Best Volunteer Work

We meet people like Dr. Gary Slutkin, who developed his landmark Cure Violence program to combat inner-city conflicts in the United States by applying principles of epidemiology; Lester Strong, who left a career as a high-powered television anchor to run an organization bringing in older Americans to tutor students in public schools across the country; MIT development economist Esther Duflo, whose pioneering studies of aid effectiveness have revealed new truths about, among other things, the power of hope; and Jessica Posner and Kennedy Odede, who are transforming Kenya’s most notorious slum by expanding educational opportunities for girls. “Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn show you, through many amazing vignettes matched with serious evidence, that you can make a difference. Seize one of the many opportunities it lists, and change lives for the better, including your own.” — The New York Times Book Review “ A Path Appears is an exhaustive though not exhausting profile of giving, with surprising guidance—indeed, coaching—on how to be an effective giver. “Readers will be inspired by the stories [Kristof and WuDunn] tell….There are so many problems in the world, and so many organizations wanting charitable donations, that we can sometimes feel overwhelmed. Kristof and WuDunn’s commitment and passion for substantial action is inspiring.” — Publishers Weekly “[Kristof and WuDunn’s] vibrant portraits of ordinary citizens who are motivated to effect real and dramatic change present a rallying call to action and a voice for the power of volunteerism….This is a slow-go read in the most positive sense; it is hard not to constantly put down the book in order to further investigate the many exemplary causes that are profiled.” —Booklist “The authors deliver a profound message that packs a wallop.” —Kirkus “ A Path Appears . shows how someone with little can make a massive difference to the world we live in.” — The Christian Post “This is a lyrical guide that addresses the deep human yearning to make a difference. A Path Appears offers practical steps that any of us can take to empower others, and ourselves.” —Anne Rice. “Nobody clarifies the social challenges of our time, or the moral imperative to help meet them, better than Nick Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. Their latest book, A Path Appears, offers an inspiring roundup of the many simple and effective ways in which we can lend our hearts and talents to grow hope and opportunity both at home and around the globe—and an important reminder that just because we can’t do everything doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do something.” —President Bill Clinton. “Nick Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn have done us all a great service by shining a light on the problems faced by the poor. With insight, compassion and optimism, Kristof and WuDunn show us that we can all play a role in making the world a better place. “ A Path Appears is an insightful book focused on how individuals can contribute to positive change and the remarkable people behind the organizations that make it happen. A Path Appears is a helpful and inspiring guide for anyone who wonders what difference a single person can make in building a more hopeful world.” —President Jimmy Carter, founder of the not-for-profit Carter Center. “While reading A Path Appears , I felt I was taking a much needed rest under a shaded grove of trees on my own journey to ‘make a difference.’ I highly recommend it as an absolutely terrific investment of time that will leave those who read it more hopeful and motivated.” — Deborah Fikes, executive advisor of the World Evangelical Alliance. Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, husband and wife, have coauthored three previous books: Half the Sky , Thunder from the East , and China Wakes .
Find Best Price at Amazon"At the end of the book, the authors summarize: 1) Find an issue that draws you in and research it. 2) Volunteer, get involved, or do something more than just writing checks. 3) Use your voice to spread the word or advocate for those who are voiceless. These are really great ideas, but I wished they had been drawn out sooner so readers could be thinking about this approach while reading the chapters. I do think people will feel increased hope after reading it, but my concern is that the people naturally drawn to a book such as this are likely already in a giving mindset, it may have been a better service to the concept to make the book a little more reader friendly to appeal to a wider audience and change their perspective."
"Kristof and WuDunn follow on the successful Half the Sky and continual coverage of social issues through news stories, columns and social media in this work that makes the connection between the stories they tell and the audience that consumes them."
"As I was about to start reading this book, I hoped I would see that there are many good people out there trying to make a change in the lives of people in need. As for the other parts of the book, it is completely based on experimental data and should be read by all those concerned with the lives of the people we share this Earth with."
"From understanding the importance of regularly speaking with your children to learning about how giving chemically affects your body; this book will enlighten you and change your perspective on how to give meaningfully and help someone who can't help themselves without you."
"Would highly recommend this book for those that need some practical ideas and inspiration to jump in."
"We cannot avoid the fact that there are discouraging circumstances all about us, but Krustof and WuDunn demonstrate that "A Path Appears" to each of us who want to do more than stew about the complexity of the problems that plague us."
"I like this book a fair amount."
"I bought this book as a gift for a good friend of mine and they have made it a calling to take action on problems they see."

Retirement guide: For four decades, Hyrum W. Smith has been empowering people to effectively govern their personal and professional lives. Welcome to your new life of retirement and good living: This distinguished author, speaker, and businessman combines wit and enthusiasm with a gift for communicating compelling principles that inspire lasting personal change. Hyrum shares a lifetime of wisdom in this powerful retirement guide to discovering your true passion, re-imagining your life, and trying new possibilities. A must-read for everyone approaching retirement, and their spouses.”. "Hyrum is really on to something in his new book Purposeful Retirement because Baby Boomers are signing up for Social Security at a rate of 10,000 a day. I agree wholeheartedly with Hyrum Smith: you may be retired, but you can still live with meaning, purpose and energy." Hyrum is the author of nationally-acclaimed books and presentations including The 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management, What Matters Most, Pain is Inevitable Misery is Optional, You Are What You Believe, and The Three Gaps.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I will definitely update this review when I get back to my computer as i just finished reading this on my Kindle Fire HD 8" tablet. I don't know if it helps or hurts having read his other works, as it gives the reader certain expectations. This book helps you think about what you want to do in retirement, offers some suggestions, and most of all is a call to action for you to ( full in the blank here because it's different for each of us.)."
"Everyone dreams of retirement -- especially on Monday mornings."
"This book is one you don't want to miss if you are planning to retire or even if you have already retired."
"The best book of its kind that I have read so far."
"Hyrum shares with passion counsel for those on the cusp of retirement."
"The item arrived on time and as described."

We donate our time and money to charities and causes we deem worthy, choose careers we consider meaningful, and patronize businesses and buy products we believe make the world a better place. While a researcher at Oxford, trying to figure out which career would allow him to have the greatest impact, William MacAskill confronted this problem head on. As an antidote, he and his colleagues developed effective altruism, a practical, data-driven approach that allows each of us to make a tremendous difference regardless of our resources. Steven D. Levitt, #1 New York Times bestselling co-author of Freakonomics and When to Rob a Bank This is the most valuable guide to charitable giving ever published. Paul Brest , co-director, Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society and former president, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. And in this powerful and persuasive book, William MacAskill shows us how much we stand to gain from a little bit of thoughtfulness: The same donation could do hundreds of times more good if given to the most effective charities, rather than the least. Steven Pinker , Johnstone Family Professor of Psychology at Harvard University and author of The Better Angels of Our NatureDoing Good Better is a superb achievement. Doing Good Better has rare combination of strikingly original ideas, effortless clarity of delivery, and a thoroughgoing practicality that leaves the reader inspired to get out of their chair and take on the world. Eric Drexler , founder of nanotechnology and author of Engines of Creation MacAskill tackles a monumental question: how can we make the biggest difference for the greatest number of people?
Find Best Price at Amazon"My guess is that many people reading this review are charitable people who want to know if their hard earned money is well spent when they give it to their favorite charity. In his new book, William MacAskill, cofounder of the Effective Altruism Movement, gives us a thoughtful method for determining what charities will make best use of our contributions and make a genuine difference for good in the lives of desperate and destitute people. From beginning to end he tells us interesting stories about people who make a difference for good. As we think about our own pattern of giving to charity, MacAskill encourages us to establish a regular habit of giving and to evaluate carefully whether our time spent serving in a charitable organization or working to earn money to give the organization is more valuable. From beginning to end Doing Good Better is about enlightened behavior; that is, thinking less about self and more about connecting with networks that make a difference for good in the lives of the poor and unfortunate people of this world. People who read MacAskill's well written and thoughtful book have a game plan for action, not only in how to contribute meaningfully to worthy charities, but also to consider how to structure their lives to get the most from their talents and the best opportunities to use these talents to help others."
"As a 78 year old codger, I've spent the almost five years since my wife's death mourning and then selling off real estate and other assets to simplify my life, being sure my family's and my own needs are met, and devoting the balance to charitable giving -- something my wife and I agreed on throughout her long illness -- we had plenty of discussions about the matter. So far, in 18 projects, my financial ratio has ranged from a negative 1.0 to an average of 6.4 -- trending higher as I gain experience. 34 years of caregiving taught me that I make many, many mistakes, but if I analyze the reasons and find a way to do better in the future, I can turn that 1 into a 2. I will apply additional lessons from this fine book, and report on my progress or lack thereof as time goes on."
"Doing Good Better is a great introduction to effective altruism and the sort of rational, evidence-based reasoning that is extremely helpful to making sure that what we do in our lives actually effectively fulfills our values."
Best Career Guides

The new expanded edition of Tim Ferriss’ The 4-Hour Workweek includes: • More than 50 practical tips and case studies from readers (including families) who have doubled income, overcome common sticking points, and reinvented themselves using the original book as a starting point. • Real-world templates you can copy for eliminating e-mail, negotiating with bosses and clients, or getting a private chef for less than $8 a meal. • How Lifestyle Design principles can be suited to unpredictable economic times. • The latest tools and tricks, as well as high-tech shortcuts, for living like a diplomat or millionaire without being either. -- Dr. Stewart D. Friedman, Adviser to Jack Welch and Former Vice President Al Gore on Work/Family Issues, Director of the Work/Life Integration Project, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania "Stunning and amazing. -- Phil Town, #1 New York Times Bestselling Author of "Rule #1 "The 4-Hour Workweek is a new way of solving a very old problem: just how can we work to live and prevent our lives from being all about work?
Find Best Price at Amazon"Don't get me wrong, Ferriss makes some excellent points and he's got some really great tips and tricks in here, I'm just not sure how universal they really are. I thought he was just talking about ways to spend less time working, but that "The 4-Hour" just sounded good (since he now has a whole line of books with titles that start that way). I never did understand the point of retirement, so Ferriss's plan sounds much more appealing to me. Granted, that would make my job a whole lot more portable, but I could never get away with only working four hours per week (at least not until after I sell that bestselling novel, which is such a realistic plan!). I, too, thought I could get another job within a few months, but that did not turn out to be the case. So, if I go spend all my money on a mini-retirement now, and then come back only to find that I can't get a job for another year, I'll be screwed. I love them, but they have enough to deal with right now, and the last thing I want to do is burden the people around me because I decided to go globe-trotting for a few months."
"Practicing the book context for over 2 months now."
"The second half suggests how you can spend all your new free time!"
"First edition was easier to read."
"I gav the book 4 stars because I felt it starts iff a little slow but soon you are asking yurself why you neve thought of looking at something in that way befire."
"Mostly conceptual with a few chapters of application, this book introduced me to mind blowing concepts (automated business, outsourcing and traveling inexpensive etc.)."
"Seriously, he begins by admitting he first made his fortune selling (allegedly) nutritional supplements that cost almost nothing to make and weren't based on science, but were then hyped to the point the uninformed public was paying through the nose to get it. This gave him ideas on how to further hype his message to an even larger audience, without bothering to sell anything tangible. He then gives advice about "paraphrasing and combining points from several books," borrowing from the public domain, and/or compensating some other "expert." Apparently, not knowing a damn thing is a virtue he calls "Cultivating Selective Ignorance." If having an educated and well-informed populace is fundamental to having a flourishing democracy, this is how we'll end up with a plutocracy where the stupidest few prey on the desperate and stupid masses, while outsourcing all the jobs they might create. Outsource everything -- including your brain -- to a 3rd World Country: He hires virtual assistants in various 3rd World Countries, especially India, who are then given fabulous access to all of his personal information to the point they can pretend to be him and make all of his personal and business decisions. Hey, what could possibly go wrong by hiring complete strangers and giving them all information about you in order to think for you, do your work and run your errands? Just tell him you're too busy and further kill morale by then asking those other suckers - aka, co-workers - for a quick breakdown of what happened."
Best Vocational Guidance

From the author: “For the last two years, I’ve interviewed nearly two hundred world-class performers for my podcast, The Tim Ferriss Show. For most of my guests, it’s the first time they’ve agreed to a two-to-three-hour interview, and the show is on the cusp of passing 100 million downloads. I’ve used dozens of the tactics and philosophies in high-stakes negotiations, high-risk environments, or large business dealings. The lessons have made me millions of dollars and saved me years of wasted effort and frustration. The Observer and other media have named him “the Oprah of audio” due to the influence of his podcast, The Tim Ferriss Show , which has exceeded 200 million downloads and been selected for “Best of iTunes” three years running.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I have hereditary cholesterol problems and my forays into a ketogenic lifestyle dropped my particle count from ~1950 to ~1225. There are many other great things that have come as a result of my exposure to Tim's podcast, too many to list here. This is supposedly a "recipe book" (according to page xvi in the Foreword). A few guests on his podcast have amazing things to say about meditation (Sam Harris, Naval Ravikant, Kevin Rose, etc.). But there is no central place to which you can turn to find out the collected wisdom of the many guests who have delved into this topic. In fact, there's not even one central place in the book that gives a list of the commonalities between the guests. They have the discipline to turn down the good, so that they can pursue (and achieve) the great. It might teach the tactics and routines and habits of world-class performers, but there's FAR TOO MUCH here to make it valuable in showing YOU how to achieve those heights."
"This book suffers from the expectations of his previous work--Tim is honest about presenting "Tools of Titans" as sort of a glimpse of his journals/notes from his life's work, but this book loses nearly everything we've come to expect. It's WebMD with a clouded's a bit like a bound website without the hyperlinking. He's shown he's capable of completely rethinking a problem or a lifestyle or a way of doing things, and this book isn't like that at all."
"It was worth the price especially after 200+free episodes of the podcast which I enjoy every week."
"I ordered this book yesterday, and it showed up on my door step today. The book is laid out in a format that is easy to navigate should you want to go back to reference again."
"The four-hour work week was a mindset changer, the 4-hour body gave me a playbook for anything I want to do physically and the 4-hour chef showed me how to have fun learning. The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich. The 4 Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat Loss, Incredible Sex and Becoming Superhuman. The 4-Hour Chef: The Simple Path to Cooking Like a Pro, Learning Anything, and Living the Good Life."
Best Internships

It is used in The College of Business Administration and the Department of Psychology for their Professional Development and Career Readiness. classes for over 10,000 students. You will learn how to; - Develop the interpersonal skills needed to encourage people to meet you, quickly like &. trust you - so you can connect and build relationships into a network that will help you. - Ask your connections the right questions about the daily activities, work environment & career potential of many different positions -. so you can t. arget jobs you are likely to enjoy. - Gain the right skills & experience, including internships, to build your competitive advantage to meet the specific needs of your targeted jobs and employers. - Build relevant profiles on social media such as LinkedIn using "key words" those employers are likely to search on. - A process to consistently solve problems & complete difficult tasks to help you develop a reputation for getting things done. It covers how to understand and exceed. expectations from the day you join, use these same principles to build your team with the right people - and land the promotions of your dreams -. all the way to the top. The great news for you, the job seeker, is that virtually no business can keep growing without employing more of the right people. To make things worse, many repeat job seekers have no clear idea of what a better job looks like, or how to find it, land it, and be more successful in it than their last job. Taking a long time to land a job is clearly frustrating and depressing. *. People who landed career positions before they even graduated. *. People who lost their jobs but landed others within weeks. The key to the above success stories is that the individuals recognized that developing the dream, i.e. identifying what you want to do, then developing and maximizing your relevance to that dream, followed by finding and landing the actual job of your dreams, with good pay and benefits, and then succeeding in it and getting promoted - involves a number of activities and skills that need to be applied in a well thought out and well timed process. Without detailed guidance from people actually already doing what you want to do, you are guessing about what job you want and how to become the winning candidate. With 51% of graduates failing to land a career job inside two years and over 70% indicating they do not enjoy their job - statistics clearly indicate that without a well executed plan over half of you will get this wrong. It also ensures you are the candidate employers want to KEEP by teaching you how to succeed in the job, how to make a positive and fulfilling impact, and how to become a future leader.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I found this book very enlightening towards the entire process of finding and succeeding in a job."
"I was able to successfully target and employer, position myself as a top candidate and negotiate salary on my terms."
"In order to get a job that allows you to build a foundation for your career, cultivate your skill set and ultimately advance into higher roles within an organization, you have to find a way to separate yourself from the rest."
"As a previous Human Resources executive at John H. Harland and at Ernst & Young, I can attest that This Is Who We Hire hits the mark."
"Great price and came in perfect condition."
"Next, the author shows you how to keep the job, succeed in the job and get promoted."
"I am UCF marketing student at the moment and the book has not only helped me out in my classes but also out in the professional world."
"Having worked with many different types of companies with a variety of cultures, understanding how imperative it is to truly grasp the concept of, and incorporating, expert interpersonal skills can and will define either your progression, or regression, in your career. If a new college student would start their career off right following the advice in this book, then they would certainly not only be the person the employer would hire, but would climb the corporate ladder as a rapid pace."
Best Job Hunting

Early in his software developer career, John Sonmez discovered that technical knowledge alone isn't enough to break through to the next income level - developers need "soft skills" like the ability to learn new technologies just in time, communicate clearly with management and consulting clients, negotiate a fair hourly rate, and unite teammates and coworkers in working toward a common goal. Plus how helping your manager with his goals can make you the MVP of your team The technical skills that every professional developer must have - but no one teaches you (most developers are missing some critical pieces, they don't teach this stuff in college, you're expected to just "know" this) An inside look at the recruiting industry. Brand New Developers In this book you'll discover what it's like to be a professional software developer, how to go from "I know some code" to possessing the skills to work on a development team, how to speed along your learning by avoiding common beginner traps, and how to decide whether you should invest in a programming degree or "bootcamp." Not Just For Beginners--Guaranteed To Make You A Better Developer When I first started reading this book I was skeptical. Rui FigueiredoSoftware Developer and Computer Science PhDDublin, Ireland Deals With The Human Side Of Software Development. This book is different from all other software development books I have read because it deals with the human side of software development. Even though as software developers we are surrounded with the latest technology, we are still people with feelings, fears and dreams, and John's book focuses on that. The Complete Software Developer's Career Guide is a great resource that I wish that I had years earlier in my career and in my education. Fernando Z.Senior Software Developer, Blogger and Programming FanaticCentral Texas Get It Even If You're NOT In Software Development. Invaluable advice for any software developer, from entry-level to senior. John Sonmez is a software developer and the author of two bestselling books, The Complete Software Developer's Career Guide and Soft Skills: The Software Developer's Life Manual. He's also the founder of the Simple Programmer blog and YouTube channel, where he reaches 1.4 million software developers yearly and helps them develop the unique blend of skills that made him a highly paid, highly sought-after developer and consultant.
Find Best Price at Amazon"This was the only book I found at Audible that seemed relevant to my job as a developer, and I enjoyed it enough that I bought a print copy (so I could follow the references more easily) and started reading John’s blog and listening to his podcast. This massive (almost 800 pages) tome is broken down into five sections: getting started as a software developer, getting a job, what you need to know about software development, working as a developer, and advancing your career."
"Reading it feels like he wrote it in a patronizing tone. Just "here's the basics, and a link where you can buy my other book which actually talks about this!""
"I have a software development podcast of my own (Complete Developer Podcast - no relation to the book title) and I can confidently say that John's material still helps me, even though I'm now a content producer myself. It's not such a huge book because he's wordy - it's a huge book because he has a tremendous amount of knowledge to share with those in the industry, including the more experienced developers like myself."
"Disclaimer, I have been following John and his “crew” for quite a while and purchased a few of his products. This book did not get five stars because the subject matter is fluid and requires YOU to keep up after the purchase."
"Anyone who is considering a career in web development, app development, virtual reality, or game development (good luck) should look no further than this book."
Best Job Interviewing

Early in his software developer career, John Sonmez discovered that technical knowledge alone isn't enough to break through to the next income level - developers need "soft skills" like the ability to learn new technologies just in time, communicate clearly with management and consulting clients, negotiate a fair hourly rate, and unite teammates and coworkers in working toward a common goal. Plus how helping your manager with his goals can make you the MVP of your team The technical skills that every professional developer must have - but no one teaches you (most developers are missing some critical pieces, they don't teach this stuff in college, you're expected to just "know" this) An inside look at the recruiting industry. Brand New Developers In this book you'll discover what it's like to be a professional software developer, how to go from "I know some code" to possessing the skills to work on a development team, how to speed along your learning by avoiding common beginner traps, and how to decide whether you should invest in a programming degree or "bootcamp." Not Just For Beginners--Guaranteed To Make You A Better Developer When I first started reading this book I was skeptical. Rui FigueiredoSoftware Developer and Computer Science PhDDublin, Ireland Deals With The Human Side Of Software Development. This book is different from all other software development books I have read because it deals with the human side of software development. Even though as software developers we are surrounded with the latest technology, we are still people with feelings, fears and dreams, and John's book focuses on that. The Complete Software Developer's Career Guide is a great resource that I wish that I had years earlier in my career and in my education. Fernando Z.Senior Software Developer, Blogger and Programming FanaticCentral Texas Get It Even If You're NOT In Software Development. Invaluable advice for any software developer, from entry-level to senior. John Sonmez is a software developer and the author of two bestselling books, The Complete Software Developer's Career Guide and Soft Skills: The Software Developer's Life Manual. He's also the founder of the Simple Programmer blog and YouTube channel, where he reaches 1.4 million software developers yearly and helps them develop the unique blend of skills that made him a highly paid, highly sought-after developer and consultant.
Find Best Price at Amazon"The book meets the breadth and depth requirements one would expect of a software developers' career guide. I wish I had a book like this when I was starting out as a software developer back in the days."
"It is a combination of technical advise with personal advise addressed to software developers, and being one for more than 20 years, I can say that it is something that we all should know, but it is not as clear as we think until we see somebody writing this or telling you these."
"Not that I have learned a lot of new things from the book (I've been a software developer for quite some time, after all)."
"The Complete Software Developer's Career Guide continues on the path blazed by Sonmez's Soft Skills of taking the complexity in our life (and in this book's case, your software engineering career) and breaking it down into manageable & actionable chunks."
"I first heard of John Sonmez from his Soft Skills book."
"Well much of the information you can get online, but if you prefer to know software career development by reading book, then this is a good book."
"I read this book as John was writing it."
"I only finished one third of Johns newest books but I can already wholeheartedly recommend it to every software developer who wanna improve is career of life in general."
Best Job Resumes

This newly revised edition features: • Unique techniques like "The 60 Second Sell" and "The 5-Point Agenda". • Over 125 answers to tough, tricky interview questions employers often ask. • How to handle structured or behavioral interview questions. • Questions you should always ask, and questions you should never ask. • How to deal effectively with any salary questions to preserve your negotiating power. • 20 interview pitfalls to avoid. • Proven negotiation techniques that secure higher salaries - and much more! Robin Ryan is the bestselling author seven career books and has been a career counselor for over 20 years, and has been hailed by the Boston Globe as “ America’s top job search expert ” .
Find Best Price at Amazon"Perhaps a great value addition could also have been a couple of nice examples and/or working templates for resumes/cover letters that actually sell (Get You Hired)."
"Tips, guidelines, notes - everything you need for your next job interview."
"I read this book several years ago (just forgot to post a review back then)."
"This is a good book to help prepare you for interviews."
"This is a must read for anyone preparing for a job interview."
"The job market has dramatically changed the last two years with more social media to consider in a job hunt."
"Take the time and read it and follow as much of it as you can, practice, practice, practice."
"Probably the best interview prep book on the market."
Best Business School Guides

Through a prescriptive approach, Dalton explains how to wade through the Internet’s sea of information and create a job-search system that relies on mainstream technology such as Excel, Google, LinkedIn, and alumni databases to create a list of target employers, contact them, and then secure an interview—with only two hours of effort. ---Kirkus Steve Dalton is a senior career consultant and associate director at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business.
Find Best Price at Amazon"It describes how to prioritize jobs that you find, which might not be important if you plan on applying to EVERY plausible job you find (which I've done from time to time). (Now I only send out LinkedIn messages since finding people's emails makes you feel like a stalker (I'm surprised how easy it is to find people's emails :-x), and although I've gotten a few nibbles by sending those emails, I've been able to connect better by LinkedIn). Forty of them were EXACTLY like the one in the book, asking for an informational interview. I'm thankful since he was the first one who replied, but he would be classified as an Obligate in the book, someone who feels like they SHOULD help but won't really help you get a job. But then I modified the Five Point Email to just ignore the part about an informational interview. << I don't have much time to chat-- I have machine learning projects to work on-- but can I ask you about ...>>". You add in the part about not having much time to chat because you're busy working on something. Using this form of the five point email, I've actually been able to exchange LinkedIn messages with about ten people. Last week, I was able to contact a friend of a friend/TA and schedule an informational interview, but if you don't know the person, then the five point email doesn't seem to work. However, the modified form does have a pretty high hit rate if you include that you don't have time to chat and that you have work to get back to. One thing I definitely disagree with the book is that the book says you shouldn't apply to jobs the usual way through online apps. I stopped applying to jobs online for three weeks after beginning the book."
"Got it for my husband and he seems to have enjoyed reading this."
"I highly recommend Steve's book/method to anyone who is in the job hunt process."
"For those of you have only gotten jobs through their your career centers, this book helps provide a systematic approach to engaging a job search driven entirely by what's important to you."
"Useful book, sensibly written."
"The book is very helpful to structure job search as an MBA student, also has tips which would be useful beyond."
"They did not find a job in 2 hours that is for sure."
"Any job seeker can follow Dalton's plan without additional costs are resources."