistan—but he was ready: In a letter to his children, not meant to be seen unless the worst happened, he wrote, “I’m not afraid of anything that might happen to me on this earth, because I know no matter what, nothing can take my spirit from me.”. Long before Adam Brown became a member of the elite SEAL Team SIX—the counterterrorism unit that took down Osama bin Laden—he was a fun-loving country boy from Hot Springs, Arkansas, whose greatest goal had been to wear his high school’s football jersey. An absorbing chronicle of heroism and humanity, Fearless presents an indelible portrait of a highly trained warrior who would enter a village with weapons in hand to hunt terrorists, only to come back the next day with an armload of shoes and meals for local children. It succeeds where all the others have failed.” —Anonymous SEAL Team SIX Operator “Adam Brown’s zest for life led him down a few dark alleys and more than one dead end. In his latest book, Fearless , Eric Blehm does a marvelous and moving job uncovering the man—the men—beneath the SEAL mythology of elite, rock-hard warriors, renowned for their courage and skill. The SEALs in Fearless hug their children, seek comfort from their wives, wear Batman briefs, answer to names like Big Bird and Fozzy, mourn lost buddies, and risk their lives to rescue civilians from the field of fire. This book will motivate you to challenge yourself to be…fearless.” —SEAL teammate of Adam Brown, BUD/S Class 226 “There is a quote from the Bible etched onto the memorial that stands in the shadow of World Trade Center steel that resembles a massive trident: ‘Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send? Fearless is a clear and deeply honest portrait of an authentic American man who lived and loved with an intrepid personal velocity. “ Fearless stands unique among works of modern combat literature through author Eric Blehm’s masterful weaving of a fallen Navy SEAL’s professional war-fighting life with his complex personal victories and travails. Eric Blehm is the best-selling author of The Only Thing Worth Dying For, which recounts the harrowing story of the first Special Forces A-team to infiltrate Taliban-held southern Afghanistan weeks after 9/11. The Last Season, winner of the National Outdoor Book Award, was named by Outside magazine as one of the ten “greatest adventure biographies ever written.” Blehm lives in California with his wife and children.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I didn't regret it the first time I bought it, or the second time I bought it to replace my ruined book."
"While any journey to wear a SEAL Trident takes a monumental effort, Adams journey is even more incredible with all the stumbling blocks he encountered. The author spoke with his childhood friends and family and in the first 80 pages outlined the story of a fun-loving kid. He was a kid who liked to push himself and loved dangerous feats, like jumping off of bridges into the river. I have seen first-hand the damage that drugs like crack can do, so this story is even more amazing that he reached the top tier of the Navy SEALs while having to overcome the constant call of his crack addiction. He caved in his shinbone, had back problems, arthritis, walked around in constant pain all while fighting the urge to smoke crack, yet he still managed to overcome these issues, any one of which would disqualify a normal man, yet he still forged on. In Afghanistan he would never leave any checkpoint or observation post without helping fill sandbags or in some way fortifying the outpost. He would regularly give away his MREs to the local children and even organized his church to send kids sneakers when he realized that the local Afghan children had to wear open sandals during the harsh mountain winters."
"This deeply moving book is about a man who overcame huge challenges as a husband, father, and Navy SEAL."
"Like many of us, his family is affected by his actions and suffers their own doubts and fears until they turn to a local Pastor who shares some of their experience. Adam's story is told by his family, friends and fellow Seals who were anxious to tell of their friends willingness to volunteer for the tough assignments, to struggle on even when wounded and his strong team spirit all which made him a fearless hero in their eyes."
"Great book."
"This book had me from the beginning."
"I listened to the audiobook version while driving at work and if you could imagine a grown man driving all by themselves laughing out loud, shaking his head in frustration, and even balling his eyes out at parts ..."
Best Spiritual Warfare

And she shares the trials, tragedies, and ultimate victories from her own marriage, family, and ministry that led her to wondrous, life-transforming truth--and reveals her thoughts and feelings every step of the way. Meyer writes a valuable and convincing primer on what Buddhists would call "mindfulness" from a dedicated Christian perspective.
Find Best Price at Amazon"When I was younger, a stay at home mom, I would say that my family was just like the soap opera All My Children. I quit making the negative statements and watched my family return to peace."
"I honestly believe after I read this book that my mind became untangled."
"I never realized all the years that I have spent in my same repetitive thought patterns."
"Read the book, which is great... Bought these for my mother in law & listened to a little bit of the 1st CD."
"Although I bought the study guide, I eventually quit using it because it seemed better to let the Holy Spirit lead by allowing the discussion to unfold as we reviewed the material. If you are new to leading a group or completing the study independently, you may want to purchase the guide as well."
"Another great Joyce Meyer success!"
"This book is one of the best books I will ever have!"
"I just love this book!"