Best Horse Feeding & Watering Supplies

6 foot cord exist from back, bottom of pail to prevent chewing. Heated Flat back Bucket.
Find Best Price at Amazon"Hasn't got real cold yet but with it full of water and plugged in. you can feel the bucket is very warm. The water is cool not freezing cold. and they work perfect!!"
"I can bring my dogs in during the cold and let them back out later and their water is perfect temp!"
"These buckets are great."
"Love this bigger heated bucket with a built in thermostat controlled auto on feature."
"The cord can be completely tucked inside for use all year."
"wow, HUGE bucket for my mini horse... it's just great, and doesn't freeze!"
"I highly recommend this bucket, where I lived tempetures are getting really low below zero and water is warm this really nice product."
"The last 2 buckets purchased for very mild winter and put away in warmed tack room for the rest of year do not work.."

Size: 5-Gallon |. Style: Plastic. Unique "Hide-Away" cord compartment conceals cord for year round use.
Find Best Price at Amazon"However, there is some icicle build up where the cord comes out of the bottom of the bucket."
"We used this heated water bucket as the sump on our front porch fountain. I use it as a heat sink next to my front porch wrought iron wheatgrass growing shelves."
"This winter my dog was able to have nice unfrozen water. We did not have to keep throwing out ice or filling her container with hot water to melt the ice."
"It's been freezing temps and when they are outside I always know they have water!"
"Great bargain, low wattage but kept itself clear of ice easily when air temps stayed above 5dF."
"Works great for my one horse."
"I hope i find the reason it didn't keep the water from freezing."
"All I can say is that it holds water."

The Easy-Clean Water Bowl is an automatic filling water bowl for all sized animals featuring several cost and time saving features. The Easy-Clean Auto-Fill Water Bowl is an automatic filling water bowl for all sized animals.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I have 2 very big dogs, 1 weighs 100 lbs and the other is about 65 lbs."
"Awesome for my outdoor dogs - 1 Lab and 1 Border Collie."
"This is not the heat cable's fault it is the design of the bowl mounts. They do not allow the heat cable to lay flat against the bottom of the bowl. This would have been a non issue if the cable would lay flat against the bottom of the bowl."
"It's very durable & it's a smaller sized bowl but I love it because I have a dog who loves to play in the water bowl so brings that this bowl is smaller she doesn't play in it."
"The stainless steel hose has stood up to some chewing by our dog (an Akita), with not even a mark to show for it."
"water bowl that is also provided (and kept fresh)."
"I'm going to be ordering several more as we have ponies, sheep and chickens and need more dog waters down at the barn."
"First of all to all homeowners - I would NEVER recommend using ANY product indoors which has a mechanical float attached to a OPEN water supply!! I drilled a small hole into the float and after draining the water I then blew air into the hole. After sealing all of the holes with silicone the product is back to working flawlessly. Quality testing products during the entire product lifecycle is a must if you intend to have happy and repeat customers!!"
Best Horse Feeding Supplies

With small two-inch mesh holes, slow feed netting prevents waste and encourages feeding at a slower pace.
Find Best Price at Amazon"They are huge, allowing for easy filling with lots of hay to keep the horses occupied all day."
"Usually the top tie cord fails first before the bag, and I have repaired and replace many."
"This hay bag is nice and large, will be ordering 2 more of these bags soon ,love how can fit a lot of hay and very well built."
"My goats have not chewed this apart after a few weeks of use."
"Tried feeding the Rabbits hay in it but those little buggers don't come around it, Oh well."
"Wish I had bought this years ago when we first got our two miniature donkeys."
"I love everything about this hay net!"
"I've been using this for a week so far."
Best Horse Watering Supplies

Replaceable heating element is hidden from animals.
Find Best Price at Amazon"You just plug this in and the poultry water does not freeze."
"We used this heated water bucket as the sump on our front porch fountain. I use it as a heat sink next to my front porch wrought iron wheatgrass growing shelves."
"This winter my dog was able to have nice unfrozen water. We did not have to keep throwing out ice or filling her container with hot water to melt the ice."
"It's been freezing temps and when they are outside I always know they have water!"
"Great bargain, low wattage but kept itself clear of ice easily when air temps stayed above 5dF."
"Works great for my one horse."
"I hope i find the reason it didn't keep the water from freezing."
"All I can say is that it holds water."
Best Horse Stall & Muck Supplies

Sweet PDZ is the leading stall freshener on the market and is the odor control and deodorizer of choice for thousands of horse, pet and livestock owners. Studies have concluded that low levels of ammonia stresses a horse’s upper respiratory airways placing them at risk of pneumonia, heaves, and other serious illnesses. Safe, all-natural, non-toxic horse stall refresher that eliminates harmful ammonia odor.
Find Best Price at Amazon"I use this in a section of dirt I have at my apartment."
"The difference when adding sweet pdz was immediate and pretty amazing, and I think that I'll switch over completely in the roosting area."
"And thanks to google for answering questions like, “What can I use to get rid of the smell of a gray tank spill?” It brought me directly to Amazon, and to the Sweet PDZ product."
"I love the big bag and the fact that I do not have to carry this bag home from the store."
"OMG. This is the dustiest substance I have ever come in contact with."
"Wish I'd stuck to the granular version."
Best Horse Tack Storage & Care

Regular use will maintain leather in top condition and not leave the surface slick or greasy--unlike other all purpose products. Extends the life of leather by restoring the oils used in the tanning process.
Find Best Price at Amazon"It's a lot easier and quicker to clean and condition leather with Lexol over all the other brands that I have used. One example of this is the Lexol doesn't leave a residue or require staying applied for an unreasonable amount of time to achieve good results. I use Lexol with excellent results on all types of leathers: automobiles, furniture, shoes, belts, jackets, and so on."
"I use this on items that need a general conditioning, items that are more delicate I use the Lexol Neetsfoot form, I always test first, if I notice major darkening then I switch to my other Lexol product."
"When I could get some of the Lexol to stay on the leather without getting sucked up, I let it sit for a few hours and came back to wipe it off."
"This is a great product for treating my leather furniture."
"I was impressed at how well it was absorbed into my new leather harness gear."
"Great product, much better than the supposedly great Leather Milk."
"This stuff easily applies with a paper towel, spreads well, absorbs quickly, does not have a bad or harsh smell, and leaves my leather feeling soft and supple, but NOT overly shiny and plasticky/sticky (best description I can think of) like the cheaper stuff I used to use."
"I needed a leather conditioner for my boots that wouldn't leave white residue or remove any coloring dye."